pL 10le, First place in a week of great en- L tertainment at the Teatro del Lago must beaccorded ".Lives of a Bengal Lancer" which will show from Sun-. day' tbrough Wednesday, -March.31 to April .3. Stre ngth ahd .dramnatic mnajesty surge througb this story., of -.beroDism. "dAnd no word, however strong," says Pholoplay magazine, "could define the essential .strength of >the Francis Yeats-Brown story as Paraniount hag brought it- to 1f e . . . It is one of the best pictures ever to come ont of the Paramount studios."' Gary Cooper plays Captain Mc- Gregor, whose awlcward soft-hearted- ness so often proves bis undoing to. the keen delight of Lieutenant For- svthe (Franchot Tone) who awy stops laughing, however, just in time to snap into action. Richard Crom- well porfrays the Colonelts son, wbose youth and inexperience figure prom- inently in the story. Sir Guy Stand- ing is the Colonel-the film shows, why Cooper calîs bim "Old Ram- rod." C. Aubrey Smith is excçellent in the rôle of major, a man of under-ý standing and dignity. These men carry on their shoulders tremendous responsibilities with gal- lant humor and quiet heroisjn. Dialog, direction, pictorial grandeur Friday and Saturday of th >is week bring "Charlie Chan in Paris," with *the inscrùtable Warner Oland at 'bis tSbst. The Confucius-proverb business bas been removed to the picture's ad- vantage, and the production is smootb and more opulent than usual. Mary Brian and Thomas Beck carry the love inteiest. The work of a young 'Chinese actor, Keye Luke, is' said to add much to the success of this, "the Katharinpe Hepburn it "&ber roie of Babbie in "Tite Little Mittis- ter," her curre'nt RKO-Radio star- rinig. picture ai tlae Valencia thea- ter Sunday and Monda Y. She is TU esd ay and Wednesday, A pril 2 and 3, "Musc in the Air" brings Gloria Swanson 'back to the screen in à musi- cal setting that enchants with laughter and rich song. John Boes is ber lead-, ing man. Thursday and Friday of this* week, the Valencia -offers vital film- fare and a top- notcb cast in "The President Vanshe." snsationai screen necii- AMAZING PRtODUCTION Cal York, Photoplay's pepply and observing correspondent,. announces that "In AI! the King',sHorses," they are using a looking-glass- floor for tbe first time in a picture. Another amazinig.thinig is tbat Carl BÊrisson, for bis role in the film, wears twelve différent uniforms and tbirty suits. He's a tired man these days. WILL QUELLS WANDEItLUST' Will Rogers, it seemfs, is tied down. Says he's got too mucb work out at bis ranch :to do any traveling. be- tween now and bis next fl,"nOld Kentucky," whbich begins around LEDERER AND HEPBURN Francis Lederer, Czecb film star, will next be seen in. RKO-Radio's '.Break of Hearts," opposite Kath- r _ He Uphurn, says Cal Yorki Photoplay magazine. I]RADIO SERVICE f ALLO% MAKF.S E. N. S. W.ory SrvleServ1ee Doona open Sunday-Holidays at 1:30 p.m. Show a 2 p.m. Doorn Open Week Day .: 6-10 p.m... Show a: 7 P.M. Doors.Open Featuere tartsM t 1:88h 9:1 TUP.SDAY-WE.DNES4DAY ]EXTRA NA'rlNEESF. Feature statts t 8, 7:88£ : With Jiomald Woods J(ugh Herbert, Ned Bparks - juelk Nibail à Noah Beery Read the Want Ads Acre. of FreParkng Spme in "'No Man' Lendr Phon>es: W#7mtt-Wivnekta S»o. Thursday, March 28 ,,,Enter makdamo" Elissa Latidi and Cary Grant haracter is fine, notaDlyIY ' iaK % isp and Andy Clyde wbose Academy awý Scotch burrs are tbings of Others wl realize that li chapter of tbe serial, "Law blow-out are help the audience je a big, brisk, buoyant. oan Crawford, Charles authentic JOY. The lasti .L.EUrKl15 lac,