6 nus., Elnglish brick, 2%k tue baths, att. gar., $80. Beutt brick, 8 n., 2 bath home, oul ht., 2-otir gar., $125. Solid Engllsh brick, .7 rnis., 2%~ baths, ýrecreatio6n'r. with billiard table, sleeping porcli, $150.' GLENCOBN-RIGHLAND PARK, Attr. 7 rn. brick, porch, hot water ht,.2-car gar.0. -HOMe for large farnily, 4> bedrnis, à baths ibrary,, recreation n, Oit lit., 4125. Chàrnming 9 n. English brick, 6 bed- ryns.. f baths, oit ht., $150. MANY MORE ALL SIZES, & PRICES BAIRDý & WARNE .522 DAVIS ST., EVANS8TON Greenleaf 18655 Holiycourt 1855 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH;1 Kenlworth 4785 Rogers Park 615, 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencoe 154Briargate15 97ILTN47-lte SELECTION BEST VA&LUES 0F QURý EXTIRE LIST- 12 rins., 3 ba., auod., 3 c. g., serv. qtrs.$300 10 r'ai., &3, s lpg pelis. 1R1yoeian. 275 * 14 rns.. 4 bu., slpg. pch., lge. lot, fuin. or unfurn., near lakte ... 215 * 10 ni., 3 bs.; ulpg. pch., nr. lake 200 9 3 . 8bs., ulpg. peli., o011, 2 c. g. 150 7 mu,23* bu., slpg., pch., nly.'dec.. . 126 8rmis., 2%6 bs., 3 pchs., H. W. H.,' 1 ar. lake.................. --105. 6 rns., 1 b., ex. t. & L., elec. retrlg. 85 6 rnis., 2 bs., sun pcb., H. W. H.,p 2 C. g............ .....7 7 rnis., 1 b., H. W. H, 2 C. g.,, newly dec.....................60 à5rrnis., 1 b., bungalow, 2 lge. pchs., 2 c. g ....................... 5 6 rnis., 1 b., bungalow, HW H., ùil 50, Large yard, North IEvanston, Orrington Schocil dist., 8 rnis, 2 baths, 2 c. g.. .,$90 7 rnis.,,1 bath, 1-car gar., H. W. H., ouil . burner, 2 bîks. te transp. N. Evans. $8,5 Stucco, 7 rins., 1 bath, Orrlngton School .diétrict ...........ý*' 1i;i..........' «... $70 Quiet neighborlbood, 4 biu.to "ýL"and shops 6 rnis.. 1 bath, 2-car gar.. -$65 Frame ýouse, 8 rnis., bath ,2-carigar., in good condition, nwye .$150 NORTH SHORE Wilniette-Stucço. 6 rnis., 1. bath,. H. W. H. . U. 7 Winneka-Eglish brickand haif-tini- ber. Mod.* 7 rnis., 2 baths,,H. W. H., oil1 burner.... . ...............$1 Glencoe-8 rnis. 4 baths, brick'residence. Large yard. . Very good......... $150' Kenilworth-Mod. brick home near lake and. ln excel. neighborhood. .10 rnis., 3, baths, $un rooni and breakfast ýrooni. Beautiful grounds .. $ ý'.11 200 CALL OUR HOUSE RENTING DEPT. FOR ADDITIONAL HOUSE LIST- INGS IN, EVANSTON AND THE NORTH SHORE .97LTN47-1t( CURRENT RENTALS 'EVAN8S!QN 6 tm. brick bungalow .... $ 5( 4 bedrms. Newly decorated . .. 7 4 bedrms., 2 lis., nr. Higli achool.. 90 3 bedrms.,, 2 bs., J4ncolnwood .. 110 WILMETTE 6 rm. Spanish home ............. 801 6 nm. mod. brick Colonial....... 9G KENILWORTH Franie Colonial, 4 bedrnis., 3 bs... 1 27 WINNETKA 6 rmi. frame Colonial, tile b ....... 75 6 rnis., 2 bs., East side -. . 1 .. 90 4, bedrins.. 2 bs., Eng. brick 12r THE BILLS REALTY, mnc.c 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON 1 Gre. 1166 . Wil. 3740s 529 Davis S t. REALTY, Imc. Greenfleaf 1166 98LTN47-Itc1 IIN WINNETKA FOR TWO FINE CLIENTS, - 7 rnis.,ý 2 baths, soutbeast, to .......$13i5 5 bedrniu., 3 baths, imodern, to .. -$165- SHO~-TWNSREALTY CORP. Wllmette 608 99LTN47-Itc WINNETKÂ FAMILY DESIRES HOME of.9. or 10, rhis. or larger, with 3 baths ; older typelý considered. Automatie liht. Winn., Kenil., or Glencoe. .No Brokers. Write B-147. Box .40, Wilmette, 111. 