Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 56

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AMI DoadUne for Inu.rdea.-m? tTue"ay 9P. Ie for vnijSr LWE or all tbreepapers; . v*àenday 9 P., M. for wmqlqwzl TaLE 1-1'Mdi Truday à75 P. M. for GLENCOBN W» 'ftqk ~WIlmette 4300.' Winnetka SMo (Wînnàetka 500after IL),M.> Grainim 43* or Sedaê11-1 COLLETTE SOEURS. DERSIGNERS AND MAXERS 0-us-Wraps " ts-ot Original-Cop eRstyled-Alterd 833 Eim St. W.nta111 1)P.ES8BàMÂAI N G, RIDMODELINOq. Slip bovers and draperies. TYour home or mine. liMra. Klist,72 Laurel Ave., Wilmotte 1253., 22LTN47-ltp MXISS BIOLAND Deignuà, maires, CozPien and altorit gowns, :wraps, suits coats, ln your home. Ph. Wlihette 895. 22LTN44-4t1> GAUUNING BELNST LANDSCAPING PIIODIJOTS AT LOWEST PRIOEB À-i virgin back sol-no lumps, weeds. or Skokio dirt, 3 yards $5; 4 yards 86. Rotted cow or sbeepmanure, 4 yaini, 812. Compost mamire, 4 yards, $10. So, 3c sq. ft. 300 or more ft. Rubblsh re- moval, f3 a load. G:rass, hedg'e trim- mingu, etc., removed wookly at 10w rates. B. G. »AGLUND 514 BIRCH ST., WINN. 2108 FIR1EPLACE WOOD-MOVING 27LTN47-ltp WILMU>TTU> GARDUINER Guaranteed rich black dirt, especially for lawns, $2.25 per yd., 2 or more loads at. $2 por. yd. Also good black dirt at $1.50 Per PP. in 4-yd. loads. Cheap dirt does not pay. 'Aiso lawn work or any, other worlt wl Wilmette expert men. Estimates free. P. N. Balmes Wilmette 2770 27LTN47-5tp BLACK SOIL 3 YARD LOAD .... 8 5 A. J. SCH-MITT -NORTHBROOK 39 27LTN47-4tp GARDENING WORK DONE BY EXP. MAN. ALSO HAUL- .ing,black dlrt. Low rates. Wil, 3687. 27LTN47-4tp BUN4DLe'OF CURTAINS IOST PROU, CAR SATURDAT Winnetka 737 3LTN47-lt FOUND-PAIR(:0F GLASSES. MARCH 2nd. Forest Avenue btweon teh and, 9th Street. Caîl Wilmette 4337., 314TN4Tltp OT-B3LACK SCOTTIE. -WBARING . Collar. Phono' Wilmotto 2234-. 8L47-tp, LOST-SCOTCH TERRIER ANSWERS to nama. êIIaPPY.» Chld's §pet. Re- ward. phone Glénce 766. 3jT4lt .BUILDING AND tecPAine AJAX SmINtLE CO. APPROVED joHNS-MANVILLE CON- tractors. Monoy loaned for Improve- monts at governmeflt rates. 1137 Cen-, tral avenue, Wilmetto 1248. 15A-LTN47-ltC JOSEPH KNEIP . CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR 1714 WashingItonI Avenue Willn'tte 2618 15A-LTN47-2tp McKIBBAN - BUILDERL REMODEL- lng, repairs,- -panting, cement work, 1 eig prhs Tirn p ments, no GIEN. .CARPEiiTER:. IWPAIRB 0FP ail klids, stuccoing 'and stueco reot- Inpalnting, plasterIng, roofs,. ,0eens, cement work. Easy payinents. N. B. Place, WlaLette 4181. 16-A-LTN44-4tp *USINES SBEUVUCE UPHOLS$TERING - REP A 1R 1N G. saves you 30% and time by doing on your promises. .Etimates free. Write B-146, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 16.TN47-4tp BLECTRIC WELDING, BOILER. welding; automotive machine shop and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH,280-*20 16LTN25-26tp DECORATE NOW. SPBC1AL PREDICMI> PRIONS TRES month ol.Rmn. papered8P up; Oeil- Ing cae 8.0up;- Paper cleaned 75c; kitchon ::paiftted 86 up; Alitique walsa washed and as:tarehed. 25.etofrf fiaru. Lotlis-WI MI C 60«. 42LTlq47-ltp- Painting- Paper .Hangi»ng PhonoeWlnetka 3328 42L1TN47-1tC W. C. HUGGINS palntlng-Dçeorating-Ielodolllg 100 lth St., Wihoette' Miinette 8558 42LTNR46-4tp ye=rweitperiewce, paler hanigng, paintigand oaleimiing. Price rea- sonable. iYork . guaratd. CalO. E. Lumley, Glenco. 73. 42LTN45-4tp Pg1u FOeaLE z- PEDJGREED GR~EAT 1)an. Beutiful Brindie. 1 Yr. old.1 WelI mannered. <Cood companion for ciiildren. Ph. Wiiuietka 2964. 441A47-ltp For sale PEDIGRMD SP1UNGFIR SPANIEL PUPPIES Champion stock. Winnetka 343. 44L47-ltp WANTED-GOOD HOME FOR MALE Police dog, 2 yeax's old. Good dispoBi-, tion. Write B-152, Box 40, Wi1mette, 111. 44LTN47-Itp PIANO TUNINO ___ EXPERT PIANIO T[JNING $3. RE>- ,pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick-. éring, Boston.. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view Ave., Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN47-4tp PIANOS TUNED AND RtGULÂTED Work Guaranteed Factory, Dealer, Acoustic Lab. expert- ence; good references. E. I. Van Harlitigen. Ph. Wilmette 2744. 45LTN45-tfc SEWING MAONINE UEPAIRINS LwSON AUTOMOBILECS Cou entWservice, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. mtat. Bank Dl3dg.,E vanston. r. 3EG EXnP£RIENCEDI HELP' WB> SPWJIIAJZU* IN HIQE GRADEC dômestie h elp*d ail nationalitie. No ch&rgeto employers. Roeorences la-ý vestlgated. >Under S-tate supervision. Reinihart'st:Empi. Agenc 748 131m St. Winetka 39 DOMESTIC.HELP* RELIABLE EFFICIENT Shay Employmént Agency Established 20 years Two offices ln Chicago 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington - up. 6608 Central 9800, 68LTN39-ltc DOMF<STJC HELP xx.AND WELL RECQmMMNDND EX.No Charge to limployer Lindgren Emp1. Agency Xstblihed26years 799, Elm st. Winn. 1047 68LTN19-tfe CafIson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 RELIABLE HELP AUl dornestie positions, NO CHARGE TO0 W>WTUERS U8LN38-tfe Swetllàb-32, coo)c-geii., exe. N. S. refs. German-30, 5 yrs. last place. Danlsh-26,good refs. MANT OTHÎER MAIDS NOT LISTED Reinhart Empi. Agcy. ' 748 Elm Street Wlnnetka 3399 68LTN47-Itc 1of work after hours ln-exci, room and board. Housewor taurant, etc. Phono Wilmette asic for Mary. 69 EXP. WHITE GIRI,-ANY X day work-celeanlng, laundryi chlldren eves., etc. Cail MisÉ Winnetka 1936, btwen 7 and1 ]Req- !ltc ewal,. Mellody Farms Dairy EX]i Lake orentGreenleai 0677 for- to EXPERIENCEj> GAI to work.- Beat North -ltc Phone Wilmette 3073. I ut * mmil-m-014 WANTU»-FcNAL«

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