to Beverly His last November, and Mn: PFrank A4dams kindly consented to carry on for this year. Mrs. A. R. Breen was elected treas- urer for the next te rm of two year'z dqà >at the regular P. T. A. meeting. March 19. ýSt. Pal rick's Part y On :Friday 'Marcb 15, the St. Pat- rick's Party for the ballroom classes under the chairmanship of. Mrs. *George Putnam was a huge success- lust one continuously happy occasion from early afternoon until -the even- ing'send.The spaciou auditorium of the Minette Womfan's club, was decorated with green sbamrocks- lights. softened with festoons of green and white. *In- the afternioon from, 3 o'clock until 6, dancing was enjoyed to the strain of tunes of old Erin-games were ptayed, and refresbments and * "-etractive f avors given tio one an~d all attending. Promptly at 7:30 o'clock, the frolic began for the eigbthgrade. The girls were pictures in their dainty pastel, formai frocks, and the boys were befittingly attired in their white duck~ and blue coat witb the very appro- priate. green tie. Not a duil moment the entire even- ing. Selections, of partners were. made by bal-rolling, matching of Irish nanmes 'and finally the' elimina- tion waltz with thé 'lucky. couple ne- ceiving white roses* fromn their hostess Mrs. Woolson. A surprise treat planned for the seventh and eigbth grades was * "dance programs." The- boys and girls enjoyed for the first time, en- *gaging partners for the dance in this' grownup fashion. After refreshments and favors, which by the wey, were lovely tasselcd borns, thisgroups rallied to the tune of "Stars and Stripes Foreven" and the grand march was in order. And, finally, with the singing of "Happy. Days are heie again" and Goodnighýt *Sweetheart until we meet Tonlnrrnw"- cruise. They-had stoppc to visit Mns. Ellis' sis family, the William PI and Mrs. Harold Tidec panied them 'on the crui Tideman staiyed in New the flower show. accom- il Mns. to sec How proud your son and daugliter wilI be. to enter the White House-to hear senators and representa- tives speaking froxu the aloor of Congress. And in-e deibly preserved in their memory will be the picture, of the great statesmen and soldiers, ambassadors and other notables, whom they may sec in the colorful pageantry of Wahington ife. a %gIo S ' Nane .........7.......... ...... . ........................... ICity ... .. u ......... ...... . u(