of the Chlarles .i ennis fhome in Evanston Wednesday evening during the reception following the prograin by Commander Cortlandt Baughman given as a benefit for the scholarship fund of the North Shore Vassar club. o Mrs. Carleton Blunt, Mrs. Arthur Case, Mrs. C. B.. Fullertoni,'Miss Edith. Lapbam, and Mrs. Duane Peterson wereiii charge of the ne- ception. Commanider Baugham, of'the.Great. Lakes Navalstationi,,narrated.his in- pression of, Samoa f rom the, ex- pe rience of a naval officer statio ned thene during 1929 and 1930. Stafe .Club to.Present Garden .TelIks'Over WG-N Each ýWednesday.beginning Apnil 3, and continuing. thnoughout the summen, the Garden Club of Illinois will bnoadcast gardien. talks oçver WGN. Letters neceived by the radio chairman nequesting copies of the tatks given~ last yean, and letters of appreciatioii of the information given ini last year's. talks,: convince. the club of the value of this activitY. Thee will be extra broôadcasts during the annual flower show in April, it is, annouiced. Next Brownson Cirdle Progràm on Indian Lore Brown.isoni circle will hold its reg- ular programi on. Nonday, Apnil 1, at> the RogersPark Woman'club. Mrs. William J.., Dick: will. be in charge of the st.udy ýclass at'1. wheni Mrs. Edvard Gueroult will talk.On Liter- ary Current- Events. The, business meeting at 2, ýwill. be followed- one hour later by the progra m.oh ný dian Lore,"' by Chief Whirling Thunlder. Mrs. T. Frank Quilty and Mrs. Gerouit are thehostesses. 1 Beethoven, vsky, and 0' of M. Meeting St. Franicis Household, Onden of ýMartha, meets forilts next afternoon of sewving Monday; Apnil -1,' with Mrs. Joe, F. Koza, 627 Maple avenue, at I1:30 o'clock. avenue, wil lnuger in the memory of the 125 pre sent as one of the most pleasing ini the year's events. 1Miss Summers' reading of "The Green Bay Tree" was prefaced, with ber vivid descriptive stage setting. Then, the reading of tbe.play wbich was so beautifully',clone and madesoý 'compelling by the powerful character portrayals:of Miss Summiners. Infant Welfare again thanks Miss Surmmers and. knows it. was indeed fortuniate to have ber at this time as ber book- 'LEARNby Pcrson al I- 'Iio rom Fanaos Radio Plangîs Nerm Slherr - Jesse A TRUSTE'D EXPERT having long experience witl, precious stones should b, chosen to select your. e tamon c/s Northrige Notes A isa.,rd epnna i l French Luncheon Mrs. B. E. Phillips, 511 Laurel ave- nue, entertaine~d ber French pupils at a French luncheon Thursday of last week, whicli was followed by an aftennoon of playing bridge in Frénch. in C" Tschaikc Weidig. Ave., 1 f 4-i-ý 11 ý Ild.