Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 59

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may vrequIre l he au.,i- ita epply ac- curate chartse at any reasonable time and at ,such i ntervels as -shallseemn neces sary te the said Cormmissioner. The mechaiiism of the. pasteurizer shaîl be sUch that the temperature, tirne of ex- Posure and the quantity et milkcxposed. te heat tberein at one time can be kept under the observation and cont1rol et the ConnisIoner et Ilealth. Tihe t1.er- mometer et thîs apparatus shail be kept submered j-the milk*therein In,-uc- a- way that l lncxposed te the .hcatcd xnilk -onlY. SECTION 16:. Whcn the Commis- sZoner et Htealth upon such application snd such .Inspection shahl be satistied that the pasteurizing cquîpment used by the saRd applicant ila -lnhccordance witix the requirementa herein named and that the tarm or farm.4, dairy or dainies supplying te such. applicant: the miik used ln imaking such pasteuriz . prod- uct are oPcrated 'ln accordanée, With the conditions herein named, then the Cemmissioner stia!I report the tact te the Village Clerk, who shali thereupon Issue a license te such peraoîu, firm or corpor~ationi ta elsuipply and d4elver-- pasteurized rnilk witbin tlie Villag et Wihrnette as provided lnn Section 2 hiereof. SECTION 1 7: No ndlk which has been pasteurized shall be repast.ýurized. or rehcated for any pur pose Nvhatso- 'ever. SECTION 18: Ail iasteurized milk shahi be coo'Ied iimondiately after the proceset pasteurîzation bas been com- pleted te a temper.ature of 45 degrees. Fahrenheit or below in such a mianner that it la net exposed to possible sources- of contamination and s.iil b kept thereatter at a teinper-;ttu.re of 50) de- grees Fahrenheit or below during al -f 1 . *i ý.... iý t. i., f.re qr- . , per cent of such volume, and shail have a specile cgravity otf not lessthan 1.029 at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahren- heit andshall'have, a reading on an im- mersion refractometer on the serumù at 20 degrees FPabrenheit of not lésa than 39. SECTION 26:- Itý shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation te seli, offer for sale, exabanget or deliver wlth- ln the Village of W4lmette any bevérage, for human consumption thàt contains mnilk ln any proportion unlesasald milk lias been proiduced and pasteurized and. héi beverage bottled and distributed un- der the régulations as, provided by ths Ordiniance. AIl. such .beveragea shafl contain flot lesa than 3%~ per' cent of the1 total volume and shallflot exceed 30,000 bacteria per cubic centimneter. Any flaveredmllk drinknot coming up te the above requIrements in butter fat ton-> tent shail be labeled on the regular cap ln lettera flot less than three-eightha (%) Inch high with theý words-ý "Prepared frem sklim milk." SECTION 27: AIl cream soldor kept1 or offered for sale or use lni the Villag6ê of Wilmette shall contain butter fat therein of net less thapn 1.8 per cent of. the 'voume tlieréof. SECT'ION 28: No person, firm or cor- poration shall seli or offer for sale in the Village of Wilmette any "Ik from which the cream or any part thereof s hall have been taken except as "skimtu milk." S kim milk shall be defined as sweet mllk from which a part or ail of the cream has been removed. No per- son, flrm or corporation shail seli or dis- tribute within thé Village of Wilmette skim milk which contains lesg than 7 per cent of milk solida which are not fats. Itshall be unlawful te transport, sell or deliver '"sklm milk' unless the vessel containing such milk shall havé The Word "SeilI" shall be taken to fleau- exchanging or delivering for a consideration, or the having ln posses- sion, care, control, or custody: With the bItent to se11, exchange or deliver, or to offer for* sale. The words "Hiiandling .Milk"e shall be taken to mean any of the processes :or operatiens through which milk passes or te which it- is subjeet fromÙ the time It le being drawn from the cow until ît is delivered to thé con- sumner. 