7 OR 8 ROOM HOUSE FUrnished or Unfurnished $100 to $150 C-ALL. EVENINGS--WINNETKA 269 FIVE OR S9IX-ROO0M IHOTSE: NO children. Location and transportation faclities flot important. Write B-155, Box 10, Wlmette, 111. 99LTN47-ltp FOU B'A-HOUSl New England Colonial BRICK HOME AT 609 CUMNOR RD.,, Kenilworth. A residence builit only five years ago by the present owner. Designed with a view to charni, durabil- .ity, and, economny; having sunshiny roonis witli an'air of hospitality; sub-; stantial brick construction on a con- crete foundation; ail rooms are fully insulated; six .good sized rms.; aiso a heated sunrooni off dining rn. and overlookine au attractive mg rden. The. .CharmingVWRHITE Dutch COLONIAL, five blocke to SCHOOL and STATION. Large.living rooni with fireplaç<* beated sun rooni, four SUNNY CORÏÏift bed- rootns.,ATTACHED 2-car gar...-$12,500 ENGLISH BRICIC IN H UBBAIIU) , WOODS- fourl bedroomns, two TILE" baths, breiakfaf3t nook, toilet and lava- tory. Hot Water oil heat, tw o-car garage. Owner says sel..-.............. $16,50 769 GREENýWOOD AVE., GLENC OE WHITE COLONIAL, on WOODED lot, 99x190, feet, three'blocks to GLENCOE STATION, five bedrcoons, two bath, large PORCH to South, Hot Water. oh heat, two-car garage......... $18.000 Beautiful ENGLISH BRICK with ten SPACIOUS ROOMS in lovely WOOD- ED locationý; very large living roorn With fireplace; also WALNUT PAN.z ELED LIBRARY. -Six fine bedroonis, four TILED *BATÉHS;: also RECREA- TION ROOM with'.fireplace. Hot Water oil lt., 2-car attachedý gar.. . $200 perm. CUSACK REA]J.TY ý Ite 97LTN47-1.tp RENTALS 7 rnis., 2 tle lbs., H. W. H., gai.. 65 7 rrnis., 1 b., H. W. H., 2 c. g.. 60 7 rnis., 2 ha., oil it., gar .......... 7 - 6 rni, i. : 011,oillit., nr. lake .... 80 4 rau brick, 2 bu., att. gar .... . 9rzn. Col., 2 bu., oil, corner ...... 7.- 8rmi. mod. Eng. brick, 3 bu., il..*.. 115 7Ir n d. Col., 3 tile bs., o011....... 125 8 mi. brick, 3 bis., oil. FIne value... 125 9*rmiq., 4 bs., oil, Ige. lot, Glencoe... M2 MANY CHOICE HOMES-ALL MYES AND PRICES HILL & STONE 613 Lineoîn Ave. Winnetka 1544 le school JSIX« Attached. Icar IWinnr 97L47-tp Pet, 5iI>iLAý E Oea ,:f. -AxrTl nfl .10 ud toi O.JW.IA!UXt,- OVU t PARK VE!., , 11[j94fl.D . -i aU an, lÉcLlWlet vaue. WRITE.COL. I 97LTN47-lte QUINLAN & TYSON, mnc. WIECLINE. .K-ENILWOR'I'Ij17 hninAvneUi.n0 4 master bedrms.i- i bath, maid's rm. 157 hemnLvnuTniv.-260 and bath, sun and slpg. Plis., terraee, -1IT4-t aut. lit., 1-car garage. Lovely fenced yd. NE RL K WTl tt Near transp. and schools. $115. N A A E W let MRS. FULLER & WMý. PICI<ARD THIS HOUTSE COST $45,000 AND CAN Wlnnetka 3603 now be purchased for $20,000. A well 97LTN47-It< eonstructed brick bouse on large lot in' ARTISTIC STONE HOUSE - 4 BED- a fine Wllmette neighborhood. Has large rais., 3 batlis, recreation roomn. living roonu with sun parlori spacious Furnished or unfurn. $125 month dining roorn with costly fixtures, break- 2.........T T.fast rooni. 4 larz r ooms. si&vns ninf lnù.etk, I725 Elm '47-ltp A MODERN HOME NEAR THE LAKE, East, aind conv. te transp,, 7 rnis., 2 bathu, on extra deep wooded lot, among good homes, in fine shape, for lesa than A MODEST 7 RM.* HOME, NEWLY decorâted throughout, new plumbing and fixtures in the: 2baths, can be had for $8,000. MOD. WHITE FRAME COLONIAL ON 75-ft. lot, 7 rnis,, 2 l$aths, porches, où heat, double garage, for $12,000. '. 2 Un oce. aae le terms><~surg. SMART & G( & GOSS, INC. EXOL4tJIVE Ph. Wnntka 350W 1664 Shermian Ave. lIlLTN47-lt2 Inc. TN4M-tc