Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 32

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Ç*.dCUOffiJJ!KU- 101-1013 WILLOUGH IIU OWFf TelepI,.., CENTRA~L j35 5 SUBSCRIPTION $2 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTt. Ail communications and contributions. intended for publi- cation muet bear the naine and address, of the author, not secessarily for. publication, but for our files. Such'material. muet reach the edtor by Tuesday noon t». be in ýtimàe for the current issue., SPLENDID WORK The demonstrations of gyjnnasium work and athietie training, by' students of the grade schools, belci at te Howard school last, week and atth Sol school this week, no doubt stirred great pride in. the hearts ;of parents, as 'Indeed they. well might. For in these exhibitions there was. definite proof of the intelligent planning that brought to a successfui climnax the year's program of indoor, physical.-traiin- ing. y t is flot alone a matter of gratification to school. officiais that such splendid 'results in athletics have been achieved, but -also of congratulation to the parents,. whçse cdilWren have been permitted to, participate in the classes and receive the benefits of a physical training that cannot but better fit theni for the places they' are to take in the world's work. Included in this program were ail of the usual activities of the gymnasium and the athletic field, under the close supervision of capable instructors, and directed by the school supervisor of physical education, Daniel M. Davis. The proficiency to which the classes have been brought, and the skill developed by individual niembers, demonstrates the- value to pupils of this department of school work. KEEP TO THE RIGHT, The applling rate at which deaths in automobile a ccidents are pilingup should direct public atten- tion to means of_ preventinig the large number. of such accidents that are preventable. And this calîls to mnd 'the maniy slogans. and concise. warnings: that have beendevised to .inspire caution in those who Coperate -motor cars. Onesuch has j ust corne to hand ' f rom a source unknown. It is so f ull of wisdom, so pat in its stating of a trtth, so impressive in its danger signal that it should be stuclied by evecry driver., t reads: 1 tiese Mrs.- inquisnîng any watchfulness' 'over meas- ih tIhcy-are interested, and which' they be of paramouait i mpor tance- A resumé s may be of interest. n der Vries is author, of House biih Nu. aboved under provisions ini a law simmlar to the aboe, utupon whicl, coubt' was cast by the Su- prenme court. Trhis bill has 'also been recommended for passage by the cornmittee.' Three school buis authored by Mr. Foster are now before the, Committee on Education. One amends the School Act to, change. the form of, teache rs' wage o ôrders so that, if the order is not paid' within a year of presentment to the treasurer, it will,,be, pad with a new order for prinicipal,,and.interest. ýAnother authorizes,-scbool districts having less. than i50,000 population to c reate, maintain and1 administer a cash working fund. The third, and probably most important, provides that the. separate. tax levied by a school district to pay. bonds and interest shaîll be extended without limitation as to-rate or amount, if rate fo r amount levicd. for 'building purpose, when added to rate needed' to pay off. bonds and interest exceeds maxi- munm rate permitted ,for,.building purposes, the couinty clerk shahl reduce the rate. If rate f or'pay-' ment of bonds and interest alone exceeds the building rate it shall nevertheless be extended, and no building taxes shaîl then be levied. 'No deductions aflowed, in rate for which rnay be' eitended for educational purposes by reason of arîy rate extended for payment of bonds. The critical financial situation of Cook county schools has impelled the representatives to present: the aboyé bis in order that relief may be had. They indicate a keen insight into legisiative needs and a grasp of educational problems. SOMETHINc NEW Kenilworth, in common with other municipali- ties, has been bandicapped because of delays ini the collection of taxes. The Village boardc, in an effort to expedite tax payments, made a survey showing. the exact tax status of everyý parcel of property i the village. It showed that approximately 50 per cent of property owners had a reasonably good rec- ord for prompt payment. *Pondçring this fact, President Harry. P.' Harrison, decided that it would be good policy to write 'ah of the prompt payers a personal letter of apprecra- tion for their cooperation in keeping the Village services functioning. And he sent out the letters. The effect amounted. almost to a sensation. Why, wbo ever heard of such a thinz? 1The vervA-en 1 A Chicago daily is featizring street intersections especially dangerous to pedestrians because Of automobile traffic. Why flot just publish a map of the city? agreeing to take the samne cuts tbemselves, have nearly ail sued or made claims to have the amounts withheld f rom their salaries paid. And they have, or are, getting it. Lt is about as' contemptibie a. political' trick as has, ever been played. Voters should make: a, note of' the naines of 'these officiais for use when they corne up for election-as they will. A movie actress blew (excuse us, flew) ýinfto Chi- cago t'other daygtaqiet divorce, paused'-long enough: to marry a ýbanker, and departed. The wrens, those cheery, chatty, char'rning littlé featheéred periofnalities, have returnedfrom wherever they went to escape the cold of ,the.>northern wihter, a nd are busily, engaged in re- novating and, decorating last year 's apartments. As examples of domesic felicity they are paragons. Seemingly operating on a fifty-fifty basis, 'there is no evidence 'of .divided opinion, "no 'argumments 'as- to procedure;2 no contention as to plans. Thesc tiny creatures m'ight well serve as models for humans. Who evrsaw a grouchy wren? Oi one which raised Cain lupon arriving home and finding the madame engaged in housecleaning? Or one which spent the' afternoon' at bridge and to save time' fed the family out of a can or on what was left fr*on yesterday? Not us. And their throaty songs and pleasant chitter-chatter is ,as bàlm to a toit. weary soul. So here's a wflcome to the wrens. P'leased to see yuh'! And now Hollywood is looking for long haired lassies for the.chorus. That setties it. The hast girl1 has sacrificed ber tresses to the bob, ýnow outmod.ed. State's Attorney Courtney daims would-be assas- sins fired eightý shots at hum, none of which found its mark. We ,are -a bit sýkeptical. Those boys ,are usually better marksmen than that. The bonus has passed bouse' and .senate with an inflation ail attached., The $5,00000,00 work éver the species, is a wise olci bird. "New Deal Men in House Strike at 'Mavericks," reads a headline., Gosh 1 We thought they were al "mavericks." TH* icPRANI!omREPORTR

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