Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Feb 1935, p. 48

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Rateî- 5 cents a 11h.. Adverts.ments run ln À*11 three papers. Rate,-MINIMUMI CHARGE O1iÉ DOLLAI. Average of five words to the lune. No black face type usod. 24% uiJe.wt on al cashi advertlso- mente when brought to our office at 1282 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 19% discount. on al'advertlsemeuits run tour consecutive Issues. Deamefo isetinClassIIed.advetsements will b. c Deafiser or nsefio -oep'ted up Muédy . Lfor WILMETTE LIFE' or al three papers; VWenesday 9 P. M.' for WtN>MTkà- TALK and TËhursday à P. M.' for GILPEJCOE NEWS TMelephones: Wiimetto, 4300, Winnetka .200 (Winotk&. 500 after 8 P. M.), Groonleaf 4300. or Sheidrake .1216-1217. LOB? ANDFON LOST BOSTON BULL DOG LA SI Thura.' A.. M.'- Answors to .'Saséy." Black and white; both front, legs white. About 1 yr. old. Had no collar. Phone Wilmette 2546. . LTN43-ltp WILL ANYONE WHO WITNESL3ED the killing of. a woman. by a train à I- nden Crossing.Wllmnette ýon May îst, 1934 at"10 P. Mý. please :communicate with A. A. Lùthmers, 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago. 4LTN43-itp IF YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRES- ,sure, Arthritis, Intestinal , disorders, nervousnes.try raw vegetablo Juices -in oprAet. endfor cirscular. New. Enlad Pod laIc. 14156Siierman Ave., Evanston. Gre. 6789. 4LTN43-1tc ACCOUNTANT DESlIRES INCOME tax work. part time accountlng, book-j keepiag, collection of accounts - ove- utags. Rap... Write B-105, Box 40, Wil-' mette, XII. 6LTN42-4tp BUILDING AN4D REPAIRS MeIBAN-BUILDER. Romodeling, repaira, cement, plastering. painting, plans, estimates. Il years here, get rny price. Time payments, no Interest. Cost You more later. puy' comfort now before prices go up. Ref- erences. #Grab', tlat .phonie, Wimette 2634. .15A-LTXN43-ltp BUSINESS SERVICE Jos. F. .Kuss, Qptometrist Ute long experience ln the fitting of glasses. Broken lenses replaced. Trames repalred' on. short notice.-37 647 Chestnut St. Winnetka 37 Opposite the post office ELECTRIC WE L DI NG, BOILER weldlng, automotive machine shop and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KSNILWORTH 280-820 161./IN25-26tp1 COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERRS AND MAKERS Gôwnou-Wrap"--uits--Coats3 Original--Copied-Restyled-Âîtered S33 Elm st. Winnetka 1011 DRESS MAKING DESIGNING AND CUTTING IN YO UR home or mine. -Phone Wilmette 2168. 22LTN43-ltp COASSUITS. DRESSES...ALSO alterations and remodéling. $3 day Your homo or mine. Refs. Phono Wil- mette 2718. 22LTN40-4tp THE FARM HOUSE Between Evanston and Wilniette ai . West Rallroad Ave. BROILERS, ROASTERS, FRYERS HENS STRICTLY FRESH VITAMIN EOGS 4 DOZEN $1.18. Flavor or food la highly important in children's dicts. An unpalatable egg, tio matter how inexpensive, is costly, be- cause this food so rich in vitanjins is almoat impossible to replace in the diet. IF I' GOOD FOR CRILDREN IT'S GOOD FOR YOU.. FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE WILMFETTE 64' OREENLEAF 3450 _________________ 24LTN43-Ite INSTIMCOO DANCING, BALLROOM AND TAP, rhythniic in classes or private leasons. FPinest of Instruction. at reasonable rates.. Ph. Winnetka 2746. 301,43-ltp LAUNDRY WILL CALL AND DELIVER.. N. S. ref. Glenvlew 369. 34LTN42-2tp EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS wants laundry to do at home. Dried outside. Best refs. Cal*l fo.r and deliver. Phono Olencoe 555. 34L43-ltp TN 13-tfc Scottish Terrier Puppies- BY CHAMPION NORMANDY .AIRTH. PHONE WILIIETTE Z081. 