1SECTION 33: The, Comnmissioner of H-eaith!or any of bis deputies thereunto duly authorized shah >have the power to enter and. have fu access to any building, structure, or premises where milk -or any of Its flid derivatives, la produced, prepared, handled, stored, sold, or kept fot sale and to ail w agons, raflroad cars. or other vebiclea of any kind used for the. conveyance or de- livery of such mnilk and shall have the right to take samples of such imilk from any mnilk can vessel. or container which he may flnd In any place. Such samples shall be taken ln the rrntina1 ,inbrokn ,er tagiIng EMUUU SMUp15 Mah persen fromn whom anyi are taken thËat sùch sa be used for the purpose ei tion, test and analyuis b, tment et Health. Ail saml Aft fuw chse'k anolyirnlhai uma~ie tor or Ixform 1sam- es are Lch In- ie DIe- taken, prop- pres- deemne< necessary .:te cause an- Inspec- tion of any sick or dlsased cow or the herd wherei >n such. sck or diseased ani- mal ltifeund, homay- engage aý vet- erinary Inspecter te act with hlm lu making such. Inspection; and If, iate careful Inspection, a.ny cow or cows are feund .te be sick or diseased with any contagions or infectious di1seases, or Wlth asny hialady la the Judgmnent et the aaid 'Commissioner which weuld of focessity render the milk unwholesome fr human food;- if a diseased cow la by the Commissioner et Health deemed Incurable and the owner or person lu charge thereot dees net consent te Its belng k1Iled, the Commissioner of 1Health shall notify and request the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners te slaugh- ter sncb animal. A, violation of this section shaîl be deemed. a miademeanor, and on conviction thereof, the offender shahl be flned net leus than five dollars (50)nor more thani one hundred dol-. larsm (IfluEif places ef businesof alperi ln the sale, transportation of milk and cream ln tii Wilmette, 'and also ef thoi or selling f rom carniages, other vehicles cf any desc the number thereof; alo cf covslI every stable or Vlae cf Wilmette, a rf examinatIons, tests or anal or cream together with eue] a may be requJred by thi that niay be deemed neçe i lr.ièvm *.ghtly closed nottles or f a similar character or ln irnmediateiy after pasteur- 20. -%Ven the Cornmis- eath sbal1 ho satis.ied tipon n of ' the ((lui> pment <r eo rought. into the . Village of. ,r * ftered rer sale bY the tt such mnilk ls not paLsteur- tird hcreby and that, It las duced, prepared or handled tiens, or ln the inanner re- y, or that thle said pasteur- int doés flot pasteurize sncb shall appear on ters net 1lesa thai inch in height. SECTION 29: duced by the rern akim, mllk or crx churning. Nothl contained shl b the use or sale of termvilk, ptovided from pure and Should ,any suc! Le cap mereor inlet- - 'three-slxrteenths i ý(¾sI) 'M sa ttermllk le milk pro- TI !5l et butter fat frem ai m in the proces et i g lI this Ordinane e:' construed te, proDhubit hc rhat Io knen as but- hm sarnàin 4. rnd.inoAth Mefl Ume el ef the samý mination shi re. iCTION 34: Commission on or by a r deemadvIisiv tur pcruon aunorizea o the j-ealthn vepartment may De who shal thexi Placê quate,, thortough, and effective ,e untIl actual analyses. Heaithi Department may confine Ite shall be made promptly;' spectiens within suchi peints and ti apsing between the tak- tonial limits as the Health Departr ple and the. time of the may from tîme te, time deeni neceai 01lnh ne -case exceed six te insure economic and proper su vision and te safeguard and proi It shaîl be the duty of the publie health of the Village et er of Uealth, (eltiier ih mette. deputy) as. otteni as he 1 SECTION 41: Ev6ry- nson. Crm MI orV pear to ýthe the said eng shall be issued as te t 1 hereof. .icar -neyýer it shail ap- or 1 aji et the Comnmis- herl tthe conditions of be of the said Cein- otf er requircu 'orI jfl rmine by the sta Assjociation. 1for shalh lfrein stck and disease( d- method ted on refuse or- slep vinegar factorlea or sin with. kd cream or cows Atteat: Istilleries, )ps, mash .4-t SECTION an inspect.ý .the milk b licçnace, thi izcd as reqt no<t . hean ii Sser ZA$-IÏe

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