Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1935, p. 6

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very much. that presently we will be so buey that we will, have .to make app ointmente f o r car repaire. How. C vcrp at presen~t we c a n complete most any job the saine day that it is brought in. 011 Sheen Peri SI.mpo@ mand FNager Wave lincimui We have installed.an Arnold to remove dandruf and to. inv bringing life and lustre bto f Treoinueut dians., each with one victory and no defeats, are out in front. Eacb of the r tbree other teains, 'the Unknowns, Cornbuskers and Swift's, bas played two garnes. Swift's have Iost botb, while. the Unknows and Cornhuskers have broken even. j In gaines playdnay night of The Vorthland collège A Cappelka choir, of oe forty vo'cesWilI sng w this week the Indians, walloped the. the Pirst Congregationai church SSmday morning, IMarcis 24, at 10:45: Unknowns, 34 to 23., Capt. John o'clock. This groùp of singeri ii about to start on a tour of.Né.,w England Montonaro of the Inidians was othîe and -v4II sig in »manyý Eastern cities. Thse director, Sigvart J. Steen, hmi star of tbe gaine. Où the samîe night patternet tihe choir ai ter that, of his teacher, S.- Melius Chrsstlançen, . mo iv the Cornhuskeris nosed out Swifts, said Iota hvé.tie - ost foenous a cappella choir in thse country. Wherew 25 to 23, witb Scott Campbell and ths Northianti choir has sun tise press notices have been enthu.siasrtic, andi Dana Morrison leading the attack for, tie service ons .ndaymriqprmsst b 'eoyuuuliteeiat the winners. entoren.Thee toomen of tise cisurcis '411 serve dinner to this'guest choir In a tournarnent sponsored by the a t the close, of thse service. Evanston Y. M. C. A. for north shore *teains the. Spiders were elininated. in thée first round by St. George.. Miller: Mre. Fannie, Pçnberthy Mrs. Hortense Davis le and~Fizgral, wo layOn he Dies at St.ý Petersburg - Taken by Death Sunday Spiders' teamn, were unable to coin- pete in this gaine. Tbhev are thembers Mrs. Fannie E. Penberthy, mother -Mrs. ýHortense Davis, wife of Rich- of the New Trier Higli school tean, of Dr. La Verne E. Penberthy, a ard T.~ Davis, builder and owner of which bas been busy in district and dentist living at 1524 Wilmette ave- the Linden Crest apartinent building secionl turnmens.nue, died'suddenly at St. Petrsburg, in Wilmette, died at 'the- Evarnton ____________Fia., last Friday. Mrs. PenbertbY, bospital last Sunday. Mrs. Davis' Miss axineLivingston o f 215 who was 68 years old, was the widow death was caused by burns she re- Modiss Mavenuihefrte of Edward Penbertby. She had been ceived when ber clothing caught ire Woobin aenu, i hme or uespending the winter in tbe Florida in the attic of ber home, 1246 Hin-, spring holidays f rom Ohio State uni- City.mnaeuEastn eie e vest tCoubs hreshshe tis aer Besides the son in Wilmette, Mrs. husband, wbo has a real estate office frehinn his>'er.Penberthy is survived by three at 5252 Broadway, Chicago, Mrs. daugbters, Mrs. O. M. Brodfuehrer Davis is survived by two children by PIT'T TR and Miss Evelyn Penberthy, with a former marriage, Mary jane Seth- a ~whom she lived at 2315 Park pla Ce, ness, 17 years ôld, and Ralph Setb- FRAIED, vnt and Mrs. Florence Cline ness, a aWstùdent at Dartmnouth Ha1145 POO hP Arthur Emery, was killed overseas beld Wednesday morning, and burial E14G!reewsef Avenue Wtlmette 1676 during the war. tok place at Rosehili cemetery. - ~~~The funeral services were held _________ Tuesday afternoon at ber late reui- dence ini Evanston, and burial took Death Takes Father -manentplace at Memorial Park Cern'etery. of Stephen Shimonek,., $Mrs. George Woodland Stephen Shimonek, father ýof ied J __Dies in Miami, Florida Stephen Shimonek, Jr., who operates deci $3the service station at 803 Main street, flot Ou Steamer .~. ~ Mrs. George Woodland, motber of de fahatatc nWdedy 1 otOi Seae Le Roy Woodland, 336 Leicestber road, March 13, at Manitowac, Wis., wbere vigorate the scçalp,, Kenilwôrth, died last Saturday at bera, he. hair. homme in Miami, Fia. Besides the son he had made bis borne for the past lq= 1 in Kenitworth, she is survived by an- six years. Besides the soninWl - $1.00 oter. son, Fred , B. Woodland of mette, Mr. Shimonek is survived by 721 Main Street Phone WImlie 200-260

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