Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 16

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siens," MXack>ermlcl, Edward UOtis, siolst > p ostlude, "March" (G *minorisuite) Rog' ers. Miass E-ma. Rounds le director. Our S3unday Bible school mteets at 9:30 oclock, ln ail departnients. Thé Junior and Beginners departments are ln. theilr new quarters. The Adult. Bible class memübers Invite you to..meet with theni at 10 o'clock ln thé study o! "The Lite and Létters of Paul," led by the pastor. The Pastor's lass for those who wisi' te prepare for chut-eh iembershilî ai Easter will meet at 9:30 o'clock. Adults will be welcome. The Tuxis soclety. wlll mneet a t i:30 e'clock -ln thé chapél. Atter refresh- ments, the 'Meeting wlll be held witli the topic,, "Why Join the Church." All the younig people are lnvlted. We wIll join wlth the other churches of Wilmette in a Union Lenten Evening service àt the English Lutheran church. The àýa.çjcher.Willbe thep Rév. Dr. Hub- ert Carleton of St. Augustfiie's É~pisopal chut-ch. The service le at 7 :30 o'clock. The Session wIll meet Monday evéning at 8 o'elock at the church. Boy Scout Troop No. 5 wili me-ýt at the chut-eh Monday evening.- The Presbytery of Chicago wvill nicet at Bethany church, Chicago, Tuésday at 10 o'elock. A spécial meeting o~f -thé Wilitette Sunday Evéning club will be held Tuies- daý evening. at 8 o'clock at the C.in- gregational chut-ch. -Braneon DeCou wll givé a lecture on "Around the Méditer- ranean." This le' to remove thé défi ýit of the club. Spoke 10, of the Wonian's sociéty will mneet Tuesday with Mrs. A. L. McCor- nIick, 519 Washington avenue. Wednesday evéning wé will have a~ Lenten service ln the chapel at 8 9'clo.k. The minister will spéak on "Itegrets at thé Cross."! Wé Invite yen. to meet wifli us. The choir will réhearsýe Friday evcnYling at 71:15 O'clock. Girl Scout Troop No. à il meet Saturday atternoon at the chut-ch. The annual mereting of the church and congrégation wiil be held Wednesd~ evening, April 10. et 8 o'clock. Thursday niglit, April .4, le Ladies' nlght at the Men's club. Dinner will be "served at 6:45 o'clock. Mr. Hindley willl -lead a brie! devotional service, after whlch there will be several surprise.spe- - lalty hnumbers. The Central circle. meets on, Friday, 1: April 5. with Mrs. F. A. Wilson,'1118 SCentral avrenue. Luncheon wlll be e served at 12:30 o'clock. Miss Jean Tag- gart and Mrs. I. R. Adkins, will, assist Mrs. Wilson. S Theý members ot the Church. school are fmaklng a special Lenten. offering w .hlch will be sent to Onward House*to hé used ln Its mllk fund. Thé* Junior Camp Fire Girls mieet on l'uesday at 4:15 p. mi. Scout treop 'No. 1 iée-ts on Tués day at. 7:30 p.ini.' The Brownies. (Junior1 Girl -Scouts) meet on Wedniesday at 3:-30 p. mi. Scout troop -No. 2 méets on Wednes- day at 7:30 p. m., Girls' choir rehearsal on, Thursday at 3 :30 P. nm. Boys' choir* reheareal on, Thursday at- -4 P. M. Senior choir rehearsal on T1hursday at 7:15 P. nm. Cub Pack 63 on Saturaay a.t 9:30 a. mi. Girls' choir rehearsal on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Boys! choir rehearsal on Saturday at il 'i n Wilmette Baptist -Wllxette and F'orest avenues Rev. George D. Allîson, pastor Junior choir ineéts today (Thursday) for further practiée looking forward to' flAir- Pali-n Ondav*and nA i-qi ToGe-y (Ttiu?5(ey>, Linl< Pour ef our wornen's organization, Mrs. R.. E. Wén- déil, leader, meéts at the home of Mrs. M. P. Vore, 935 Valey road, Oýlenco!e. Luncheon will bé servéd, thé assisting hostésses béing Mrs, M. -C. Lyons 'ahd Mrs,. Benjamin Richards. On Sunday more ing, the, Church: school meets et 9 :30" and there are: classes available for ail. '-Théernorning worship is at 11, wlth organ music by MissLydia Koch, and thé. message by Dr. George D. Allison éntitléd "Religlous Faith- Stopping Place or Stimulus?" Hère be- gins a fiew a-nd tinely series et, studies,. lncluding, Mr.. Small, superintendent of the Senior department, in the absenlce of Dr. Willett. le conducting a. class ini preparation for the Service of Baptismn and Communion. 'This elase la held at 1the Sunday school hour. The subjects to be discussed are: -l'he Bible," "Jesqs," "IGod and, the Church.", The XKenilworth Young People's Sun- day Evening club will hold,,the final meeting.of the season thls week. Thé club, meets at 6:30 p. mi. In tee guild rooni. A supper wiil be. served, followed by a programr. Si., John's Lutheran. Wilmette and Parkc avenues J. Il. Gockel, pastor 9.:15 a. r.-Flrst service. 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday school and Junior and intermediate Bible classes. 10 a., m.-Senior Bible class. 10:30>a. ,m.