a grade of ýiE" in effort areliîsted on the honor roll. * Following, is thé most recétnt lis t of Kenilworth, honor pupils: Hotmor Roll Third grades-George Bell, Nor- ine .Claffey, Courtenay Davis, Elaine Geisse, Robert Lideckert, Gloria Lovt, Marian Miller, ,Jimmy Mur- ray, Marjorie Pifer, Myron Wat- kins, Karen Williams, 'Bobby Witt-, bold, Anne Carter, Barbara Kreger, Carolyn Slappey, Barbara Weishaar, Charles flarnes, Pauil Clovis, Hell- imut Gohde, Glenn Kraft, Cbarle3 Rockcastle,' Nancy Wuegener.> Fourth grades--M-artha Armitage, Dick' Armstrong,, Frances Becker, Lucille Becker, Clare Beglen, Allen. Claar, Billy Crilly, Milford Davis, Elizabeth Dilling, Charles Hughson, Patsy Johnson, Mona Kinney, Dor- tha Klein, Thilç Landon,. Janc, Mor- rison, Marian Petersen, Marabel Sears, Marianne Tudor, Marilyn Batter, Lucius Brigham, John Dar- ley, Edward Eggert, Barbara Flint, .Henry Greene, Shirley Henry, Mil- licent Kleckner, Dorothea Knudsen, Dora Mae Law, Patriciaý Mon- tonaro, Donald Royce, joanne Schildberg, Florence Willett, Ray WNiese, 'Henry Zander III. Fifth, grades-Nancy Borregaard,, *Allen Gilbert, Sally Hazelet, Joan *Kahn, Frank Ketcham, Tom Ketchani, Patsy Law, Patricia Lipman, Paul, *Mooney, Genevieve *Ryan, Patty' Zipprodt. Sixth grade-Naricy Claar, Priscilla Colvin, Nancy Fox, Joanne Hatha- way, Carol Hughson, Marjorie A. I LafertyMaryJ. Lafferty, Frances i Neilson, Anna J. Pifer, Joan Ross, I Dorotby Starr Barbara Wakeley. Mrs. R. F. Haffenreffer, Jr., a her daughter-in-law, Mrs. R .H * fenreffer, of Providence R. I., arriv Tuesday to.visit the latter's sister a fanxily, Mr. afid Mrs. Myron H. W. kins of 422 Abbotsford road, Keiî worth. duos. who prefor evening shopping - our store is open Saturdays until 9:3%> and T u eu9d ays and Thursays titi 9. 5- ci et y (Btaftà (7~dies SUITS. On. of the' moet impor- tant bits of clothing news this Spring is the ncw low prico for this fawnous suit. Yet it has -the. same smiart styling, the. s ame rich fabrios, the. saun fine tailornng. Al HNimRCLYTToN- & SoNs SOrrington 8'Charch-EVANSTON A c.cessory suggestions, Dolibs BATS It's time to doiffs y o ur winterV headwar, gen. tlemen--mnd to don a smart new Dobbs ini bright Spring colons. A rrow ShIRTS nut evr- lu browu or