Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 58

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descrptionof the, kinds or classes of rnilk In which the licensee la. authoriàed th deal wlthln the Village of Wilmnette. -Mach llcesnsee shall cause hie license .to b. legibly and "on0pcuously poséd ln hie place of buoiness. SECMTION 3: Eaàch ll1censeo ehail pay te tIi. ,Village 0f Wilrnette a fee for mach license of1 ten'dllars (810.00) Po r annum. When more than onewao cart, or'other vehicle le usied by saïad Jlcensee ln hIe business as a dealer. ln rnilk, thon said llCeneee shall pay for oaci addition al wagon, cart, or other vehicle an: addltional license féeeof ton dollars (J10.00) per aninurn. 8E TN4-, Nô such license shallibe lssuedfèr a'à longer priod than one year, and every license sh!aI expire. on the lZst day of pocenbr next following the date of the issuance tiiereof.' SECTION 6: It, after the issuance and dellvery.0f the licence, any change b. made ln the location,«fthia place of l..a*nAa sm n ph 1.inffa . or snh tives for Zalî.' , dellvery or cQnsuumption witlia> the Village of,0fWlmette -shali be properly cleansed, rlnsee& 4n s t.eri- liied before uslng aud shall bel su con- structed: that no millk eau accumulate lu aiiy Part thelreof after use and no tht they caù be cleaned by a simple waehlng' The surface of'aIl such uteslils, 1Mahcrs, or, other devices and appaa'atus which cornes In contact with such inlk muet at ail times be kept smooth and free from. muet.- Teuth. Al open top Émilk palse shahl have au opeûlng at the top pot mnore than seven (7). luches lu diarneter. E leventh. No person who le a affeted witia or le euspected of belng affected with any contaglous disease, or w ho lhîves 9ll, or la employed with,orla corne In contact wlth any person se, if- fected or suspected of belug no affected, or -Who livesln'a place wher, there hans e] i CentlYubeen, n * narons ismasm- . .IqI under and lu accordance waith te fo:- Firet: All rnllk, crearn, skim- milk, butternillk or chocolate. milk dérivatives sold, offered for sale or kept wl'th. the intention of sehlng, or ù 18ed in the mianu- facture of tee cream wlthlu the Village of Wilmette . ell be paeteurlzed ln a mariner hereinafter provlde.d, unlees sucb rnulk., cream, skim muilk, buttermulk or cocoa 'mllk derivatives- are of the klnd or grade known, as "Certified." Second. Ail rnllk, mrarrn, skiamllk, or- cocos. mllk derivatives sold, offered for sale, or kept, wlth the intention of Belllng 'Vithin the. Village of Willrette sliah be contalnedi n'tlghtly closed and capped btôttles or receptacles of a similar character or ln tlghtly closed cane and said containers shall' be. labeled . 7ëerti- 1Ied'" or OlTasteurtied" with the. word *ilk," 'craan," "sklim milk," or "lcocoa mllk derlvatives,!' asý theé-case rnay .be« eisewer W 1.VWlLS*J itn ay eame ilw ***îa, cow or horse or any other animal Io kept or wth any rorn contalnlng a water closet or bath tuib or in any room. used 'for any. domestie purpuée what- goever. Such building shall be properly Illghted and ventllat.ed and Provided with cemret'floore. cooling tanks, sinks prop- erly dralned and :ventilated and. fur- niehed wlth modern appliances and facilities for the sterilization.,of,,milk utenelle andbotties (wliere millk la bot- tled) ýand sa nltary handllng of miik under ail circumestances. Nlnth. Ail cane, vessels and receptacles ueed ln -the hanrdllng of* mllk or crean, as welL as. al packages, refrigerators or compartynents of stores or other1 places. wher6 mllk or creana le Rkept, etored or handied shahl be kept and maintained 'ocrupulously neat and c.ean and shall be kept free from, the presence and vlclnity .0f any article of any kind lkely to contaminate or lnjuriously. affect the sweetnees, quality or condition of'the mulké or creai. Tenth. No mllk shall be delivered ln' bottlee or otherwise wlthin any room. Scap or cover of every con- botle Cor other containers that may bé- Scontainied Iu bottles or re- at such Place at the tirne of the dis,. a sîmilar character and flot coverY 'of .such disea-se or left during Ive-elghthe (%) of an Inch its course shall be rernoved 'until after tg attached to each container such botties or containers have been lned ln cane. preperly sterllaed at the end of the, xnllk, crearni, ekm mllk, and period ef quar<antin'e. derîvatives shall be placed SECTION 10: T'he Commissionier 0if r other suitable receptacles Health shall cause bottling plants, pas- Itted for sale, and enuch con- teurizing plante, dlctrlbuting stations, 1be sealed or capped, as the. al'farms and dairles supplylng millk e, at that tume lrmediately *on creaini te the Village of Wilhnetté )asteurizatlon and coolng te be Inspeeted by bis proper, deputy n.of hnttle fillinir nh.ll ip and shall Dreàerv.e a record of ,.u<ch n- 1LpiC Ut ViAN.V or PU conditions: cows which > fl 0f mIlk - uid derîva- ftered for or kept or so, withlnt h shall otE aréd under( used for sale,, de-1 th -i.Vil-1 eLa tLU VistasL à Permit, the sa odcd, prýepari ~e saforesaid tre after that aeslgnateca on the Par'I Ail cértlfied nhilk, crearn skim Vill or cocoa rnilk derivatives ehaîl be ý net later than the day beglnnlng POr y (30) heurs after the time drawn Or4 the. cow and shall not be seld o n l glay except the day deslgnated on ul abel. ing mllk produced shaîl b. delivered at te a rnIk recelvlng station of a enh4 .. sum.y 01. sutI1 report or tory tests upon1 such Inspection recald of any' farm, dairy, .bottliug Pasteurlzing plant or distributing 1 in, which niilk je produc'ed, jpre- or 4iandled for use wlthin the. eof Wilmette. TMON 12: No pereen, firm or cor- >n shall seil, exchangc, or deliver, >r for sale, exchange, or delvery. Village of Wilmette a&Ly i , Iuk the sanie le paeteurlzed by heat- the following manuer.: If heated emperature of 144 degrees Fahr- niant or0F hm lnspected by hn a a! lantf whlch mmnissioner SECTION 14: The Commiseloner of Health shall malte, ror cause to be made,, an Inspection of such pasteurlzipg ap- Daratus and, the premlsee or plant wierein the samne Is operated. Hie shall require àa demonstratIon 0f'thé <r.pera- until 1151. , XUI d to the er the ani z or lInf and to ce us di r ,the]

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