By Florence S. Mitchell ton. Old salts- skippers and sailor- Center: Walter Merrill of Wil.. mette and Elizabeth Sterbenz of .and landlubbers' welcorne to Marine Chicago. I4ower rigbit: Back row Night. Friday,, Match 29, the last night. of the erry tb .ree-day festival (left to right), Winifred ýVaneéul'. at the Woman's club of Wilmette! nBet hopo, ain Mun At the Sign'of the jolly Tar, frorn tee; Alice Indoe. Third row, (left 6 o'clock. on, a shore dinner with 'to rîght) .Patr.icia Gaines, -Mildred broiled fish as the pièce de résistance Boehm. Second row'(left to right) ,will be served-of which you are in- ceBuna, oi Riesenberg, vited, for a modest consideration, toé esln Mlge.Frtrw partake. Marine. Night ýis intended Martha Purnell, Virginia Rice, Bett% for those who love the sea and its Chaàpman. foods. but if you don't want fish, you will flot go hungry-mreat will, be pro-aipaendsehspnndtog vided.,arlnansb a lne g For Landilber*, To. todaY. For Iandlubbers, a suggestion. To Gertrude, b~orrified, decides she -will, feel at home. in: the nautical sur- have té fake'a heart attack 't keep roiiidngs a nautical v ocabulary er mother at home for the party. roudins, But Patricia'cornes to the rescu-sbe would flot be amnis&, such as sbip 'udrsad radas oeo fyn, boom, topmnast, rudder, flying jibudrtnsGaim'loef yng lobster traps, hbinnacle, deep water. She.arranges to have Grandma, while shoal water, and, of course, fifteen out in tbe car, get arrested for speed- mneni onnthe main's ehest. For ,ing- This will prevent LGranodmsec-@± the less practical minded, expressions ing Gertrude's heart attack and feel- like tbese migbt help-weatber beaten ing any obligations to stay home. wharves, waves, rock, sails, a wreck Te Gandnia Cuits Up on he eacý figaes t acho, srf, Thethree old ladies arrive witbl on he eab~ rigte atancor suftheir presents. One bas brought a .and seaweed, and, of course, inooli- rernedy for rheumatism, and the other light on tbe ocean. Just a suggestion.gfs o,-r utbefra gd You know "when in Rome." ~ gfs o,~r utbefra gd At 7:-30 come aboard the îugger ailing woznan. While waiting for the and n te cbindeckwhee abrez'earrivaI of Grandma, tbey sit listening and bonghe ai dc k wheilreanbreezeto the radio.' Suddenly, they sit up is bowig, wtcba silorandbisand take notice tbey are bearing the Ilass dance the tango. See anpotber anu rd Gr d igirl pick up an accordian-just. like annunerbacast rndma's air- Having studied in Vienna and taught beauty culture in thec East,. Miss'Vic- toria offers an unusual and pérsonal service to: her large following buit Upflirougli years of erice on, the North Shore.. APPOmIRtmentl- Ph... Wil. 1600 Ope.iug pe cs Shampo.0- Wave . Any Type of Rima'ý. & IFA ilS --H,.m or eI winter wardrobe with a smart- pring Dress Lovely new PRINTS $5.95 +0$19.75 F14a on the Wluarves After that, corne ashore for a while and stretch your sea -legs. On the wharves you will find plenty to affuse you and plenty to buy. Tbere's an old book stal lose at band, a crystal gazer, etc.,, etc. But bya qurter of nine, be on1 board again and in your seats. For a play is to be given on deck-"Gaýy Nighty." Eigbt of Betty flrown's young playvers -who are part of ber junior, *fl', £UAIUws qUIlI<Iy. Mrs. A. E. Nessler and Mrs. Rollô Gullickson are chairmen of Marine Nigbt. CHURCH SPEAKER* Dr. Leslie Fuller of Garrett Bib- lical institute will be tbe speaker at tbe dinner meeting of tbe Wilnette, Baptist cburch Wednesday, March 20. His subject is to be "The World Conception." Ç~ Redingotes wdi Print Dress and" WoI or SilIc Coati How Firm Is-Your Fouadation? You can't step into, one of the slick new frocks (CE CREAN 413 Linden.Avenue Wi film.t1e 4120, to "perk-up" an old dress. 1 161-'l 163 Wilrette Avenu Phone Wilmetie 4.406 Il,