I& AL -AL Polling place: to Be ýLocated at Economy- Shop; Ask Large Vote« of Confidence The Wilmiette Park district will hold its ýregular- election Tuesda Aprl . I teinerest of econom> the- Park. board bas designated a single polling place -for thiseetin the location, being in the Econorny Shop, 1135 Greeffleaf avenue. The polIs will open at 6 o'clock a..ni. and reniain open, until, 5 o'clock p. In;. OfficiaIs of the board explain that its_ election is, u6ually beld in con- junct ion witb the New Trier town- ship election, but as there is no town- ship election this year,, it was feJt te be against public interest te utilize the full election niachine ry. For this reason but one polling place basý been designated. Vote For Tht.. Canddates- Only one set of canid;dates bas been put in nomination, and no contest for. either of the offices is at this writing in sigbt. The Wilniette Harnony conven- tion, after full consideration of al the facts, decided that the work o f incunibents lias been so satisfactory tba.t in justice to the Park district they should bc retained. Franik J. Seng, however, declined to- permiît thxe use of bis naine, and that of Garrett F. Johnston was substituted. The full ticket is as follows: For, Park cemmissioner (te filîl vacancy in unexpired terni of four' years), Percy B, D. Idier, 932 Asb-_ land avenue. For Park conimissioners, (for full terni of six years), Miles B. Geringer,, 100Michigan avenue, and .Garrett F. Harmony Meeting; Back Plat forna The Wilmette Harmony convention met in the Village hall last 'Moniday. -eening, to receive the report of the t'Platform comM"ittee, and. to transact >other businegss in connection with the .Village election of Ap ril 16. Chair man C. E. Drayer presided. An. invitation bad been extended to ail candidates. onthe "Neëw Harmnony Party" ticket, recently. nominaited, tô be present and îobserve the working of the convention. T7he Platform. connittee, of wbich WVarren, T. Fifer, 1500 Highland ave- nue. is ichairman, presented, the plat- forni as published, Iast week, and it %vas adopte d without a dissenting voice. The various candid ates ý vere then in- troduced, an'd each responded with a brie f statement expressing approval of the principles -.s contained in the con- vention plan~. They iw'ere: Harry C. Kinne. for President of the V7illage board. Mrs. Esther Dunshee Bower, George *F., Tif. James B. Hoffman, Clinton B. Cochran. Michael P. Sporrer, and Nathaniel F. Webb,,for Village. truis- tees. Nicliolas P. Miller, for Village clerk, NIiles, B. Geringer, Percy B. D. Idler, anid Garrett B. Johinston, for Park lxoard comniissioners. John F. Ho-ffnxann,, Jr. and J. Hugb Foster, candidlates for reelection te the Lih)rary board, and Harry W. Miller, for Village treasurer, Were out of town and could not. be présent.' Following presentation for the can- didates a general discussion looking te- ward mneans of advisi.ng voters of the principles embodied in the convention. idea was had. The conviction was egxpressed that an intelligent presen- tation of these priticiples would resuit ini approval by the electorate. Harry B. jolinston, l320-Greenwood avenue , was. appointed chairnan of a 'n Post Office Structure. Imprta tôtoVoter XVinitt vtes are reniinded that at the Village election to be held on Tuesday, April: 169 a fuli Village boagrd, consisting of Presi- dent and SiX trustees, is to be elected. ' This is in accordance witb a re.- ceéntly enacted state law which provides that the ternis. ofe lected, Village officiaIs1hahal expire t the -saine tume, and that Village elections shall be held, every two yVeare, . instead of, annually, as here-' tofore. Citizens should note carefully that they are to vote for a Presi- dlent and SIX trustéees,- Village clerk and Village treaturer. Mrs. J. 1). Kinnear Is School Board Nominee A change has been miade in the nomninees for the Xilmette board of education. inenibers of wbichi are to be. chosen at the election to be held on .Saturday, April 13, at the Village hall. George E. Leal, 1719 Walnut avenue, whose terni expires this year, bas wvithdrawn as a candidate for re- election, and the vacancy thus caused hà been filled by the nominating connitte.Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, 2241 Chestnut avenue, has consented to serve, and ber nainie will>appear with those of Henry E. Cnt 1er, for presi- dent, and Mrs. Lois Finney, for ieni-. ber, who have been noniinated for reelection. Mrs. Kinenar bas been. active in parent-teacher work, the North Ridge Woman's club and niany ý civic niovenients. Chamber'of .CommerceAsk& Federal Offiias. to Make Plan. Improvements With tbe beginning of, work. on the new post, office last week, public at- tention b as been directed to thé quality of design of the building, and, niaterials -specîfied, as wehl as in- terior fittings and aPPolntinents.,. The Chaniber of Comnierce bas taken a keen interest in, tbe. matter, and bas. had a careful study mnade of the plans. This scruitiny has re- vtaled many particulars in which the structure could be imrpoved, it is pointecl out. So serious are tlhese fau1ts c'onsfdèred, that the diiamber, tbrougb its secretary,,C. E. alifton, Jr., has prepared. and directed to United States Senators James Hami- ilton Lewis and William C. Dieterich, Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes and other administration men in Washington, à letter containing suggestions for changes in the spe- cifications to correct what it believes to be errors. As at. present planned, the build- in~g will not, in the opinion of the Chamber, be any special credit to the village, but will constitute just an- other building, without distinctive beauty or irnposing appearance. Eighteen specific changes are -e- quested; as follows: 1. Excavation of entire area of base- ment and Installation of basement floor In this area. (Great part cf basement la, now unexcavated.) 2. changlng of all exterior face -brick lo terra cotta. or stone with the excep- tion of the wafl at the mailing platform. in the bands of a special comniittee " evening, Apr il 5, with W. L. Brown, and R. L. F. Biese- public is invited to mneier of the high school faculty, both ing and niake kno, *Rotariaps, prnoviding for varions fea- or suggestions or a, trsto be presented by.the high school. dinance., id this meet- F.or complote satisfaction make iy object;ons your selection froni among those is to the or- iisted.' o'clock. iined from tht ter, Wilmetté hours of 9: >FZ, De - and 4 in JL