Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 42

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Educat. in'Design and in Cardening. TeCIcago Eloet show, sponsèred'by the Garden Club of Illinois, which will, open April'6, at Navy pier,: will be. beautiful. Even.now, with:.thework of con- 'struction only haif cmitd hr is beauty, ýwith the bunting sky stretching away in misty blue; with the, Spanish mnoss ' swaying in the currents of air in the Sôuthiern Gar- den, wh:ch' is the Illinois Garden Ciub's, own.,exhibit, and everything* permeated by, the fragrance of the baisam 'trees that ar"e being used for the backgrounds. But the Chicago Flower Show wil brin g more than býauty to the visitors. There will be féatures whicb wiIi -make it an education in gardening and desin eas well. .The exhibit of the Morton arbore- tum, always outstanding, this year will be of interest to every gardener, amateur or professional, who attends the show. At this exhibit w iil be shown step by step, every phase ini the propagation of woody plants-1 the correct handiing of seeds, cut-1 tings and grafts. There wili be liot] beds and cold frarnes, nursery betise , and nursery rows. wiII be caretully worked ouit.' Soine. of the gardens wilibe planted to make a pictune when viewed from the win- dôws that 0'verlook theni. There will be foundation plantings, with some' of the shrubs forced and some beld, back so that every season of the year' will be nepnesented by tbe growth. These wili ail be object lessons, giv- -ing an enonmous amount of informa- tion to home lovers wbo attend who Reports D. A. R. Program At the meeting, Monday after- noon, March. 18, of the Skokie Val- ley chapter, D.A.R., at the home of Mrs., Otto M. Ruth, 416 Woodstock aVenue7Xenilworth, Miss jessie M. Sentney toId of.ber interesting trip through. Germany, Austria,' and Itaiy this year,, of the: methods 'of Hitler and. Mussolini; and of the unfortuâate position *to which wo- nmen have been ' reduced 'in Germany and Austnia. She spoke of the small population. in Austria, due to the small, amounit of territory that remains oôf Austria. Mrs. J. 1K. -FaFley, Jr., regent of the chapter, and Mrs. Charles A. .Whetston, recording secretary, gave a report of theé-*D.A.R.1 State con- vention in Springfield wbicb tbey had . attended. With other dele- gates, they had vis jted many l'ds- toric _pots. in Springfield and near it, among them New Salem, .wbere log cabins are being restored or replaced as they were in Lincoln's, day. The foliowing nô'minating coin- mittee was appointed by Mns. Far- Iey: Mrs.1 Charles Jackson, Mrs. Howard. Hodgkins, Mrs. F. M. Bowes, Mrs. Hanry P. Harrison, and. Mrs. ýAifred Kraemer. Girls of Home, Councit fo Benefit by Club -Day The Mary Bantelme Home and ,Service Council for Girls wili have many new garments after the ail-day sewing meeting Friday of this week. iin whicb ail wOmen.of the village are Koehne Photo. Audrey *Kanaley of Winnetka heads thr reception coniittee for the bridge, fashtion show and tea 0;1I APril 3, at the Evanston Coii&- tri, clubh given under auspices of the Evansion Infant Welf are Ser-vice. leapte just organized titis year. North shore girls and Young' ma- trons who will be niodels for the afternoon bridge and fashion show sponsoned by the Evanston Infant Welfane Service league Wednesday, April 3, at the Evanston Country club, are announceci this -week. They wiil be Mrs. Hugh McCulloch and Mrs. Everett Cook of Evanston, members of the Evanston Infant for CouncilCamp Benef it March ,30. Mrs. Nathan'Elson is openin g ber home, 744, Sheridan road, Wilmette, Saturday evenin, Mardi 30,' for a program and party' for 'the benefit: of Couincil Camp fund.ý Guests.that evening wilI hear Mms Charles E. Burkhar.dt sing vocal se- lectiqns with Aima Wallace Randal at the piano; a :trio consisting: of Rose Trhaviu, cello, Henrietta Wil- singer, piano, and Betty Biesemeier,, violin; LeRoyý Adams, comedian, and Viola Cole Aude, concert pianist. The name of Mrs. Harry L. Can- mann- of H¶ighland Park is added to tbe committee for the benefit, and to the Wilmette captains for the. drive for'funds, Mrs. Milton Friend. Council camp for mothers and chil- dren bas for its chairman, Mrs. Samm- uei K. Alscbuler, and for treasurer, Mrs. Harry A. Kahn of Glencoe. In addition to the regular,. welI- estabiisbed summer program of vaca- tions for mothers 'a7nd children, a new project will be -undertaken this spring at Council. Camp. On May 15, the camp wiil receive a group of under- nourished children for six weeks' care before the opening of the usual sunimer season. Consultation with clinics clealing witb large nunubers of Jewisb chul- dren, the committee states, bas ne- vealed. the great number in need of special nutrition care. flesirous, -bowever, as Camp is 'to receive as -imany such children as. possible,, it is deemed more prudent, or this first, experimental group, - to limit the tinmer to twenty-four. If then. it is found desirable, groups inifu ture. seasons can be increased to the full capacity of the donmitôny-forty- 'Ylecoe D. B. E. fo Meef The next regular ail-day meeting [Windsor chapter, Daughters of ie British Empire, wiil be held 'on Védnesday, Manch 27, at the home of rs. Thomas I. Simpson, 918 Vernon enue-, GlJencoe. avenue, tor members of the W centér of the Woman's auxili Chicago. Infant Welfare. Thos( ing were Mrs. J. W. Sbedder C. T. Fryknian, Mrs. 4. E. Bc Mns. F. E.- Parry, and Mrs. Kendrick. ny of Woman's pour- 27, 28,a Mrs. chairmien mness, dessert1 V. A. week at nue. bridge .We ber homàe, te March 18s to the :ees at a r of iast >rest ave-, a great success in. sociability, fun, andi "funds raised,» the center announces. "Mrs. Eccles reponted $50.67 raised to bhelp ber teani capture. the coveted linst place in the drive for a mile of pennies for ý1935."

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