Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 40

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Now in Full Swing at Woman's Club The Spring festival of: the. -Wilmette Womnan's:club opened yesterday. The. afternoon per- formùance included tap and ballet dancing by the pupils of Miss AliceStade. The evening pro- gram recalled old. plantation days in .the Sunny Southland with its singing- of Negro, spi rit-, uasand dranxatic prologu.e to the ministrel wýhich was. the highlight of the evening. Today's features will include -a style show staged at 2 and. at 3. o'clock. Mrs. G. S. Roberts is chairman, and Wor'tben's Department store- will sponsor the display of dresses while Miss McMahon will exhibit sinart hat models to set off the attractive spring. f rocks, .Mrs. Roberts' committee .will act as models for the Style show, Mes- dames E. C. Lingel, W. E. Dunn, W. F~. Crawford, R. D. Stephens, H. C. Campbell, M. C. Boothe, Harvey Craig, C. L. Darling, John A. Donald- son, and Mrs. A. E. Kunuder, who is president of the club. Mrs. Clifton L,. Darling will sing some favorite songs accompanied by Mrs. Glenn A. Ricks, who will also-lav during the style' consist of a pioneer drama written lv' Mrs. J. A. Burrili, and old-fashioned ballads rendered by M-rs. Charles N.: Evans. Old style ".square. dances' will also bring mieniories to mnily of. country parties during the "Gay Nineties."' On F riday. afternoon a- walking re- hearsal will be presented. utnder the direction of Mrs. Frank Mdains, and Mrs. A. F. Nessier and Mrs. Rollo Gullickson have made plans for a jollv cruise on the Sea of Fanta*sv for Matlxé*Francis Photp During a sup/'er dawce Iast Pri- day given by her uncie and aunt, the Guy Osborns of Ken:iworth, t/te eitgagement of Miss Adelaide .Fran klin an&d Whitney EIias uas announced by AMiss Franklin's mnot hrr, Mrs. Parepa Franklinj. Both the.bride-to-be and her fiancé fi'e w in lhnlýiette. Mfrs. Parepa, Frankliin, 625,Eleventh street, anlnounces the engagement of her datughter Adelaide, to Whitney Elias, soli of Mr. and Mrs. Lester FV lias of 1222 Chestnut.. avenue. No date has been set for the we.ýdding. The announcement was made et .a supper dance Friday which Mr. and Mrs. Guy Osborn of 330 Cumnlor road, Kenilworth, gave ini honor of. Miss Franklin, who is Mrs. Osborn's niece. The calendar of the Chicago Col- lege club bas events listed for Satur- dayof this wee k and Friday.and Sat- urday. next week. A beniefit card party takes.place at 2 o'clock Satur-. day,: March 30. Friday- evening, April 5, at 6:30, the club is giving a dinner in honor -of Dr. Irving K. Pond, president of Cliff Dwellers,, who will, address the club afterward on "Architecture and the Restof Lîfe." Helen Street Ranney, who recently, returned frôma trip to Europe, will lecture, at the club ,at 11 o'clock Sat- .urday morning. April 6, and will after-. ward'be the club's guest at luncheon. "Present Day Russia" -will, be Mrs. Ranniey's talk. For 'ten weeks Mrs. Raüney studied the social and politi- cal conditions in Soviet Russia. Luncheon af Shawnee Is Camp Osoha Reunion A splash party and luncheon at the Shawnee Country club in Wilmette,- on Saturday, March X0 will feature the fifteenth annual reunion of girls who have attended Camp Osoha. Miss Flora Jean White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. White, 234 ter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wilson, 142 Chuirch road, Winnetka, will take part in the program. Camp Osoha is located at, Trout Lake, in northern Wisconsiin. M r. and Mrs. Robert Snaddon of Madlison, Wis., are directoôrs.Of tbe camp.: In Joint Recital il W., With Activity for AnnuaI Floweir Show. The thousands of residentsý of the north. shore, whose gardens, are a source of, joy to theni, and add so much to the l)eauitv of the whole com.muniity, f eel1 that. the ninth annual. Chicago Flowcr show, whichi opens iiext week at Navy Pier, is miore than .aý Flower show. It is ,to thein a celebration that. anothier season of spring and sumniner blo iiii l)eginning. The spectauular gar- dens and beautiful Hlovers are a pre-view of wvhat théir owvn gardens will be in a few weeks. For the - past few' days the spring weather bas* made everyope, garden conscious. The trash of the winter has been carefully removed, new grass is showing a. beautiftil green, and_ now the 'gardens, dcean and -ready, vibrant with' life, are Waiting for the, nexf-feiv .%eeks to. brin'g them into glorious bloom. Even now, the buds of the Illacs and. hardier shrubs are openiug into ti.ii leaves. IThere is great activity at, Navy Pier. Commnittees of the local clubs ini charge of the exhibits the clubs are. entering, are there, overseeing the work of construction ini the gardens, making hurried trips to greenhouses to see how -the plants ,they will use are çoining on, watch- in.g the pai nter mix bis pailits s0 just the right shade is preparecl, niasur- ing winidows for cùrtaiiili material, and tables for cloths; for the stag-ý ïng of such a show a's the' Garden club of Illinois *sponlsors, each. year .means. the co-operation and. tireless activity of, many able aîdý efficient men and womeu. The bulb garden entered by the Keni.lworth Homne and Garden club, At.. . . . .. -- Vj-.. U. n auxiliary (Post 46); Edinger and you have to miss, it. The is, Inc.; North Shore Home Equip- Club of Wihnette welcomes it company; Braun Brothers Oil aIl to its open bouse party-I apany; Kari Hansen Knit Wear Christy. prig m%4 a-lrwnoaitnaLLALh~evy the board ot. directors of the Garden ,d if Chase school, will nlot return home Club of Illinois, is expending much rian's for the spring vacation, but will spend thought on its decoration. Many i.and it visiting ber roommate, Miss Mar- luncheon and dinner parties are be- n M. garet Innes, at Scarsdale, N. Y. She ing planned by memibers of the local* letschool Wednesday. clubs.-J. W..K.

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