Show, on Navy Pier April 6-14 Entry of Gardn Club of Armerica and Moonlit SouM4îrn Gad.ii Amang Special Exhiits Another spring, a n'o.t h e r Flower show on the Navy Pier in April,.and againi garden clubs: inWilmette,: in Kenilworthin Winnietka, and in, Glenco e'ener-. getically are engaged with their entries for one of -Chicago'Ps biggest 'spectacles. The official exhibit of the 'GardenClub of, Ainerica for the. first time in the hIistory of the Chicago show,. and a southern gardeni in. the mnoonlight are, among its high- *lights.- Officially fromn Flower ýhow sources come these announcements. '1he Wilnètte Garden" cluib, wlth Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm presi- dent, will have an arrangement of lower branches, and a flower bou- quet of "yester-year." The Wilmette Evening Gar~den club is planning a reproduction of a sum- *mer cottage. A log cabin, typical of those ini Northern Wisconsin will be built. Mrs. E. R. Stone is chairman of the committee in charge. The -Kenilworth Gardlen club and the Evanston and Lake Forest Gar- den clubs, the three local affiliates of- the Garden Club of America, will reproduce portions of three, Colonial houses, interesting for their bis- torical associations of beauty of architectural detail. I4rs. Mark Cre- sap is chairnman of the committee in charge of. the exhibit of the Kenil- * worth club. The Kenilworth Home and Garden club will exhibit an elaborate, bulb, garden, the only bulb garden.of the show that will have two levels. Mrs. Frank C. Nason, Mrs.« Arthur J. * Lindsley, and Mrs. F. B. MacKinnon are in charme, of this exhibit. bC SI1UWIl. aus for the ainth Annual ?lower- show, sponsored by the Garden Club of Illinois, to be held at Navy Pier April 6-14, bave now reached the point when the whole outline of the exhibition can be-seen, anid this'out- line, now being rapidly blocked i with completed details, promises one of the best shows theGarden Club of Illinois bas ever put on. Each yéar. the GarÉden .C lub. of i- nois, knowing < how niuch more ef- fective lessons are that are, taught by seeing, ýhas as itsown- exhibit an ideal concept of beauty ini gardening. This year the club will show the great srdsthat have been made in the patfew years by artificial. lighting for the garden. This will be. done by reproducinig a Southerà garden,î with. Spanish -*moss drippi ng from great branches of trees, with a spring house and a stream, ail flooded with moon- ight. This exhibit will make an ef- fective and spectacular entrance té theshow. Mrs. 0. W. Dynes of Hinsdale, who for the third year is general chairman Pf the show, is most enthusiastic. "It ihould be a matter of great pride that the Chicago Flower show is the only big Flower show in the country spon- sored entirely by. Garden Clubs. I have just returned from a tour of florists' greenhiouses aIl over the city and suburbs, where ail the great amount of plant material we will need is being grown, and I don't think we have ever had as fine material as will be ready for the show." Banquet Chuirmon Mrs. Myron West, 916 Greeneaf avenue, entertained. ber luncheon bridge tlub lait Monday., Photo by Toloif One of tise young manne quins zvearing children's clothes ait the tea aiid shozt'ing of spring fashions in thse Mars/mil studio aitithe edge of. the lake in W'ilmette Monday afternooki, iMarch 18, is Barbara Burcis, daugliter of Mr. arnd Mrs. Cia yt on Btirek of Kenilworth. Tise Guiild of the Keizilworth Union chu rch spoiisors thse event. %A tAE*1.IS1 à Mrs. Wriqhts Lectures. Are Open fo Public Mrs. Louise Leonard Wright will speak on current events Wednesday, March 13, at 10 o'clock in the morn-, ing in the Wilmette Baptist church under auspices of the Wilmettcý SLeague of Women Voters. The talk. are open to the public upon pay- ment of a small fee. Following her lecture, the regular meeting of the Wilmette league will Mrs. James Prentiss, 551 Hill terrace, Winnetka, formerly of Kenitworth, entertained her Kenilworth bridge club at luncheon Tuesday. at The Chimneys Tavern., in Marshall Studio Is Cuild Benefit The Guild of the Kenilworth, Union ch.urch is. givinga tea and Spring,..Fashion show at ,the Benjamin 'Marshall. stu.dio in, Wilmette, Monday, March 18, at 3 o'clock., The fýash.ion show ,will be staged by, the' Little Traveler from Geneva,; Ill. Chul- dren's clot.he Is on miodels fromn 2 to' 16 years will be. worn also.. Everyone, Will have the opportunity to wander: thro4gh the studio and view its treasures while tea is being served. Eleanor s.Ketcham, Kenilworth, artist,> will do one of ber beautiful portraits for the one who wins the prize. Mrs. Bentley McÇloud ~is president of the Guitd. The committee for the benefit are as follows: General chairman - Mrs. Judson Large. Tickets-Mrs.. James Prentis-s, Mrs. Jule Petersen. Prize-Mrs. Fred Bulley, Mi*ss:Mar- garet Harris. Tea-Mrs. Alfred McDougal, Miss Miriani Shattuck. *Fashions - Mrs. Grant Ridgway', Mrs. Wendell Clark.: Candy - Mrs. Robert Olmstead, Mrs. Lee Ellis, Mrs. Gordon Mac- IýIenzie. Committee Chairman, for Delta Gamma Banquet ýMrs. Alvin Pecy, Bradley 'of Glen- coe is chairmnanof the-committee iii charge of the annual reunion ban- quet of Delta Gamma to be held Saturday night at Shawnee Counitry club. Dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock. Annôunce Beirothal At a neighborhood party held at their home, 1112 Central avenue, Sat- urday evening, March 2, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Adkins announced the en- gagement of their: daughterý, Wini- fred, to John F. Jo.hnson of Chicago.