Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 38

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Sou*h.mn Educational Group WiII Sponsof April 26 Performance as Annuel I.n.fif At a board meeting of, the Soutbern Womffen's 1ducational allianice tbhis (Thursday) morn- ing at the Orrington.hotel, Ev- anston,. plans were discussed for the organization's annual spring benefit,-wbich will be a truly southern enitertainment, a ýshow boat performn"ance aboard the ,"Dixiana,," Fridaày e ve n in g, April 26. A general meeting. of the alliance will bie held at the homne of Mrs. Americus Callabani, 1325 Astor street, Chicago, at 2 o'clock Monday, when plns for, the wobkeig itt e an place nsdthe bnit w i eean formed. Mrs.-Randall Poindexter of Wilmette is chairman of tea' hostess- es for Monday's meeting. Mrs. J. Paul Clayton of Winnetka WilI report on the annyal convention of- the American Council of Guidance and Personnel associations, held re- cently in Atlantic City. Mrs. Clay- ton, president of the alliance, was its representative at the convention. Mrs. W. M. Echols of Evanston is chairmaip of the ticket commnittee for the benefit, and Mrs. Clayton is gen- eral chairmýan of the affair. Working for its success wiIl be a large groupý of prominent women, including Mrs.. Carter Harrison, Mrs, Harden Fitts, Mrg. L. S. Hungerford, and Mrs, H. M. Pulsifer, of Chicago; Mrs. Hubert Burnhani of Evanston; Mrs. R. E. Wood of Highland Park, and Mrs. W. F. Benoistof Winnetka. The purpose of the. alliance is to further educational and vocational guidance for rural young people. This iueans a program of work that pro- Dr. .I4ederick L. Schuman comes to the Neijhbors of, Keniiimrth 7ue4ïtày ~afiernoon, March 24, to give a talk on "Currepit National and International Affairs,'> ai 2:30 o'clock. Catholic Wom.n la Hear TaIk on Gardens, Music Gardens-with poetry and 1egends illustrated with coored slides depict- ing ail, four seasons of the year-will be the prograun Mrs. Mary Ramphurj Young will give at the meeting of the Woman's Catholie Club of Wil. mette Friday afternoon of this week at 2; at the Woman's club. The speaker, known for her dramatic readings, is first vice-president of the Mid-West Horticultural society and is a past chairman of the garden department of the Sixth district, Illi- nois Federation of Women's clubs. She also taught dramatic art in the American Academy of Music for several vears. of the Woman's club. A very inter- esting and profitable business meet- ing was held during whicb ail mem- bers and guestà were bus ily engaged putting the finishings 'on garments already ma chine. stitched by th.e sew- ing tommittee., Trhe' reports of the various chair- men-were'brief and explicit; the re-, port- of the tre.asurer with its.m any- paid-to-date members' and funds de- pendable *towa.rds 'its quota was met with applause;- the legislative, chair- man announced-theý year books ready for distribution. Mrs.ý Knight B3lan- chard, the presiden.t, gave. an enthu-, siastic andcomiprebensive report of the. work, done at ýthé-moti'thly meet- ing of the Woman's auxiliary of the ,Chicago Infant Welfare held Wednes- day, March 13, three of the center's board memlbers an~d ,#wo of thie junior auxiliary members having been in attendance. Mrs. F. H. Strayer was appointed to be the official representative at the néxt monthly meeting. A , committee was appointed to' make arrangements for the annual spripg luncheon to be held ini May., Mrs. Marley. Halvorsen was ap -, pointed chairman of this conimittee and others assisting are Mrs. Harvey' .sCraig, Mrs. J. P. Hoesli, and Mrs. L. B. Nash. The e emeswr elcomed intôm emershp, Ms. K D.Miller, Mrs. R.* L. Hartruan, and Mrs. Roy Ide. Clara MacGowan Speaks', fo Club Juniors Tonight Principles of interior decoration will be explained by Miss Clara MacGowan, assistant professor of Mrs -Harold Moses Heads Nomh,:z aling Cominiffe. for Congre- gation lsrat Group Mrs. HaroldMoses, as chair- man' of the n ominating ommit- tee of the North Shore Congre- gation Israel Sistejrhood, pre- sented'the following report at_ the eSisterhood -meeting' held Monday.: Mr.s. Ilerbert Levy, president.; Mrs., Milton Klee,, second ývice-president; Mrs. S. Katz,,.financial secretary; .and Mrs. A. K. Levy, corresponding secretary. The direcetors suggested by, the nominating committee are: the Mes- dames Ely Aaron, Herman Anspach, Harry Boyeli, Milton Fisenstaedt, Alfred * Flesham, Rebecca Grauer, Leon Hamburger, Armand King, Les- ter Kornblth, 'Gilbert Loewe, H1er- bert Philipsborn, Joel Spitz, Simon Westerfeld, Melvin Weil, and M. A. Shapiro.. Mrs. B. Leo.Steif will serve as first vice president to 611l the unexpired terma of Mrs. A. F. Mecklenburger;, Mrs. Walter J. Hirscli will serve as treasurer to fil the unexpired terrni of Mrs. Herbert Levy; Mrs. Nathan, Raymer will be chairman of the bud-, get and finance committee to com- plete the unexpired term of Mrs. Wal- ter J. Hlrsch. Mr-s.- Jul jus Sander Friediander- will complete, Mrs. Sieg- mund Katz's term as Wilmette cap- tain. The next reading by Mrs. Amr. .KuperwilI be given at the temple Monday, April 1, at 2.:15 o'çlock. Dr. F. L. Schuman, Will Give Neighbors' Program A programf on "Current National and International Affairs." has e-e avenue, Thur. luncheon hour, 'Iock. io'clock, at the homeo Best, 939 Ramoéna road. is chairman of the annua tqwday aryette Spoke Hostess Rummage sale under auspices of the ýary f PoAssociated Guilds of the cburch, will be heid Spoke three of the Presbyterian arrange for the collection of articles at 10 church la meeting with Mrs. Henry which contributors cannot deliver to Roy J. Brandt, 816 Forest avenue, next the, Parish House.. Rer home is a ât Tuesday afternoon atA o'cl6ck. 1434 Lake avenue.

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