44LTN42-4tpý BOSTON BULL PUPPIES WELL MARKED PHONE WILMETTèE, 480. 44LýTN43-ltc PEICINGESE ML,31~ YRS. 014). BRINDLE. Godtdsposition., Very reasonable.F ,A Barti 8052 Keating Ave., Nlles.Coneter 712à 44LTN4-"ltp GREAT DANE. BEAUT. BU MÂLE. 6 n. Imiported from Sweden. Ped. Will sei cheap. H. Nilson,, 20431 She- man Ave., Evanaton. Ph. Greeneéaf 1811,441jP4-ltp FEMALIE ENGLISH SPRINGER- Spaniiel,. 7 month -oid. Good aize. Phoné Wilmette 1432. 2022 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette. 44LTN43ltc EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- jpair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- erirng, lBoston~. E. C. Thom"a, 51.7 Fair- view ve., P~ark Ridge 699-R. 45LTN43-4tp SEWING MACHINE REPARUINQ SEWING MACHINES AND VAC U UM CLEANERS. ALL kinds repaired. Estabiished more than fifty years ago. Now locatod ln Wi1- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368.. 53LTN29-tfc FOR SAMIU-GRAY SQUIRREI, COAT wlth gray fox trim size 18. Cost $7l00. Reanonable price. ÏPhono Wilmette 2081. 59LTN42-4tp 825_CASÈ IIL BU.Y 1 P 1ULNGTH. sise 16, 3Barondtski fur coat. Phono Davis 7625 mornings. 59L43-Itp INVtSTN" The First Federal Savings and Loan ASSOCIATION 0F WIL.Mffl"r provides a sound method of systematic savixig. The .1S. Government spoin- sors and supervises its activities. Sav- Ings Insured Up to $5,000. Shares may be purchased on convenient paymente as. low as 50c per month. For Informa- tion call Mr. Clifton, Secretary, WiI- motte 863. 64LTN42-tfe. LOANs LOANS ON A ~OXOBILEÈS Confldential service. eri rate Fourth afid Linidon Opposite "V', Ter. 68LTN25-tfc EXPERIENCED, HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE, domèestie help, ail nationalities. No charge to, employers.- References ln- vestigated. Under Sts&te supervision. Reinhart's E.mpi. Agcncy 748 Elm St. Winnetka,3399 68LÉ1N28-tfc DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECÇOMMENDPID No Charge to Employer Lindgren Emipi.Agency Establiahed .25 years 799 Elmi St. Winn.. 1047, 98LTN19-tfc Carlson's Empi. Agec 804 EIM STREET WINNTA3329 RELIABLE. HELP Ail domest1c. positions No CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 68111N3-tfc A WOMAN WOULD LIK1e DAY work, çleauing. and laundry. Care of children oves. Can give ftrst-cia.ss ser- flê.Bét in. s. rets. Winnetka 2337. 6SLTN43-Itp GERMAN GIRL - ACE 26 WANTS position èook and general-ecc. refs. Reas. wages. * S-H-A-Y, 109 E. Oak St.. Sup. 6608. 68LTN43-lte WHITE WOMAN WIT1H YEAR OLD child wants home with family or cou- Ple emPloyed in exchange for service. Ref. Ph. Winnetka 3341. 68L43-ltp, I ITUATION WANTED-MAL.E EXPERIENCED WHITE GARDENER and houseman. Spectolize in fiowers and vegetables. 7 yeàrs' North Shore refs. 'Phono Wilmette 902-W. j 69L.TN4à-2tp ,UOMESTIC HELP WANTED General Maida ......... $8-$12 Cook and General ...... . $12-$18 couples........ ..... $04M S-H-A-Y .AGENCY$1-12 109 E. Oak, St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Cen. 9800, 70LTN43-it(,- FI>ZNISH, 34-29 GOOD REFS., GERMANý, 30-32 NORTH ç;HORE, 1-EFS., SWEDISH, 28-30 GOOD REPS. REINHARTr'S EMPL. AGENCY 748 Elm st. Winnetka 3399 70LTN43-1 t( ed trade OSCAR A., àny and PAINT[NG &: . David Fineat workmanu ýs- t'Wilmnette 92 5Yearsý pý Giencoe t QRI,,TO ASSISI' IN, E ouSework afternoons. go nings and Sundays. Phone Best 493. *3lpEXPEa .PROTESTANTJ'Win 10for generai bousework ani 'hone à3thla fmlly. MNorth hore refi Uni. 0844- lon, pabon. onces Te- a' *1 il ý 1

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