Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 28

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tdes of the club. Last week the club, which is one of the most. active oanzations in New Trier, enter- tandthe fathers at a banquet. The' attendance was close to 600.,Miss Wright states that this semester the *club has awardedý scholarships 'to four girls, two, of whom compléted their, high, school careers at New Trier at thé, close of thé first semes- ter. Ore of the' four girls,, ail of Whom ;ne helping to eaÈin part of' their expenses, is attending- Illinois, college at -Jacksonville. another is at Stout institute, the third attends, an art school and the,.fourth is enrolled in a'business school., Soon the Girls' club will1 begin a. series:of bake sales to, swell itÉs scholarsh,îp fund, Miss, Wrigiit says.. School Winis e sctional îournarnent at New ier last week, won the trophy -eréd by the Tri-Ship Boys' club to. cteam showing the best sport,- ;nship throughout the tournament.. ,ectators, offiçials and members of' copposing team were unanimous praising the 'fine spirit shown by SDundee boys. The Dundee teain coached by Engene de Lacey. mhe Tri-Ship club will send renre-p of literary contributions Of New Trier students. The cever will be of a sbaded black and white, designi. and> on it will appear a picture of the old Boston Latin, school, the irst secondary school in Amierica. The publication of Inklings is Part of New Trier's celebration of the 300th, anniversary of the foundinig of this school. Secondary schools through- out, the, entire nation 'are -joining ini the celébration. A- cam:npaign to push. the sales of copies .of Inklings will be inauigurateil îîext.week, R. S. Peterson, thefa-, culty member in: charge of the pub- lication, announices. It' is exkpected that by May I the magazine willb4 off the priess. Ma.ny parents of New Trier stu- dents, it is believedwill be. nterestcdý in getting copies of the magazine 40 see what kind. of literary work is being done at New Trier. Plans are under way to make the publication of the magazine a &einua4 - . fair at New Trier, with mie issue for the first semester and another for the second. Two New Trier Cagers Rank High as Seorers Two members of î\ew '1rîer's bas- kétbaîl team, winner of the district tournament at Libertyville and run- ner-up in the sectional event at Ncw .HEADACHES NOW EASULY RELIEVED *WITH *HUXI. The neXi time you BnEXIN is less upsetting to the have a headache-hbe modern. Buy 8tomach than some other anal- a box of HExm--tIIC modern pal- g"ic* tablets in general use. Sci- liative for Headache, Colds and entific authorities state that Anti- Neuralgic 'Pain in the modern pyrine aoetyl salicylate (HExiN) Mlue and white box. Was 35- passes through the stomach to the now onlya quarter.' intestinal tract unchanged-thus Worofcers of the club-Paul Dempsey, fpresident; Carleton Ros.s, vice-president; Don Kurtz, secretary. and Jim Donovan, treasurer-and the two men who offilciated at the sec- tional tournainent games, jack Trav- nicek and R. Ashley, comprised the award committee. Wi1I Take Examination. on League of Nations. Several New Trier T-Tizh hol1 -----.--j ---, '., 4 u . rc i LJveer ield-bhields high school, secretary oi the league board of control.' Thq, two New Trier boys were Carton' 4Wilson, a guard, and "Bud" FI sher, a forward. Wilson ranl<ed fifth witil 82 points and Fisher tenth with 03. .k aec of Morton was. h jh- scorer witti 130 points, Dean of, Jeerli eîd. was second wîth 108, McNamara of Waukegan third with 97 and Farney or Proviso fourth wrth 85. Prospective Toiuistes xamIe ............................ Street AUdroaa .................... :Cit ..................... State .......... ftpril 3, and 'April.,6.- ens on weanýesi )ses on Saturg he on rconstAbrcion f rsec- aondary school curriculum. Mr. Per- in srng was asked by the Progressive he Education association to serve on this n- committee anid to discuss the Eng- y,, lish work at New Trier. The com- ýy, mittee is one 'of several financed by. the Carnegie foundation.

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