Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 50

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on eecreation The foliowing -excerpts f rom a recent lecture by Dr. William E. Wirt, super- intendent of schoois cf Gary, loti., are very pertinent te, recreation and the .u.se cf leisure.time and are sentt h -WIioe'n' LivrE by Director cf Recrea- 'ion Daniel M. Davis:' "What is a. rich life? It is merely living 'every day, f ully and completely occupied at satisfying work, gtudy-and play. However, yen cannet eliminate any one cf these three and bave a rich life. Young and olti, we must, be able te . work, study andi pla. "OThe Gary scbools for 25 years have enrolledjnin their leisure time activities about the saine number cf nmen and %romen as there are chiltiren enrolled in the schools. For 25 years they bave had a swimming pool for boys ýand men andi oe -for girls and women. I deubt if we will neeti more than that in tbe future., There are four gynînas- iums in each school center. We have had a Little 4¶ieater for thie littlë chil- dren and another for oIder children. I deubt if we will need any more in the future. We bave picture galleries, music studios andi libraries in each grade and high school. We have bati nature study work, workçshops fer the boys and for the girls and these facil- ities for men and women. We bave tried to develop character te educate citizens. Botb chiltiren and adults have the tume te use these facilities. Tbey * vvat nappenecl since1929? Ounr business mien who believeti that they andi enly they knew how te mun busi- ness have net been able te prevent the business machine from running down anti, unfortunately, they are having, *difficuity in starting the machine up again. This means that, one cf the *three factors for a rich life have been tiestroyeci. Without business activities business men 'cannot work and-unless men can work thev. cannot niake a liv- Pick UpS <18> Wisbergs (30) fg.ft.tp. fg.ft.tp. F. Âschbr 2 0 4 bM. Ling 0. 0 O &. Placek 0 O 0 R. Frldmafl 4 0 8 Hl. Herbonf 7 0 14 W. Rogers 7 O 14 a. 'orrèy 3 0 6 H. WInber 6 0 12 J). Huck O O O H. ]Kauf'an 1 0 2 M. Kneip, 2 0 4 W. Mackle, referee Hoffuaflu Florists (33> Ijnknowns (ffl) fg.tt.tp., fg. ft.tpý. H, Johnson 4 0. 8 P. Williams 4 1 9 W. -Johnson 0 1 1 L. Blaylock 4 0 S E. Brem'er 3 1 7 . Blaylock OôO0 « R. Torrey 9 O 6 D. Ca'pbel!l 2 6 4 H. Herbon 4 3 il J. Joyce '2 0 4 W.Mackle, referee Wllmiette Confetgonei'y (1:> Y.P.C.,<is> fg.ft.tp.fgt.p G.Jones 3 1 7 J. Miller 0 1 i D. Huck 1 2 4 À. Sebiniler o 0 0 V. Soule ,3 O 6 T. rHopklns 381i.7 R.Moran 0O0O0OG. White 306A RL Steffens A O 2, W. Mackle. referee T eam standings, ln Me's "B1fasket- bail league: Wllmette Confectlonery Winbergs Unknowns y. P. C. 13 2 12 3 8 7 7l 8 6 9 .467 .40,0 Ninth Season of Recreation Work Cornes to Close The ninth season cf athletic and recreational activities sponsored by the Wulmette Playgrounti andi Recreation board came to an officiai close last~ Resuits of the game determineti the winner cf the men's Nortb Shore league whicb met on Thursday'evening" at the Howard gymnasium throughout the season. Its resuits were net avail- able -fcr this issue.ef the paper. It was. the last activity in the -faîl anti winter schedule of 1934 antI. '35 te finish the' season since the Girls' "A" league, the only league remaining active after last week, finisheti its season on Monday even;tiz. D. figgle,i Brownies (22) Agnes Komeni 1. Christenisen Ann Komen M4. Lauer L. Steffens L. Jannes blarch 25th Brownles (14) Ann Komen L. Steffens Mt. Lauier, L. Jannes 1'. Christenen Agnes Koinen reteree Uausketeers (S) P. Shea, S. Keil K. Pearsona G. Hoff man H. Kenuley G. johnson RiggIe, refere.e D. Riggle, refer Final team. Brown.Ies Ponies Y. P. C. Kiltd1es Basketeers P oules' (31) 'M. Whitýhilll V. John.ï,n E. Clîfford B. Beorndtsqon. R. Toscan i D. Volnan ,ree standings In girls'«" Won Lost Pet. 13 2 .867 10 .3 .769 9 6 .600 6 ---.46L> 3 12 .200 Brownies Are Gi*rls' "A" Ljeague Champs Although losing the last garne on the seasçrn's schedule last Monday evening, the Brownies, Girls' "A" league basket- bail team, finished the twenty weeks cf play well .out in. front cf all other contestants, to ccp the league chani- aitIlcugh they were able te talce the champions twice during the season, wýere unable te finish nearer than tbree games for top place, when it carne te the season's final rëckoning. of per-, centages. .The champions hati thirteen victories and two defeats te its credit for an .867 average during the season. Their near- est conipetitor, the Ponies hati ten vic-. tories, tbree defeats,' and two games calleti "ne gaines" because cf ure- There wilI be no ]Easter Egg butt nior. relier skating meet for chiltiren sponscreti by the Recreation board tbis year. The, Recreation: board can't afford to holti these events. That was the decision eacheti by the board at its last mieeting held on,March 14 at the' recreation officei, 914 Central avenue. ýFuntis for carrying on. the recreation work, have ,been .getting scanitier .andi scantier and-i it hasno reacheti the point where the board will have to exe.rcise the severest econoMy f'or the next few months. Only activities that can be self-sup- porting will be helti, whih, lof course, excludes the egg hunt and rollier skat- igmeet which were considered among the most popular of the children's recreational activities. The members of the board were exceedingly reluct- ant to take the step .and omit these events from the programn this yéar but, becauseof the dcicit.caused by the,.ke skating program, and lack cf available tax money, it was finaliy agreed to omnit themi for one year. Prep Grid Coaches to Attend Clinie Lynn Waldorf, Northwestern uni- versity football coach, and members cf bis staff, wilI conduct a Football clinic for high school coaches at topped off witb a football game be. tween two picked squads c.f I4orth- western players. In addition te covering various phases of, both defensive ant»I 1"of- fensive football, considerable time will be ýspentL discussing new rules and, >their interpretation. the meeting will give bigh school coaches an cpportunity cf becoming acquainted with' the.. new members of the Wildcat coaching staff includ- for kite, s tuùnts.with' Il snow the termined ti eir kites.- seasoni. 1i Meatinaetic leagues, w'ith turteen victories and only one tuvely. The :eam icnown the Men 's "C" anti defeat anti with a .933 average, which tist Twos were in third igues where' the séa- is a good average in any leagile, nien- seven victories and eigbt Id in ne way be de- bers cf the recreation staff announce. the Baptist cnes were un ie l1ast game, cf the The Howard P. T. A. team was the with ýa .500 per cent aver nearest contestant anti finisheti witb seven. ictories anti seven i ats anti h place havinig àts.

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