Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 38

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Woman's Club ta Hear World- F.rned Concert Harpist *Next Wednesday A, rare treat is a much-used. phrase, which neverthcless ex- presses.exactl1y just wvhat awaits. mnembers of the Woman's:Club of ilmttewhen the Junior auxiliary presents: its program, WedTnesday afternoh,. April 3, a t2 o'clock.. "The greatest.con- cert harpist. bef ore the public today," Aiberto Salvi, of Wil- ..mette, will .play., Ranking music critics Amnerica over, have given to Alberto' Salvi the titie, just quoted. They,. themn-i selves, comment' on'his amazinig per-z formances'in words that sound exc- travagant only to those who have Rot heard him. "There are harpists> and harpists," they say, "but only one6 Âlberto Salvi, who is admittedly thed most phenomenal virtuoso of them al-an artist whose retnarkablé per- formance on the 'instrument of ro- mance' is a sensation everywbe -e." In their- opinion Salvi bas modern-g ized the harp and brought it to a t bigher plane of art; he extracts un- I expected tones f rom it andl off ers a f new vista of its possibilities. These f qualifications, together with tbe sur- nouncement from the Illinois league concemning bis proposed at Spring- field concerning per manent registra- tion of voters: "The. Illinois League, of Womuen Voters found it necessary to intro- duce aý camfpa.nion. billI to the- bill provîding for permanent registiration of voters' amending, Section. 43 of the Primary act to bring it in conformity with provisions in. tbe Permanent Registration bill., On Tu 1esday,. Marcb. 19, Represenitative. Elmer J. Sch.nack-> enberg therefore introduced H. B. 654 and H. B. 655 to, replace H. B. 87. 'T.he passage. of 'emergetncy', bis in january,, 1933, and January, 1935, providing tbat erain intermediate registrations were to.be discontinued in the interest of economy, indicates 1a conviction that our present system of periodie registrations is costly and iinnecessary. S"A bearing on H. B. 654 and H. B. 655 bas been, requested for W.ediies-. day, April 3, before the House Com- mittee on Elections, of wbich M. F.~ Hennebry is chairman. Many League members will attend as welI as dele- gates from organizations which are actively supporting the buis. Among the endorsers of the bill are listed the Illinois Chaib'er of Commerce, Grif- fenhagen and Associates, Public Af- fairs Committee of the Union League Club, Illinois Women'-s Republican of Wil- of Mrs. me, Wil- Home and Garden Club WiII Have Charge of North Sh~ore Garden, *Dr. Andrew W. Brown, lecturer in , ' n ' 'r ' r'"prl child psychology at the University of The Kenilworth Ho'mean Chicago, and chief psycliologist, atan the Institute for, juvenile iRésearch, Garden cluqb is arranging *the W'ill be the speaker. . ApriL, programs 1 at1 the North- The Instituïe for Juvenil*e Researchi Shore 'Garden center headqua'r- is considered the oldest. and most ters in Winnetka Community widely recognized cbild guidance cen- bs an hslitdfvepo ter ein the country. The ,work con- us, adbs.itdfiep9 sists for the most part in the diagnosis grams, there being that numiber and study.of children's bebavior dis- of Mondays in'the naohth. April orders, and in the recommenda tion o0 22, theý hour wiIl be 2 o'clock- in mietbods for the bandling of these dis- ý_ orders". The ýtypes of ,problems en- the aftcrnoon; the other pro- counitered are those that most parents grams, are scheduled' for' 10:30: meetý in the handling of their own -in the - morning. children. Mrs. Frank C..Nason of JKenilworth Dr. Brown's, intensive clinic expe- is t b te peae pil1,n rience, in. this work for the last .eigbt "Charleston Gardenls"'is ber subject, years qualifies him to speak with an appropriate one at this season, autbority regarding these matters, we h adn r en iie the club announces. hntegres'ebigvstd Miss Janette Brennan, now study- by many interested in seeing them at, .in in th. Muidelein, College fe thejr best. Last year. Mn. Nason, Women,. and' who bas read at various wbo is considered an autbority on tinies in local circles wiîî preselit sev- gardening, toured the gardens of eral readings. wbicb she wili speak Monday. Mrs. Paul H. Gathercoal prograni George McIntyre, L. A., will, be* the chairman of the club assisted -by Mrs. speaker April 8. His programn will Charles W. Lercb, bas arranged the be on "Lilies for Spring Planting." evening's prograni. Those interested in the beautification This is thé one meeting of the vear of the, nortb sbore will particularly to wbcb the husbands are invited. enjoy the prograrn April 15, it is be- This season the club bas also invited lieved, Wben Mrs. Alfred R. Hodge the Logan-Howard 'Pie-school circle of Kenilwortb tells about "The Ma- and the husbands of its members to honey Park Proiect." Salvi was born in Venice, Italy; the tives askii son of a noted. barp maker of tbat buis," ýthe 4ity. Even before attending school, the boy received his first lessons on a diminutive barp made especially f rEeto him by bis father. A brilliant student from the start, he won tbe Royal Election *Scholarship prize which gave bu aIl Shore Cal bis further training at the expense take plac( of the Italian government. When be meeting tc *graduated with highest bonors, he Woman's was three years in advance of nis Luncheon ýMtàmjiq I-iu d ritragoin autumn, aguest-day prograni.1 been club, dayi written your represc that they support t ilmette league asks. iApril 9 iof ofilcers of, the North :bolic Woman's league wil eat the annual business ,be held at the Winnetka club Tuesday, April 9. wll be served at 1 o'clockç. i ezerrecj irom to April 17. of spring n to bave Iiool Gle iWednes- 4i., a.UiI Talk on Germany Is Program for Juniors Events in the world today will -be the prograni theme for tbe next meet- ing of th~e Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of Wilmette Thursday evening, April 4. ai 8. 4rs.HanIe.W ner nac, '.-nnoWeth WiIiiamson, in bonor of bis birtbday. Games of varlous descriptions completed the evening. .il-IC UUm-t aru i&z J- sign." "4Trees on the North Shore" is the subject 0. G. Harris bas se- lected for bis talk April 29.ý Monday of this,,week the audience at the center heard'speakers tell of tbe work doné to beautify tbe-various noth, shore towns. 1They learnied wbat bas been accomplisbed and how, it was done. Garden. club niembers bave directed >C. W. A. workers and bave worked witb the Park boards of the different villages, furthering civic planting along the nortb shore. The regular meeting of the Wil- 7mette League of Wonien Voters will.. .be beld April 10, at the bomne of Mrs. iE. E. Grabam on Iroquois road, fol- lowing Mrs. Quincy Wright's current events class in the WiJmette Baptist, *church..

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