Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 13

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Season," which is to have its initial Chicago presentation at the Loyola Community playliouse, Monday and Tuesday evenings, March 25 and 26. Miss Nobelty bas been associated ,wîtb the Loyola group for the Iast six years. She bas been a member of the Glencoe'Players an& also. the Nortb Shore. Theatre circuit. She isgraduate of the Arts college'at NortbWestern uriversity where sbe majored .in , educatiô'n, ýwinning a place in, the bonorary educational Sorority,'. She bas 9pent several summers doing graduate work,,at the Nortbwestern universitv scbool of speech. Ever since ber .initial1 work, with the Cçommunity theater.1 Miss- Noheltv has been one of- the most active anà reliable. menibers. She 'at one time wvas in complete charge of the prop- erties departmnent of the theater' and bas been in several important roles*. Wbile ber school work prevents ber from. assuming complete responslibility for the management of tbe "props." she is stillI'an active menber of this important group. Anv number of WVilmette' and Winnetlca furnisbin gs may be observedfrom titueto time in the variaus plays due to Mif ss No- helty's vigilance.,arid large circle of friends. Glenv iew'Man KiIIed in Skokie Auto Crash Hlerbert Schupp, wbo conducted a service station 'at Harnis and Glen- view roads. Glenview, died at the' Evanston. hospital Wednesday after- nioon. March 20, following an auto- mobile accident at Lake avenue and:- Skokie boulevard- earlier ini the dav, in, which be received- injuries resuit-. ingl liis death. 1Mr. Schupp"s car was struck by another car driven bN' P. A. Richardson,, 290, Lake drive, Osbkosh. 'Wis.. who, sustainied injury to rigbt knee, and severe scratches. Mrs. Richardson %vas also injured, the sniall bones in right foot heing fraturd. nd i iirlp1s in head and 14. rLveryone is irivited t corne out and Iearn about the Fidac and Amer- icanism Department program. This week we s hall continue to study Gel- gium and American im~migration laws. A social hour and sewing, will follow. Don't forget about the Seventh District lunlcheon at the Methodist church'.ôn Wednesday, March e, at 1 o'clock. The.departrnent president, Mrs. T. K. Rennakar, wilI be- enter- tainied and a Cbild Welýfare program, has been arranged. During t he spr ing festival -at tbhe Woman's .Club of Wilmette on Marcb 27i 28 and 29,* the Amnerican Legion auxiliary, Wilmette Post No. 46, will have a display of articles made by the war veterans 'at- Hines bospital. Ail proceeds from the sale of these articles wili be paid to the veterans. VISITS FRIENDS HERE M.Water Williams, wbo bas been spending the winter at Detroit, ha s been the house guest of. Mrs. Creighton Wv. \Viting of Evanston for a short time and bas been visiting Wilmette friends. Her son, Cburch, tnotored to the rîortb shore Friday afternoon to drive back to Detroit wîth ber Sunday. Grand Opening. SpeciaI 041er CHI-NAMEL:, "UTILITY" VARNUSH BAS RIC0H AND RJL.BODI ED RIP, CIRCLE COFFEE. M.. 2!c BOKAR COFFIE 42JRU0 * LB 23 MAX ELL CouFEE .L.29e GZOLD MEDAL * 4-. lona Tommeos.3 25 Hash CORNED E" >m17C Cake Flourr u-m-.2% ' 27c Soup vm . -2 ?m-25c JiieORANGE CAM~ 9 SUpVAN CAW8 JISHWOZ. 1- Cooki.. SAWYEW ,2F'-G»-27c Crack.. ""F"8 HNE 1-j27c Hershey Ceoa. 2 ICAlNO 25c CcampbeII's Sui l . 5c AMes ERICAN .s e s 19 Spaghei E.AOO"'EN 3$PKS.1 7c Egg NoodisEUaOOE 3P6-S 119C Sa non leIK 1--3C3 RunfordXWD .. C SfIw.dded Wliet . 2 P's<es.23c .Sa uerkraut HmLOwNs3M-S 3 19c Laoke Shore Honey5e Toiet Soup auv-t-w 5 Omo 25c Kitchen Klenzer.r . à «-- 5 Launlry Socp ~.5 'IM-25c Flakçes AMILN . . . 20 SUNtIYFIIELD FAMILY 241/2,Lb.82 SALMON SNIDERWO 14-02. *BOTTLE40 "--OZ. BOTrL"B. . 2"s CLEAN QUIOK NARffl"Lows CAMPFIRE le FIRM, RIPE WHfITE groups on the nortb shore. «cosIe il ____________________Bemnard1 Erw in Kunz of Ma.titowoc, Wis., 814 ChureL Stroet spent several days last week visiting 9,tShr'Hoe1 bis sister's- family, the James W Aiders> 931 Greenwood avenue., l's-N ext Io Sears' » Leonaèrd UN.I. 8»'8 . aO7dftfl Hdqt IJ., 4' 'e~~ 3..7i P:; 15 <e e e e

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