Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 50

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Pupils of the fifth and sixtb grades of the WiImette public gchools will pregent their annual. pbysical train- ing demonstration tomnorrow eveffing at 7:;30 o'cl ock at the Howard, gym- 1nasiuni. Pupils of tbe seventh and eigbtb grades will also. give a public' demonstration T u es day evening, March 26, at tbe saine placé and bour. Each phase of the.pbysical training proramoffered to pupils of tbose grades wilI be demnonstrated on botb occasions. FormaI physical training, classes will be ýconducted' sbowing mnarcbing tactics, cçalistbenics, drills witb apparatus. games, relays and. folk dances. There will also be a demonstration of the various atbletic tests given to sixtb, seventh, and ejghth grade boys and girls and also Short competitive contests in volley- bail and basketball, wbich forms a par~t of the. regular intraniurala pr.o- * gram. Pr«eet Awards Later Presentation of letters for ath- letic prowess, wbicb bas formed a part 'of previous prograins, will be omnitted this ycar and wiIl be.-given a special evening after the spring va-, cation, Director of Recreation Daniel also bead of the school physical training oroorani. the schools, Mr. Davis says. E.vents On the two programs .ivill be as foîîows: FIFTI[ AND SIXTHI GRADE PROGRAM .Part 1. Physical Training L. Stunt Matching by Howard, Fiftli grade boys-. 2. Rélays by Centrai. fifth grade boys. .3. Virginla Reel byCentral. fifth grade girls. 4. Wand Drill by Howard ffth grade girls. 5. Gaines by Howard sixth grade boys. 6. Greclan Frieize by Howard sixth ers dance be Howard seventh b Sgirls. Ys by Stoip seventh grade girls. 1. ,ttc drill by Stolp eighth grade Ss tap dance by Stolp eighth 2. IL Individual Athle-tie Eyents >Jones, referee- MEN'S "B"' BASKETBALL LEAGUE Wlnbergs (2.1) Y. Pi . c(20) M..Ling A ehne PL Fridman , S. Hall il. Xaufinan R. Steffens H.Winberg H. Herbôn C. g1111 . PL orrey W. Rogers J.Mle R. MLn M.Kneip Bagnali1, refeiree X4offmsn FoI' W. Johniso, HI. Johnsnbi H. Herbon 1. Brenner a Torrey Wllmette Cont. (28) R. Moran R- Huck E. Hlorn T. Meter G. Jones D. Scott, GIRLS, « Kudas (8>) A. Kristof V. Plynn V. Blow C. Kristof F. Ehrier E. Zopp [11, rêleree Pick ab§ (30) E.Piacek M. Kneip E. Horn IL. Huck Unknowns (21) D. Campbell, U BIlaylock R, Blaylock P. Williams C. Leonard *Bagnail, referee ABASKETBALL LEAGVE )Brownies (19) 1. Christensen Agnes Komen M. Lauer J. Scrimgeour U Steffens. L. Jannes D. Riggle, rt (19) Mer D. Riggle, r~ ,eferee Basketeers (8) 1-. Kenney P. Shea * G Eoffran * L. Icrause C. Pearson M. Pears~on G. Johnson feree s e MEN'S VOLLEY BALL GAMES Baot.ist 1 (Vil 15) Baptlst Il (7, 13) A. Youngberg - R. Hoffinan A. Hèerens4 J. Hoffmann G. Williams C. Geppert J. C. Blayloc.k *R. Robmnson H. Kerr I D. Anderson Phillips, referee lXetliodlst 1 (15, 15) How. P. T. A. (5, 8) D. Anderson* R. Robinson IC. W. Fert , [on of high Jumnp by bI) . GrouP Athieties exhibition contest: ivs. Howard girls s vs. Howard boys. Bxhibition contest: vs. Howard girls Bs 'va. .iloward Pewees. oth Phillips, referee Teain standings in. the Recreatiol Icagues: MEINIS . S. BASMETBÀLL LEAGUE1 W. L. Pet, Lynm TxacI.2 :2 .857 C. Y.O0,..... ............. 11 3 .786 SitStr.................8 6 .671 Baurnhardt -Bros. Motors. ... 3 il .214 MEN'S 6"A" BASKETBALL LEAQUE W. L. pet. Nelgon lIaundry........14 1i..933 Methodists: ... ................17 8 .467. St. Francis'........ .......... 7 A.67 Wilmette, Battery ..... .2 13 ..133 11[EN's "B" BASKETBALL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Wililette c<nfeetlonery .....12 2.857 Winberg Drugs.............. Il 3 .786 .Unkncwns..............86- .571 Y. P.C............6 8 . Hoffiaîn 1'ioist...........S.429 GIRLS' BASKETBIALL LEAGUE W. L. Pct. Brownien i«..12 1.923 Ponles 8 3 .727 Kudas 6 5 .545 ~Y.P. C. ....7 6 5 Basketeers ....2 il .154 MEN'S VOLLEY BALL LEÂGUE W. L. Pet. Mèlthodist 1, 14 1 .933 1-omward P. T, A . 12 3 .800 Baptist IL...........7 8 .467 flaptist L-..........7 7 .500 Pick ups........ ........2 12 .143 Methodist Il ...... >......... 1,2 .077 Record Finals in' .1High Scoring List Final high points of the individual basket scorers playing in the men's baslcetball leagues conducted by the Playground andI Recreation board are, announced'this week for the "A" and "C" leagues.' James Bagnal is, the higb point scorer in the "A" league and L.eonard Uoffman the, higli point scorer in the "C", league. Bagnali bas-a score ofý. 131 points with fifty-ine field goals and thirteen successful. free -tbrows. Hoffinan bas seventy-sýeven baskets and nineteen free throws, making a total of 173 points. The scorers for tbe week are: "C"' LEAGIJE dci cal Retain Cage Titie M'ePtho After goirng through fou rteen weeks weet of competitive play without defeat, victoii Nelson laundry dropped its Iast game The in the Recreation board's. "A" basket- witht bail league lait Wednesday evening feats. in ,,C" League TeHleirekson andi Freshian bas- ketbàll quintets playing in1 the Recre- ation board's "C" league for men, met last Wednesday night, March 13, at t ,he Howard* gymn*nas.ium '-for the play- off for the league chamipionsbip. .Each teain had lost two gaines during the -season's play, imaking a1 tie wzhiéh was settled when the Freshinen_ trounced their opponients, 21, to 18 to give thern- the league championship. *Paul Emrich of' the "Henreksoni squad was the hig&h'point man for the gaine. but. his eight points. were not enough to, cotinterbalance the poor scoring by bis teammat es and côuldn't overtakce the Freshmen. Members of tbe Freshinan chani- pions, are: Flarry Seifert, captait'; Tom Zaremba, Bernard Reagan, Gor- don Nevins, Bert Simons, Jarvis lin- gel, Douglas Huck, and Hugo Za- remba.. Line-ups for the Wednesday gaine were: ilenrekson. (18) fg. ft. t~ P. Hen'son O O 0 P. Emrich 3 2 8 E. Sam'lson 1 0 2 G. DeWitt 2 1 5 B. .Haley ,O0O0O J. Lechner 1 0 2 E. Snyder 0O0O0' ,. iT' perede.s O OA*O *~g Freshet <1) 1). Hluck fg.0 t0 T. Zaremba 2 2 (; Bi. Reagan 1 0 2 B. Sinons O0 0 O J. Lingel -3 'O;6 Top Teams Play Off for Title March 27 After fighiting ail season for first place in the North Shore Basketball league at Howard school, the two top teams, Lynain Texaco. and C. Y. O.. have finally fought. to a draw. SThe strong C. Y. O. aggrcgatioil got away to a fast start and copped the first. round. 'Tbe Joe Lynain quintet began playing first class bal and tied tbe: C. Y. O. teani for first place honors in '41ic second round. The Lynani Texaco Basketeers, not content witb this, won the third roaund with the belp of the Smith Stars, who o'bligingly defeated the iodists, its nearcst competitors,- ticd for second place with seven res cach, and eight defeats. eWiimette Battery finishcd lait two victories and, thirteen de..

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