Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 53

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aware that the usual spring demand. will1 begin shortly, has arranged an unusually large and interesting col- lection of books and pamphlets, which will deligbt thé garden lover. Books on ail 'subjects pertaining to the gar- dcii and flowers are featured: Land- scapîng,ý flower and vegetable garden- ing, rock gres garden 'pools, flower arrangement, formai and in- formai gardens; herb gardens, color. schemes, garden maintenance, and. books on famous gardens both, in ti country and abroad. The foliowiig' ra ist ofsome of the newer books.: * Wight-Story of gardenfine. The whole history of the garden from the earilest effort of primitive! man to * the.terràced garden of akyscraper apart- mients. Orlof-ardefl Maintenance. Tells how, to care. for fiowers, trees, Iawns and shirubs. Rush-Igloramfous Garden Book. A handbook for the beginner. Ortloff-Informal Gardens. Fox-Ga rdening with Herbe. The whole field is expertly covered. Régef-?1-Plnni1g ywur Garden. tesigned for those flot Indlined to make use of the services of a profession- ai gardefi designer. Jekyl-Color schemes for the Flower Garden. .ýTo plant and maintain a flower bor- der, *ith a good scheme for colour, ls by no nieans the easy thing that le eom- monly eupposed." Stevens-R ses in the Little Garden. Phillips Delphinliums; their Histor'y and Cultivation. MeLea-The Gladiolus Book. Jenkins-The Rock Garden. Raisey-ÙGardefl Pools, Large and SmO l. How a bit ef land was transformed by rweek-end efforts into a garden. Jruhm-Thè Vegetable Garden. Rexford-The Home Gardeni. A book on vegetable a.nd smal-frult growlng, for the use of the amateur gar- dener. Felt-IniPecta and Diý,eases of Ornament- ai Trees and Sbrubs. Dr. 'and, Mrs. Friend Eccles, 426 Laurel avenue, wiil entertain their bridge club Saturday evening, April 6. Each week yen wîll find this adverising directory a featurýe, of, Your ýHome. Paper,. It is provided for your convenience . .. to save, your time. -.te place. "at your fingertipa". every one 6f the numerous money-saving messages of rwtt&ie Ruth Haysýon of 241 Laurel ai-enue, Utilizesr the fine. earlv ,sprintg> dais--eather perriting- > t take..Skipper for'a ride. Skipper.. for the tinte being, ai leaýst, afpears 10 have szq'>taned te Dollie. DAMJ TE& BORN~ A daughter, Gene Moore, weighing eight pounds, three ounces, was born Marcb 1l, at the Evanston hospital- to Mr. and Mrs. Eari E. Thulin of' 635 Ridge road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Thulin and tbe baby returned home Thursday of. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Cunning- ham, 1 56 WVoodstock avenue, Kenil- worth. and daugbter, Mary Katherine, M iitary acadimy. -a- Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor and daughter, *Martha, 149 Kenilworth avenue. .wiil motor east during Mar- tha's spring vacation next week. >1hey wiil spend the week-end with Jack O'Connor who attends Georgetown university, celebrating bis birthday 4 OuAd.versers ADVERTISIER A. B. C. Corp. ..... ......4 Ace Motor Sales..Cover, .11t Albright Beauty Shop........ 6 Antunes, H. F... ........... 35 AMkins & Durbaw, 1lne.....49 Badger "0" Go .............. 26 Baldwin Piano Go....... -.37 BIsnPharmcy .........9ý Bol.................. 4 Booneni, The Talon..... Book Nook ..............4 Braun Bros. 011 Go..... 6 Burns., Toggery .............6 Caldwell Seed Go........... 49 Chandlers.......... ...... 4 Goe, AIlmer & Co........... 15 GoMmunity Theatre........ 55 Consumer. Go ........Cver IV. Co-Op, The.......4 Cowen, Jesse . . .39 Bisenstaedt, GraceP..... 1 Erickson, Ben.,.......... Esther Beauty Sho>p..... Evanston Nash Go. ....5 Pirst Ghurch of Christ, Scientist.................8, .54 PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE Morcer Lumber Companieg ...... ..Cover IV Mestiian Brou ............. 22 Millen Hardware........ 41,49 Morne o.o ................4 Murphy-Miles 011 Go .......3 New Trier Service Stations... 12 North Shore Day Camp, bec.. .22 North Side Cleaneru A. Dyeri,43 Pagliarulo, D........... 6 Peacock Ice Creasn......... 14 Pool & Piper.............. 39, Publie Service Go...... ..... 46 Quinlan & Tyson ........... 48 Raylots & Pleniondon........ 29 R.id-Callçins...... .........20 Renneokar Drug C ........ 9 Remuéh Warebouse ......,... 60 Ridge Avenue Pharmacy.... 9 Schloesser's ... ....... .....7 Shert, Noria.............. 39 Suider-Cazel Drui Go..... Spencer Petroleum i Go....25 Stevens, Edgar. A. lac ........ 23 Teatro <del Lago ............55 Terminal Hardware, ........ 49 Uniqup Style Shop .. .......6 LJnivaraty of Chicago...... 25 o im N"of 1Fluki'.Paduig Lot I 1735 1..Ave...Crmw CIO*k ..... .. ver IV o---v - ................. 14 flbstre. .........55 i,Hamret .........43. .... . .. .. . ... 2 i

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