Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 3

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ciples,' embooaed in an ofihcial plat- form, was prepared, and' will be pre- sented to the full convention at a meeting to be held ýMondày evening, March 25. The platform, which the convention, will- be asked, to ýratify, is as follows:- "«The I935 Hlarmony Convention re- afirms. its belief in and céontinues.. to function oh the basic principles; as set forth in. the first Harmony Con- vention. For, Cooperative Effiort "(A) Subordination of parties anid fac- tions In a cooperative effort to.s0- cure thie best quailled citizens, to serve thie village. "ý(B) Maintenance of our community standards In order to preserve Wiimette as a desirable residential. village. "(ýC) Maintenance of complete control of local affairs. "We heartily approve of rigid. economy in the . conduct of Village affairs' and pledge our candidates to this policy. "We favor application of civil serv- ice to the police- and fire departments. "We favor a strict enforcement, of traffic laiws within the village, both for local as well as through traffic. Would Extend Play Facilitiez «Within the limits of available means we believe in the extension of thepresent playground and recréa- tion program. "In order to niake Wilmette an even more attractive residential com- munity we pledge a, continuation of the plan to iniprove the appearance of vacant property and alleys throughout the village and urge 'com-' plete cooperation between residents and village officiaIs in the furtherance of this worthy undertaking. "We believe complete accord be- tween the varions local boards of the vil lage, is necessary,. because: only throuehb harmonious cooperation will1 the village receive the most efficient and economical administration. To that end we solicit the hearty co- operation of those concerned. SRecommend Harmcmv Ticket Lucia. Di<rno, popudar soprano of thse Chicago Grand Opera comf>any, 2dlpesent a bene fit recitai inth flourard'school auditorium Monda y etten rng, March 25, for thse bene fit of thse dental clinic sponsored by thse Logani-Howard Parent-reach~- er association. Tickets are being and ai the Seridèr-Cazel Drug coin- fay. Drama Group Observes lst Anniversary Monday Marking its first anniversary, the Wilmette Drama Study club will nieet Monday, March 25, at the homre of Mrs. Charles W. Lerch, 1715 High- land avenue. Mrs. Edwin A. Kayser, 2351 Tbornwood avenue,, *wilI' read the play, '"Merrily We Roll Alonag," by G. S. Kauf11an. The club, now having a menibersbip of ab;out twenty women, was organ- ized by Mrs. George -N. Lamb under' the auspices of the Evanston Wom- an's club. Mrs. Clinton Hall is tbe, director for the coming year-. Mrs. Paul' H. Gathercoal is the retiring director. B RAUTIGAM ON VACATION job 15 tînished. . I this confection attention' is di. rected to the fact that only one-hbaif of, those citizens from whom -contri- butionsmight reasonably be expected have corne forwvardl witb their pledges.ý Trhese are again advised ofthe neces- sity of-. resending without. delay. Several. worlcers have.flot tufrned ir. reports, and these the officiais must, they say, absolutely insist upon. Re- ports miay b e made to the -Chest 0 ffice in the State bank building. Jewish Woman*Leader Congregation.Speaker SMrs Irma L. Lindheim of Palestine will speak -at the services in North Shore Congregation Israel temple in Glencoe Sunday morning, March 24, at Il lo'clock. Her' subject 'will be, "Plstinie Challenges to an lm- mortat Adventure.' 1Rabbi Martin M. Weitz of, the Hillel Foundation at Northwestern university will conduct the services. Rabbi Charles E. Shulman of the North Shore Congregation will' be in Washington, D. C., this Sunday to participate in the prograrn of the Union of American Hebrew Congre- gations. Music at the services this Sunday will be as follows: ¶'ov l'Hodos..... ..... GoldIfarb BoTchu...........Shlelnger Shem .......Sch1esinger Miho oh............. 7atcher Tzur Ytsroel............. ... ,aýidsman Kedusha ......... .......... Pederlein May thie Words ... ........ Landisman Anthem-"Ellu Vo-Eilu"......'Binder Solo-*'Gloria" ...... Buzzl-Peccla MiIS ..uie I ong VaAnachnu,..... ............. Binder Largo ................... Perlman Elohenu ...... . ... Stark Women Vo lunteers I Aid Welfare Board Tuesday of each weelc has been mnmFIo . Na. MsIs Being luclcy, we got in .on a re- b$earsal of Arthlur Scottbs live, me- lodicius, rhythmic, comic, up-to-the- minute Minstrel. Show which he and a group nf.- singers with. voicés are, Putting on at 9 o'clock, Rld Planta-. tion. Night, Wednesday, March 27, the first night of the three-day SprIng Festival at the Wçman's club of Wil- mette. Bëlieve lus you are juat g oing tg miss it, if you don't sec that minstrel show. lt's an original 19353 minstrel show - just off the 'reel," w'rittén and directed by Mr. Scott., Sog A" stà.élGalea yven . i thet making, it almoat danced* off the boards .with the en- thusiasmn the mienput into their songs and steps.. Cakewalk and tap, 1vir- ginia, reel and clog, singing and fun, followed one 'on the heels of the other, each introduced in the nuost natu'ral manner imaginable. There's nothing stereotyped about tljis min- strèl sho*w: And the singîng is beau- tiful It all happens in front of a little old' log cabin on a cotton plantation. Red geraniums are blooming on the win- dow sill and sun flowers in the yard. The darkies enter, in couples, ingin "Down Among the Sugar CaeP- among them Topsy, Stepinfetchit (George Bersch), and Liza. Co. Washington (George Williams), and Eva'enter and "What kinad o'fun do 'Lza (I Htierens>, rises ter a point o' order" and demnands the rol Cali. Maay Mu.tation Sont*' You will love "Liza Lee" as suniz by Walter Haas, and "Lonizin' fer You" (a capella) by the chorus. You will- need the old bandana when 'William Baîhatchet sings 'Caroline." Among tlihe other soizs you 'will enjoy are "Remembering" witb Topsy and Eva (Art Katzel and Victor Joyce), sing- ing a la' Duncan; "Wagron Wheels.' 211 items, o) Interest Starton, Page .ý54!f

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