Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 48

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Clubs to Sing Here April 9 The. glee clubs -of Howard sch.ool" ar e going to sing. for tbe Parent- Teacher association on April 9 in the afternoon. Most of the boys. and girls are looking, forward to the çyent. The girls are going to sinig a num- ber and 'the boys 'a number. Then thyare1 going te sing three numbers togçther. Later on they are going to sing with the.Stolp glee clubs at the Wo-. man's Club of Wilmette. They are then going to have their 'annual spring concert in May.* Both clubs are working bard 'on words and bave corne .early atý nocin once. The numbers that they are going te- sing, have not been pub-, lished by special request.-Luci1le Heerens, Howard 8C. Orchestra Gives Concert for P .T. A. of Highcrest. The Wilmette .'Grammar School orchestra played for the Highcrest- School P.T.A. on Tuesday, Marcb,12. This is the second of a series of con- certs at P.T.A. meetings. Tbe or- chestra played a suite by Von Weber and selections from the opera, "L a Traviata." Ater the orchestra played, two members of, the orcbestra gavet piano solos. The president of the P.T.A. said that the orchestra mein- bers should go te tbe back of the room to get refreshments. Trhat was the best part of the evening. -Warrein Peterson, Howard 7B. Girls Busy Preparing for tGym Demonstration On 'March 22 the children 'of' the Howard and Stolp scbools are going' to have a denionstration for, the par- ents. Some of the jérIs are 'i'ninz in HOWARD SC HOLDS SALE Howard 5C had a,candy sale Wed- nesday, March 13. We bad it at re- cess. We made $2.35. We sold fudge and. popcorn baIs-Junioi. Pemble, .Howard 5C. UIC LIBRAR "Told at the Explorers' Club" is a bookof true tales ýof modern explora- tion.. Roy Chaprnan Andrews is the president of the club 'and this, is the first. story. There are stori es by 'such distin- guished, authors a s - Vilhjal mnur' Stefanson, Cap- tain Bob Bart- lett, Ch arl1e s ]Lindbergh, Dii- lon' W all1a-ce, Carveth: W e1s and twenty-eight others, with just Careth WeIIs as good stories. The book bas 425 pages and every page is better tban the one before. On the page pre- ceding the story there is "a' siuniary, of tbe author's ife.-Ray Treon, Howard 7tb grade. The Howard scbool -eighth. grades bave been learning the numbe ,rs of different books. These numbers are the sanie in any library.. Sorne of the numbers are as follows: 915, travel in Asia; 973, United States history; 940, European history; 970, Indians; 910, travel in otber lands; 790, amusements -and games; 590, birds; and 6Mo, how to. make and do things. Some of 'the books that do tiot conie-in, numbers are The World B3ook, Book of Knowledge, and The Chicago Daily News Almanac. They usually corne in volumes..-Winifred1 Hoffman, Howard 8A. AIl.who like exciting stories should read, "TlueGirl Reporter." e it i., the stor y of a girl ,Who makes ",good as a reporter because another goes blind. 'She gets into many scrapes, but Most always. cornes ont safe. "The Girl Reporter" is a very interesting book for anon n,,%,aGtre2d21 nnrl t .' liré- rEWEL5 TAC ' The Wilmette peewee s p other the night of the demoi Howard plays Stolp. They to play, about 10 minute h know tbey'll 'be t'ring to si 'other tbat the other teain is Don Hutchins, Howardcl.8A. to Save Her Head For dramatics we -have a aiew play, the title of which is "Six Who Pass wh ile the Lentils Boil." It is about ýa boy who hidçs 'a queeèn who, is to.b beheaded. Six prsnsstp in hile the boY is cooking the lentils for bis. mother. Ail the time he is afraid'the queen wilI be discovered. The main characters in this play are: David.the boy theY . mime, the queen, the butter- flyr, the strolling player, theblind man and tbe dreadfuil headsman. Bv the la'w the queen is .free after the clock strikes 12. It cornes out the queen. isý free and David- gets a, reward.-, Robert. Marn,. HoWard 7B. Sixth. Graders Submit' to Mental A bility Test Tuesday, Marcb 12, as, 6C was about to pass frorn Miss Larson's room. to Miss Tbeman's roornat 1 :45 o clock, 'Miss Larson said that we Were supposed to go downl to the auditoriumn. When we got down to' tbe 'auditorium we saw that the three other sixtb grades were there too. Then we saw we were going, to have a test. The test was of mental ability. We started taking the test at 2:15 and finishecl at 2:45. Then Curtiss' Brown' of 6A disrnissed the. classes. Then 6Cý went to' Miss Theman 's roolii for the last period.-Bob Dodds,' H-oward, 6C. School Orchestra Plays Father's Night Program Tuesday night, Marcb 5.. was, Father's night at the- Logan-Howard P.T.A. The dads presided at this meeting. Tbe- musical part of the prograni was given' by the Wilmett e 'Grammar. School orchestra, under the direction of. our- leader, Kitty Wagner, The orchestra played Verdi's "LIa Traviata" and von Webers "Suite." Delicious refreshments. were served after the meeting by the sô-" s.- ome of the chilciren broughi each tional Geographic magazines. ýer.- boy brought Billy Wbiskers b< Babr eterson, Howard 3rd1 This" ýccounts for Stifi An Indian is to visit the pt*pils of Howard school pretfy' soon. His , naine is Chief Evergreen Tree. He . used to be on the radio some years -ago. He will do dances, imitate birds e and animaIs, talk the Indian language -[and other interesting _things.-ýGeorge Gockel, -Howard SB. ý . 1 i pri il ý - 7" Ch ance to Sec Wbat! Star.of Opera An p~a tar coming .to Wilmetteý? Yes, that's wha't I said, It's that famous Lucia.Diano. She ýis- am member of the Chicago Civic Oper .a company,ý so you know she must be good. When is she,,cotiningê On March 25, she, will, be at the 'Howard aàudi- torium. The concert is; called "Cos-. tumeConcert."' "I would liké to go but 1 bet it>will cost plCiity.", No, that's where you, are wronig It is only 75 cents-, and tbink, a real opera star. I'm going, for 1 know wvhen' fmon and Dad hear about it they will go.- How corne only 75 cents? 1Well, yousce our Howard teacher, Mrs. Jones, is an aunt of the star and she lhas, been kind enough to get Lucia Dianio to corne out here-and. that's wby the extra low price. Boy, I'm going to bring the whole neighborhood witb. me. 111l see you there.-Adelaide Koe- nen, Howard 8B. Bell Makes It Hot for Sam One Day Longer ln literature the Howard eighth grades ar'e studying poetry, The poem we are having now is "The Crernation of Sam ',\cGee.".'One day, while a pupil wvas reading, he had gotten to the place, .where the "I"' of the' poem is going tà take1 a look at Sam.. However, uist as the crema- torium's door is openled, the, bell ra ng So we, had to leave Sami 1n the fur-* * ,ace. and "F'. looking at, him,.'until. the',next da.- Rose Mary1McKeigh- ai1. Howàrd -8AK

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