-Preparatory service for Hioly Communion. il a. n.-,Second service, - Wlthà Holy Communion. 8 P. nm., Wednesday-Lenten service. 31EETINGS Mtartha GuUd, 'fort girls employed in North Shore homes, today, 4 p. m. Open house, today, 7 to il p. m. Joint meeting of Junior and Senior Walther leaguers, Friday 8 p. m. 6.Adult confirmation class, Mondajy, 8 P. mi. Church council, Tuesday, sp. m. In our study, of the Gospel of Johin in the Sunday services we corne to the lSth chapter, containing the first hall of the pas!sion history, its theme being: "The Willing Sufferer."1 Thos'e desiring to partake of the Lord's Supper in this service will announce their intention te the pastor on Friday, between the hours of 1 an~d 8 p. in., àt the parsonage.1 53 :12. Subject: 11Numybered Anrong the A .ce-ass of thirteen chiidren wili be confirrned on Palm Suridey, April 14. The examination ut thé clasê wili take place on April .7. Both services will, be-, gini at lilo'ciock. *Eniglish Lutheran Séventh street at Greenleaf "A lieuse o! Worship" The Rév. Da-vid Kabele, pastor .SIJNIAY SERVICES Chut-ch school ý ...... 9:45 à. mt. Mornîng worship ... .. . il a. nm. Luther league......... 5 -aQ p. m. UNION LËNrEN SERVICE, .7:30 P.ini. The weekly services will be IIol Communion tomorrow (Friday) at 10:-30, TIoly Communion on Wednesday at 7 a. m. and evenlng service with address on Wednesday at 8 p. m. The women of the Associated Guilde will rmeet In.the parlsh. house tomrrorrow (liiday) following, the 10:30 service ln the church. They wiill have luncheon at: noon, and there . *11l also bo a food sale conducted by one o! the circles. TPhere will be a meeting of the vestry of the church Sunday.afternoon, Nfare.h 31, in the rector'soffice at 3 o'clock. The second of the joint Lènten eëvenine services of the congregations of th e Baptist. Congregational, English Luth- eran, Presbyterian and E p is c6opali churches Will be held in the Eniglish Lutheran church ,Sunday- evening gt' 7:30 o'clock. The rector of St. Augus- tinie's,«will be thb.preacher. The speaker at theénoon -day Lenten ser.vices in the Harris theÇater from 12:10 te 12 36. each day next week will be the Rey. John Gass ef Charleston, W. Va.- Next Sunday being the end-of the firet quarter ôf the year, ail pledges- quarterly, monthly and weekly-are due. Those -iot paid by chiareh enveloyye should be mailed te the cIlurch treasurer. *In order to make Up the deficit of' the Sunday, Evening club -arrangements have been made with Branson De Cou. to giv'e one of his lectures and dream pictures on Tuesdayi AApril 2, at 8 o'elock in» the First Congregation-il church. The subJect .will 'be, '"Around the Mediterranean."l Methodist Church Cor. Lake and Wilmette avenues The Reverend Ainos Thoriiburg, minister Sunday, March 31, is the fourth Sun- day in Lent. "Thy Son"-"Thy-Mother". la the theme of the pastor's sermon for the i1 o'clock worship serNice. Members îand friends are reminded that the musical preparation for the service be- gins with the Organ Prelude at 10:45 o'clock. 'The Introit, felloWed by ,the Processional ilynn, begins promptly% at Th e musiè for. the il o'clock ohp service this Sundayý morning mili be- as* follows: Organ (10:45): "Adagio" (I Sonata) ... . .. ... Bach By the Waters of Babylon".... ...... .... .Karg-Elert *..........iss Marie Briel Ii treit : "Grant Me True Cou.rage, Lord" Anthem: "Thére ShalBe No More Night"............Wood Offertory, Antheni: "C0 Savior of the- World" ... ............... ... . Goss Organ Postlude: "First Movement" (I Son4ta>......... ..........Bach Tuedayaftrno-on ase w kH eet ojsefully planned as a préparation for The oar ofR-lg--u EdcTuesdayTh Woaft Gurnoonl eeat say :45 o'cloc. the more abundant ife. Those who liteBoad etRelglou Edcattn wli ThéWemn's uil wih mét Mode- .bave béén In attétidance thue far have meet à.t the chut-ch on Monde-y, Aprii 1, morning, April 1, at 10 o'clock. ýl'he Be sure to attend our Mid-Weék I.énten found these services te bee a comfort and. at, 7:30 p. mi. work of the guild is for the bénefit o! service next Wednesday évenlng at 8 good cause s ln whlch the womén o! the o'clock. a timulation. The Sun*day Everring club illu sponsor communlty are lnterested.. Alil women The Church school meetse eech Sunday a. spcial lecture on Tuesday eveîîlng,' cf Kénilworth net otherwise ngaýged on The Woman's scity will met on morning- at 9 :30 o'clock. Thére* are Apil 2. at 8 o'clock, at the chut-ch. Thits Mondays are lnvited toe corn ufor as Thursday afternoon, A i àet 2,O'clock w111, bé thé inegt .o! Branson dje Cou'» miqch Mtné as they can spend. Thére will at.the parsonage. (MrahrciNw o se19>

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