Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 55

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pa$t; to investigate all no charge to employers CALL PAU] Davis 7777 634 Davis St. Evanstoli LINE'S 'Wllette 2171-2 4th & Linden Opip. L Termninal 66LTN46-Ite EXPERIENCED HELP WB, SPECIALIZB IN. HIGH GRADI ,domnestic help, ail nationalities. Nq. charge to employers. References In. vestigated., Under State supervision. Reinhart's. Empl. Agency 1748 Elrn St. Winnetka 3391 6BLTN28-tfi' DOMESTIC HEL? EXPI. AND WELL RECOMMENDEr No Charge to, Employer LinidgrenEmipi. ýAgency Establisheil 25 years 99Elm st. Winn. 1047 68LTN19-tfe Ca-lson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WTNNETfCA 3321 RELIABLE HELP All doméstie positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS UL.rma-tf(. FIRST CLASS COOK GERMAN. NORTH SHORE R.EFERS. Write B-141, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 6SLTN46-lp A WOMAN WOUTLD LIKE DAY WORJ<, cleaning and laundry. Care of chl- dren eves. Can give fir.-t-ciass service. Best N. S. refs. Winnetka 3322.' 68LTN46-Ilp RELTABLE AND COMPETENT WHITE person wishes General Housework. Reasonablesalary-Wllmnette prefered. -lng. N. S. reference. Phone-Oak], EXPER. YOUNG GIRL WANI tion -,arlng for child. Go hon, nlghts. Phone Glencoe 1495. ýWA NTED--COOKING OR - O housewôrk. Experlenced. Gerx -Ref. Write E. Murschel,,2?14 Elmnwood Park, 111. E EXPERIE~NCE~D GERMAN wants cleaning by day. N. *ences. Phone University' 4186, 68L CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAI -~ 69L46-ltp) SIT. WTD.-MIwALE AND FIEMALE. i nmale okJ..15rs. N. S. 1 butler, Glerman born, 5 yrs. l3oth expei ienced in weil known homnes. Ist class gardeners. Caîl Glencoe 160 for further intormation. FlIED'IS EMPLOYMENT AGCY. Hlghland Park 70L46 ip NEÂT COLO*RED COUPLE.: FIRSÎ class icook and A-i. ousemian. Ail- generai work, Excellent North.Shore references. Robert Strickland, Univ- ersity 6318.. 70ILTN46-Itp HEL.P WNTED--FEMALE Frank's Domestic Bureau 421 Richmond Rd. , Kenilworth ý,nd r I. Village Hall. Kenilworth 5221 ALL DOMESTIC EMPLOYEES WITH good references and experience. We can place you in the 'kinid of homes and wages You are.lookinig.for. Good posi- tions with good wages open at al times. No washing. $10 tu start.> 5)5 Washington Ave., Glenq WANTED. - WHITE. C nights. Housework and ing. $6 per week. Phone N YOUNG WOMAN WITH voice for telephone soliq have"Wilniette phone. Cý L-tpWilmette* 406e.e 71LTN46-Itp 3PFOSI -______ __ or stay* Nti.P WANTrED-mAIFE qEAL AN OPPORTUNITY an girl.'FOR THE RIGHT MEN 4-lt A NEW ORGANIZATION IS BEING- ViOMAN formed for the North Shore distribu- refer- tion of a wanted cmoiy'n- 1L.tl Ls yet men,. 611 Main Street' Wilmette 4414 77LTN46-lte wlth rumIble seat. Exc. cond. 7000 miles. $425 (ternis). Winnetka 3168. 771LTlN'it-tp' üIgID CAR S&ARGAINS- JUST DEIVERS ANY 0ëN3 0FI LISTED BELOW '31-Essex Sport coupe,. also coach 'ûU)-utnevrolet Sport 'Coupe '30-Model 47 Buick Sedan '39-Chevrolet Coupe '29-Pac]kard Club sedan '30-Chrysler 77 Sedan. 194-Terraàplane coach, sun-tan finish, radio, condition perfect. $205 down 1934-Dodge Deluxe. coach, new ear value, a Ibrgiin., . $225 dowfl 1933-Chevrolet: sport coupe, used as a second car, in perteet condiation, ýU4D fict automobile. ';65 ow cook. 1933-Dodge . Delàxe Coupe, original enees. tires, rumble seat. $165 down 1933-I>odge 'Custom 8 sedan, equipped 16-itc with a wealth of acceeories, $19,4 uiown STAY 193--Terraplane 8 sudani driven only cook- 15,000 miles. Just like neW. $175 dowit 1574. 6-ltp When you buy your used car, from ýNT lButler Motors, you znay be sulre Must that you are ýgetting dollar, fo nleaf dollar value., Corne i4 and see us *6-ltc and be convinced. - CHEVROLET SPECIALS ALL CARS FU-LY GUARANTEEID '34-'rowïi oed., trunk, radio. Big Disc. '14-Coach, onily 7,200 miles ......... $535 ';s2-Coacii, coupe or road. Low as 375 '3Z-Landau or Convertible coupe 325' '31--Sport or,'Conmv. coupe....... .. Z50 OTIIER MAKES LOW AS $35. INorth Shôre Chevrolet 611 MAIN STREET WILMErTE 4414 1931 Packard - Club Sedan $250 734 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 1184 fori1 or 2. KitchUen privileges If de-' 'aired. Private >famlly. 4 biks. to LA Phone, Wllmette 3986. , 2LTN46-lt NICE ROOM. NE.WLY.-DECORATED, close to bath. private. front >entrance, 2 blocks from business section.'Phone Winnetka 3579. 82L46-ltp LARGiE AIRY FRONT BOOm ALSOI smaller room. Sonie kitchien privileges. Garage. East. aide, good transp. Phone wllmette 1530. 82LTPN46-ltp SMALL H OUSEKEEPING SAUITE IST floor EU aide home; priVate entrance; oll heat, instant hot water. Conv. transp. CaliL after 3 p. M. Wilhnette 204. 84LTN46-1t ROOM AND. BOARD. SINGLE AND DOUBLET ROOMS. PH. *Wilmette -2384. 8L4-ltp VERY PLEASANT FURN. HOUSE- keeping rooms for two or four. Conv. East Side location. Wi. 965-e after- noons for appt. 4LTN46-ltp wTrD. Tro RgNT-LTr. Hskpi. àRma WANTED APRIL 1ST BY COUPLE - 2 or 3 dlean film. housekeeplng roorna, in famlly of adults. Garage. Rent $30. Write B-137, Box 40, Wllmette, Ill. 85L4A6-ltp B OARD AND fOONM KENILWORTH INN offers you dlean, hornelike rooms, suite. ,wlth bath. Excellent ineals. Reason-ý able. 315 Cumnor Rd. Kenllworth 5491. 86LTN46-ltc 2535 EASTWOOD AVENUE 2nd St. East' of' C. & N. W. Ry. at Central St. Sta. Four Ige. rms. $50.001. Free refrlg. Beautiful rno<ern bldg. (flot onl a court). 'Livingrm. has In-a-door bed. Caîl Greenleaf 4446. 92LTN46-ltc 809 AORST AVENUE v. flfl p - W calcimining, pat by reliable man. 1 -fin-nà.iiv - kritiwn-- - Thé coinnany ià -én 1 Win- 1 -1., or

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