Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 60

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this Sunday and Monday, coimpeting in singles, doubles ýand as mnembers of a. five-man team which will. inclùde also two bowlers from 1Mt. Prospeci *and one, fromù Arlington H!eights. All five men who make up the teamn. bowl in the Northwest Suburban Traveling league of Chicago. SPORTSMAN LEAGUE The league leadingk rier's Buffet teamn remained, one game abead of the second place. HaÈry's Budweiser boys as .a resuit f as wek matches. Krier's won two out. of three. fro ài Bleser's, and Harry's Budwýeiser had similar luck. with the. Wilmfette Tailors. The Sunset Villa, of Win- netka, by winning t 1wo out of tbree fromn Edelweiss, moved into a third place tie with Bleser's. Hugo and Bingo of Winnetka whipped the Cycle inn, t~wo gamés teOnGie. .Following is a sunimary of some of the higb scores for the season : Higb teamn score for three games-. Bleser's, 2863. Second high team score for threel games-Wilmette Tailors, 2848. High single game team score-Wil- mette Tailors, 1052. Second high single game team score, -Bleser's, 1020. Higb individual score for three ganies-Williazn Teichert, 670. Second bigh individual score for three games-Phil Bleser, 661.* High individual single gaine score. -William 'Teichert, 267. Second high individual single game score-Art Wagner,- 256. The team standings, correctedl through last week's games. follow: Toia Standings Won Lýost High K-rler's, Buffet '47 31 1018 IIarryIs .Budwelaer 46 32 991 Bleser's., 44 34 * 1020 Sunset, Villa 44 34 :.969 Edelweiss' 41 37 9671 Hugo and Bingo 39 36 965 Wilrnette Tallors 32 46 1052 Cycle Inn 20 .58 952 Won ýry 46 45 42 lie ôt 1 LEGION POST (Pott 46) t Team. No. 3, captained by Harry Flentye, leading the league 1.with eiheen victories, andý twelve defeat,, rmanaged to hold onto first place by the slim margin of one game last week by. winning tw o ôt of three' games from. Captain- Drewes' tean No. 4. After taking the first ,two gaines, 906 to_726 and 917 to 867, the Flentye bôwlers dro6pped the last one, 792 to 836. CaptainGeorge Bassler's Team No. 1 is ,crowdinýg Tean No. 3 for first place. LAst week the Bas- sier boys took tbree. straight from Captain Lindberg's Team No. 2. Scores were 858 to 844, 891 to.856 and 905 to 898. The team standings follow: Teams W L. Pet. Team 3-Flentye, capt. 18 12 .600 'eam 4-Drewes, capt. 14 16 :466 Teani 2-Lindberg ,Il 19 .366 'UNION LEAGUE The -second place St. John's Luth- cran team did its part last week to- wards knocking the league leading Congrégationalists ouf of first place. The Lutheran bowlers won three straight games froin the leaders, 848 to 831, 826 to 793 and 888 to 841. Meanwhile the two Methodist teanis were battling ecd other. Teain No. 1 won two out of three froin Tcam No. 2. Scores wcre, 774 to 726, 781 to 811 and 851 to 810. Following are thc tcam; standings-: Teanis W. L. Pet. Congregational 15 9 .625 St. John's Lutheran 18 12 .600 Methodist 1 16 16 .500 Methodlst 2 5 23 .178 Se~~Basketeers End Boys' basktball tars represent- ing the Joseph Sars school, Kenil - worth, closed their scason Iast Sat- urday, whcn thcy met teains from the H-aven school of Evanston. The Lost 26 27 30 ADVERTISERý A. B. C. Corp.......... .. 46 Ace. Motor Sales...ICover Il Alaska Railroad ............ 25 Albright Beauty Shop ... S AIka-Seltzer Lab., lac.......47 Baltimore & Ohio ......21 Bismarck Hotel ........52 - Blanh Pharmacy ...:......... 9 Bloom-Hall Dr.ess Shop...8 Bol....................4 Bonnem, The Tailor.....5 Book Nook ................ 44 Braun Bros. Ou Co.... Cover IN' Chandler's ................ 44 Chicago & North Western Ry. .35 Chidlumel Store........ 13,24 Communityr Theatre .......3 Co-Op, The ................ 44 Cowan, Jesse..........45S Enyart, Van Camp,& Feil...47 Erickson, Ben............ 52 Esther Beauty Shop .... 6 Firestone Store............ 8 First Church of Christ, PAGE ADVERTISER, PA GE Mfillen Hardware.........27Î Motors Service, mnc......6 Murine Co................. 44 Murphy-Miles Oil Co. -...... 30 New Trier Service Station .... 8 'North Shore Travel Service ... 31 Oul Well, The.... ....... 5 Pagliarulo, D. ............... 5 Peaçock lesCream...... Pennsylvania Qil Co.....4 Personal Finance Co......... 10 Pool & Piper. .............. 39 Publie Service Go........... 49 Qu inlan & Tyson ......46 Renneckar Drug Co .......... 9 kensch Warehouse..........S7 * Ridge Avenue Pharmacy ...... 9 - Schloesser's.........7 Scott, Wm. H.....Cover IV Sherr, Norm........45 Shore Line Citanérs ........ 23 Shore Line Motors, nc . ..23 Snider-Cazel Drug Go ........ 19 Snyder, C. C. me ........... ,35 ag, -.u'. .......... 4t .........31,33.45 iPharmacy..........6,9 pins. Other 200 games were: Frank Schneider, 212: Joe Lechner, 208; joc, Rossergr. 105 GergeWhite, 204; Ed Bleser, 201, and- Eddie Seyller, 200. The battie for &ist. place honor$3 sh'D Treasurer, 1200 -èentrai nette, 111. al Purposes fromn E28 to E354, ýased to accrue March 19, 1935. F. A. Andrew, Townshlp Treasurer. LTN46,-lt c Marshall Field .& Go. -16, 18, M, 29 Mathew Francis ............ 41 Mestian Bros........... ...39 ivatrla= n.-.....1- * 1v Wilmette Confectionery ...... 6 Wilmette Music & Radio Shop.53 Wilmette, State Bank ... Cover Il Wilmette Theatre.......... 53 Worthen's.................2 wake Up to the unuulvle off ered in temsageso Our. Advertisers

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