President Henry Fowler announces that the Wilmette Community Cbest association is desirous of bring its current fund campaign to a close at, as early a date*as possible, and there- fore is issuing an appeal to àll citi- zens to send in. their pledges without delay. The. funid bas not yet reached its goal. Mr. Fowler states, and respon- sibility for tliis fact must- rest upon * hoseî Who haveso far failed to make contributions. HoWever. he adds, faith in the ability and disposition, of citizens ..ta, take care of our:1 own needv is strong, and it is, expected, that the, ful! quota of. each 'of the 'uine participating charities w.ill be realize.d. Of these, Mr. Fowler asserts, none i > more worthy than the American * .Redi Cross, which has a background Of service and emfciency that is not *only nation-wide but worlc-wide, and a character that is unassailable be- cauise it bas been developed through (levotion ta the alleviation of hutuan suffering in practically every country oin the.globe. Unique among organ- Azations cômnmitted exclusively to the relief of suffering people ini both war and peace. it challenges the admira- tioii and upport of ail. Wilmette's own Welfare board is', len's Hardware_ store. TeatrO de! Lago. the Wilmette theater. Hoff- mann Brothers. ccuqd. Schultz. ani Nord, the Public. Ser-vi-e .omüpanv. Shawnee . Cleaners. Peacock Ice cream, Hammnond Ice cream. the Fiehcrest, St. Francis. Central-Laurel and Hnward, parent-teacher associa-ý tions. Wieland D)airv cnimpqny. Law- rence laündry, Ethel M..Mnerd Mrs. McPherron's French dressifig. Mifrs. R. E.. PattisonKline. the Farnfi otnre., Ermine cleaners. Palace market, Winter's grocerv an 1d market, Missty's Shcme Repair so.Bloom-Hall wom-_ en's dresses.'Consumers comnany. the Wilmette Stationerv and Grift s.hor>. Taylor's Drv .Gonds -qýtore., Vorihen's, store. Wolff-Grifflsd; hardware. Cayr- leen Beautv shop. A1briq'ht's Beautv -hop. Carlos. pliotoizrapher. Mathevv Francis. photo-ý--r-'hler, the innior aux- iliary of the~ Womani's club.. Nelson~ Iaundrv. Van Deuqen'i; grocery and market, Pagiaru1o's iewelr-v store, Kroch's book store. Rapt) Brothers market and urocerv. Battle Creek !hatls. WoolNwcth's. Coo)eland's style shop. the Vilmette >Confectionery comnpany, Hermaii J. Ratny, florist, the A. and P. store. the Tewel Tea Comnpany and Horkyý's market. !RITI( Ma Tovu. . ............Goldfarb Borchu ..... ..... Fisk Shema . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fisk Michomocho ........ Idelso>hn KeduBha.. ...... . Federlein May the Words .... .........Adelsohn Anthem: -"IIow Good and Beautifu'- 1.' (aul Solo: Muezzin Cali Mr, Benjamin Landsmian Va'Anachnu ........... ... Binder Largo . .. .Perlman Elobenu ......... Star k ST. PATrRICK'DANCE The Welter Athletic club ýof Wil- niette will sponsor a dance on Satur- day, evening, Marcb 16,ý to be held at. Hoffman, balat 8:30 ,o'clock with i.nusic. by the Kit Kat orchestra. The committee in charge of arrangements is comnposed of Frank Kalmes, LeRoy tener, and Edwvard,. Robert and Howard (Bud) a. Tickets for the danc ma bepurcbased:at the door. rMr. and Mrs. Robert Lascelles. Mary Anne and Robert, of 1639 VWaInut streét,,spnt Iast week-~end visiting the foriner's mother, Mrs. Clara Lascelles in Beloit, Wis. Preqin. - clemnin.r this ad... and receive a French. Castile Shampoo, to introduoeý our new, modern beauty . b1op which is now open for yoùr inspection... private booths, Iioensed operators and evýery convenience, for your comfort. Finger Wave, Arch, 5 Trim or -Manitie ... OIL SHEEN S.00 PER'MANENT ........ 3 Phone Wilinfte 696 ESTHER" Beauty Shop--'" Main Floor-1213 Wilm.tte Ave. pose. 1nhernoney us spent with local b)usinless houses for food and fuel, thus keeping the futid in circuation righit lere at home. To those who have as yet made no pledge, ta these worthy causes,, Mr. Fowler pleads for'immediate. action. Thiereis..he says, no time like the present ýfor a goad deed. GUESTS 0F LODGE OffiÈer's and<i merrc, o t.j nue. In. preparing the new shop. thought was given only -to the coi- fort and convenience af the large cli- entele which bas been attracted by the excellence of the service. heretofor- rendered. Private hbooths and IL censed operators of excéeptional quali fications assure, a continuance of that service t'O wich 'the succes,ý) the shop may be attributed. The decorations anid appointments. reveal anticipation of tomorrow's demiandis by patrons mot satisfied with less than - FIRST CHIJRCI-fOF CHRIST, SCIENTIST WIILMETITE, ILLINOIS ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON Excellent Alteration Service 1147.Wilmette Avenue Phone fWilmette, 340 Anyone who has not heard a Christian Scence lecture or who for some other.reason is enttled to a reserved seat may obtain one by applying at the reading. room,. I143 Central Avenue. Reserved seets will be held until 7:50 on the evening of the leèture. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY, INVITED TO ATTEND