**,q*aure ot mat t i. aU LU.F JJ'uKIS au infaflible guide to faith and.morale. They acknowiedge Jesus to have been an outstaniding spiritual leader, althoug# human in ail, respects as they are. "Mélost Uitarans- believýe. in Immortal- i soifle do flot ; but ail agree that the be preparation. for whatever 'future I ffs th=r may be ls to live abundantly DAVENPORT o.d CHAIR Re.uphols4led and Remod.I.d Fiiesi Forkutsauhip $29.00 end up. Selection of Covers Estimatés Gheerfolly Furnished D AVY1s Furmitur. Croftsmrn '6Zl423VaTOnSf.,Evànïton Uni.72I0 locatedata 1405 Chicîago avenue, E.vanston. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Durr, 200 Warwick rôad, Kenilworth, re- turned on Tuesday of. last week from a fortnight's trip to, Virginiia, .North' and* South Carolina, Alabama', At- lanla,. Ga., and Washington, D. C., wbere they had gone onbusiness and pleasure. Miss Marcia Smith, daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. Horace G. 'Smith, 6161 Gregory avenue, I spent last week-end at Greencastle, Ind., attending the initiation of ber- sister, Betty, into Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at De Pauw university. Marcia graduated' last june f rom De Pauw. 0o- After a twoô weeks' illness in the 'Presbyterian hospital Billy. Megowen, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Megowen,, 197 Oxf~ord road, -Kenil- worth, returned to bis hoihe last Fni- day. offlically inaugurâtes the spring season with this showing of TU St on C. Lindstrom, Mlgr. Tran sport-T 324.96 The Shore Towns Aviation club bas just completed a very success- fui first semester of its. ground school. In starting the second semes- t er a new policy has been adopted in order to give moore air-minded individual S a, chance %to participate> fit this movelent. A resumé mwill appear on the avi- ationý pae each weeký givinig the context ogf the lecture, to be pre- senited, at the 'meeting lof the club the following week. The club meets -'every ,Tbursday night iat 7:30 o'clock in- the Legion room* at Conjmuntity House, Wlnnetka. The subiect fo the second se-. mester will be "'rPractical :Flight T.raining." We sincerely hope that this proj- ect will bc of value to those' inter- ested in the future of aviation. Clip you to the next meeting of the club. If you are interested in avi- ation you. are welcomne to attend. Thbe club is organized for the benefit of itsý members, and flot for profit. Newspape r Man Has New Battery Put in'Plane! Davis Merwin 'of the .Bloorningtoii Pantograph, daily papei* at Blioô»i- ington, Ill., flew to Curtiss field fromi thé. dowiistate city last, Friday. Mer- wpn owns a Stinson Reliant pur- cbased froin the. Chicag'o Aviation corporation, Stinson distributors and operators of Curtiss airport. H-? came in to have a new battery ui- stalled in the sbip. Mild Wýeather Brings Tlàoughts of Air Rides8 Spring-like weather last week-enid brougbt an increase in fiying activity at north shore airports. At Curtiss,ý une of the new United States army low-wing Martin bombers made a stop at Curtiss airport last week en~- route from St. Paul, Minn., to Sel- fridge field, Mich. The sbip, based at Hamilton field, near San Francis- Co, bas been on a winter cruise. up the Pacific. coast and eèast ars the' nortberni part. of the1 United States witb other planes of tbe army. Its pilot explained that the armyý squadron bad been touring.the north-' West lookinig for bad weather, the ob-, ject,. being to determine the efficiency of the planes in operating under ad-' verse -conditions.. The ship which stopp ed at Curtis :1Was equipped, for tbe ordiniary type of landing and, for landing, on snow. Large skis, witb landing wheels pro- jecting slightly below,' make possible both types of landings. Members of, the Curtiss ,airportu staff wercremuarkînig about the "con- servatory"' in the front of the plane'. This glassed-in cage, it was explain- ed, is for the use of two men who, in tinre of'ikar, would operate ma- chine guns., .The plane is twin-motored and can fly at a speed of 200 miles an hour. It bas' an all-metal fuselage -and .fabric and metal wings. Its war-. time crew would include two pi lots?. two machine gunners and two bomb releasers. Thley're Off Again!- SWilliams tand Anderson C. Frank Williams, lumbernian, back froni a trip to North Carolina, left last Friday with his pilot, Her- bert Anderson, vice-president of the Chicago Aviation' corporation, for. Rockford, Ill., and Mem~phis, Tenui. The departure was. froin Curtiss airm- port, where Mr. Williams keep.s bis A~insoîi when flot us ing itfor cross isountrY flying. Chester Fiaust Returns From Trip to Mexico Chiester Faust, a member of thc' .Pooftuear Sect.on-LORD'S-4 LOR'D year, says Mr. Stoker, fourteen states Mary Anne La scelles, 'daughter 'of have qualified for' play, each state Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lascelles, 16391ta oegaei 9gaemkn Walnut avenue, entertained fourteen tato en5ga e n 9 gies aking sinal classmates for supper andattaof46g es'hcsard gaines last Saturday in celebration of February 18 and will 'be concluded on ber.eleventh birthday. March 30.