Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 8

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1the re-orgaflizatio ofothte iCUL.- ýCOATS Sixth corps area the i8th For os - RqnirIng cmadrBi.Gn aaT aWingcomne rg e.a T Wilmette 1544l nul, U .Arrmy.___ First Churci of: Christ, Sci entist Tenth Street îmd Central Avenue -Wilmette, 114. SUNDAY- SERVICES-il'A. M. WEDNBSDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 -A. M. MACH31. 1935 Subject: "REALITY"ý READING RQOM-1148 Central Avenue Open Daily <.zcept W.dn.sday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ,Wednd9A.t*M. to 7:4 P.M. Saturday 9 A. M to 9 P. M. lthe Bibe.end Works of, Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Science Lterature may bce rend, borrowed or purchased nt the Reading Rooi., THE PUBLIC Ns OOSDILLY INVITHI> TO ATTEND THES CIURCH SERVIESA14D-VMST'THE READING ROOM may DC aiscovered are as Iows: A party of Wilmiette people, en- route from Florida, stopped at the Evansville hotel, Monday evening of last week, and in the. dinfing room staged the-celebrat ion, with birthday.cake, candles.,and every- thing. Trhe ýparty.,consisted of a mnotheér, two daughters,,,and two, children o-f one of the daughters. A:4ccording tot an .observer,ý the ev'ent was a huge sucçess., the party, having a jolly good time. But. identities were . ot* revealed, so names cannot be given. Locating the members of the party is the business of the sleuths. William H. Bowen Gets, Scholarship at Harvard William H. Bowen of 605 Eighth str Cet, Wilumette, Jias 'been awaded a Mary L. Whitney scholarship, one of. the outstanding freshman scholas- tic honors of Harvard. college. The. scholarship, which carnies a stipend, goes to the student making an un- usually high record in his studies cluring the first haif of the freshman year. Bowen prepared for collège at New Trier Higb school. fi :.use, wfly npty, ,and "m nart.ny jbrown tu ini ber old farm- 1 bouse was SO e had done 'with the livestock, and why. SAt first mavbe you will think it was because 'of..Silas (W. B. Robinson, Jt.) who had courted ber for fiftecii years and neyer."popped." But, when you sec how outspoken andexasper-, ated, Marthy gets. with :Suas, trëat- ing: imlike an 1old husband, Y01 Perhaps5, next you will guess that Marthy has gone plain "loony" living alone 'ont there in 'the country so long. But one look . at clear-ýeV d, rool-headed. capable Marthv. (Mrs., John D. Kinnear) w'iIl dispel that notion. You Muet Sée It!1 No. you can't guess! You'll. have to, Corne and worry it out witb théeguests, three of whom (Mrs. Henry- Hall." Miss Rosaline Milîs, and Mrs. Boyne H-. Plafti) are so curious îhey cari o'et awav with aIl but the bones at that.) S-uas listenç in-they are nio- more concerned than he. 'He feels that his fifteen vears of settin' up tbree times a week with Marthv giv'es him "some rigzhts.",He asks, "Be your goin' awav. Marthv?" and she says malvbe she be and mavbe she be-n't. Th'e play, like aIl of 10rs. J. A.Pr rill's plavs, is a huniorous- one. The meni and women are dressèd in thc midwest 'country costumnes of , th Pardon Us If We. Cet Down To Bross Tacks There isn't a brass tack in the foundation'gar. mente we offer, to be sure, but you get the idea. They're lastex and brocade and net and lae . .. soft and pliable, but firm as firm. Start with a new corset hefore you buy that suit and cres... and then sec what a bea u- tiful figure you have! It's worth trying.* you can imagine you are seeing life as your grandparents saw it-if .tbeyr *erë pioneers-sorne fifty years agKo. Dancers Wifl Feature Some of Wilmette's best dancerS: are among the eight men and eight women who dance in the quadrille to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel," played .hv Carl Nylund on bis mouth organ. George E. West. chairman'of the popular Community Dances, wbere many of: Wilrnette's newcomers met 1161-1163 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 4406 411 garments fited and alteredi by an experienced Corseliere free of charge. 0o Miss Frances' Flentye, 729 Lake avenue, a Spanisb teacher at New Trier High school, will leaye this Saturday for New York to spend her vacation with her'sister,, Mrs. Hugh Porter, the former Ethel Flentye. rresman 1111 Greenleaf Ave. 'M a '

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