by rrysiVaUC1iL1 iiry r. ziarrison tc property owners ini the village whc have paid their personal ProPerty and real estate taxes promptly. They show a deep appieciation' of the, t< them, unexpected tribute and a de- cided resentment againist tax strikers who have been. delaying paymn.ents through one subterfuge or another ever sinice the 1928 reassessmnent wenl into. effect, altliough possessing the funds With which to mreet the- bis. lexplain Tax Statut President Harrison Iconceived, the idea of the letter'of thanks in looking over the tax statements prepared with the* coopération of the local school and, Park .boards, and mailedl to the property owners several 'weeks ago. These statemnents showed the tax sta- tus of: everyparcel of land in the vil- lage and of. the personal 'property: payments. About 50 percent of the taxpayers, it was found, had a reasonably goodý record as to paym ents. So white the conspicuous deli nquents received let- -ters 'urging tl-i to pay Up, 1thte good citizens received a personal letter of thanks' for their. record and coopera- tion in keeping the village services! functioning. Soîne Sainple Responses *Here are.extracts from somne of theý responses, showing what the paid-up * taxpayers think of the tribute to their records and of the activities of their willfullv non-taxpaying neigh- -"ohs is the first tiîne in iny experi- ence that any comlnpnie-t-or' special recognition hats beenmade tce people who pay their tax~es proniptiy." *"f had a)niost corne to the conclusion that the taxpayer who does flot 1,.y his. taxes receives better -treatment and is given more eonsideration' than the tax-1 payer who pays up popl. ..1 realize that a ('<Inmunitv cannot eXf *st and serve its proper function Un-l IeqS it receives revenues froin taxes." îThè ta4xpayer is carrying thé burden of the niatn wýho wili flot pay."- "Your. letter about mýy taxes ts a very leasant surprise and is greatiy appreri- ated.i, 'I do flot deserve to be conmniendod, for 1 have sinipiy performed my dut>, tte the state, to the Village and to my owrt best interests."1 '*The Village affairs have. always been uisee ays LU *pay Our taxes and a littie encourage- Ment of this klnd goeos a long way."1 and "Board of Trulstees! Collective Dears! *Pardon Imv bursting. into kG,-:, But if has .been a long, lon~g day Sîîzce secilingtdwords have corne rMY As thosc in 1the good lette,- sent Ry Harry, our tozt'sPesç i .1il have *f frainwd, eat but flot gaudy, 4 Aciti.c' suynea. cunlaude "Fei vI r ars and -cars I've /'aÎd oUr taxes, M4ade kfeucoin Plaintls.aie!ground no axes, Though î i have thought, by Hec k. Tie hon est get if in, the neck!0 W/sen I have feebly made the boast 1ia paie! Pro'M UY, .whàt a roait I or. f rois bussm;l'ss mn» ho .ray 'J' v.voure a big goose to pay. "T11at's ail I go~t for coszdct blaneless Fri 1'vn iti--cjS wio. skllbe n#,,wless, WVho go on catig cakes ansd pie, Whess I fine! brcad and butter higk! Few, leze, of them twould even stoop 7'o ride ini ssy se7ven-vear-ole! 'coop.ý' But afer all-maybe Fi'ss;fu>sù-,s- T/wc thisigs I love stili get. my rnoney,. So whlile nsy Pennies lasi, I amrn Wfilliltq fa helP out UNCLE SAM.e. -Amwi Higghison Spicer. Nîrs.. A. D. Gillett of Duluth, Minn,, and hier daughîter, Miss Edith Gillett, vvho teaches in 'Kansas City, are visiting. the Frank Nasons, 733 Cum- mings avenue, Keitwlorth. Mrs. A. H. Seddon, 1539 Central avenue, and lier twvo sons, John and Arthur, are ieaving next week to M. RveMrin Seddon's mother, Mrs. J. ýM. ýye insouthern Indiana. J.. M Roberts, 328 Warwick road, Keitil%%orili, returned last week from, a business trip to Washington and Newv York. Torch'loda Lwandowski Shema Thatcher TzurYisr.elPuccini MaytheWors...............esohn -IëyýirËÏ ds. ..... --,Landsaman Anthm~"iWalted for the Lr" Mendelssohn-Norris Sol-"Pstoaîe~........Stravinsky Mise Berenice -Taylor, Va'Anachnu ......... ......BInder. Largo ...... ............Perima ,Eloheynu .mank AT EDUCATION CONFERENCE Miss.-Irriette Webster of Wil- Imette,, senior and president of. Stu- dent, Goverrnment at Connecticut Col- lege, New- London, Conn., .5 rep- resenting hier schéol as a de egaet the Institute ofI Women's Profes- sional Relations' con erenc1thi week.- The place of women in a changing economic and social world wîil be analyzed by more than 500 men and -W4Metn prominent i in-. dustry, education and public affairs at the three-day conference held at the Hotel Astor, New York City, March, 28, 29 and 30; under thé auspices of the Institute of Women's Prof essional Relations. Miss Webster will présent a summary of the con- ference at the Saturday session. 'Edward Solomon, son of, Mr. and Mrs. J. FH. Solomon, 1025 Ashland avenue, who attend1s the University of Michigan, wilI return'on April 5, for his- spring vacation. -- Mr. and 'Mrs. Willis Hutson, 1112 Elmwood avenue, 'returned last Thurs- day frem a six weeks' motor trip te Sarasota, Fla., returning by way of Ashevi lle, N. C. Mrs. Engene Whittemore of ýSpringfleld, Mass., is- visiting her parý- ents, Mr. and. MNrs. Dwight Harris, 629 Central avenue,,. for several ectp for. health, TAKE A SPRINGVA.CATIO NATý lired of life? Fed up wlth winterbtat persists on lingeringinl Chicago? Ilen talc. a spring vacation ar French Lidc! Wintry aches and pains wail vanish as you relax in Pliieo's' warmn baths . .. the tonic spring waters wili work wonders on,'your. drooping spirits. Foilowup wth golf on the two chanipionship courses -..a ride through the Cumberland foothilis astride a Kentucky t4pr-, oughbrd... tennis . .. dancing...- bridge ... and you'Il find yourself SPRINGS HOTEL' AmraoieWs r.affltealfh Resort T. D. TAGGART.. President ý-treet Floor w 'I I 1100, py be as folý the et