and Mrs. David Lyman, botb of wbhom are engaged, in the pharmacy business, but: in 'different establisbments. He manages the pbarmaty ýin tbe '636 Churcb streèet building in Evanston and she, thé Wilmnette 1outlet on Linden avenue. Most people don't tbink aa'ytbing about tbe ife >of ýa" pharmacit, Ofi suiui vansonII *aais a very coin- petent, young lady indeed since she matriculated at the National College'of -Educationý at the age -of two 'andl-bas bhen around. Lois'. favorite radio progranfis are «"Leaping Lizards," wbicb is new, to tbis reporter, and "Orphan Annie.", ,While Iistening in tbe sun room, sbe likes to run bcr daddy's adding machine Biograpby appeals to Mrs. Lyi i very much, and it turned out that >he and this reporter sbare a tremendous entbusiasm for Lincoln Steffens' Auto- biography. She bas bien reading, l1sie Robinson 's. dramatic lhf e,,Story, 61 Wainted Out» and "Dawn," the. first volume of D>reiser"s four-volume auto-. biography. .Dreiser would write an autobiog- raphy in four voltumtes, even thougb Zona Cale says anytbing can be told in one tbousand words. One feels that >tbe Lymans, are typi- cal of Amnericani enterprise, energetic. alert, wll-infortmed-willing wo work bard to succeed.. They bave had phar- macies at, Hinmian and Main in Evans - ton, .and on Central street;,were.once in business in Danville. 'Tbe -present Evaniston: :pbarmacy wa s establisbed seven years ago, and, tbe Wilmette out- let, four years ago. a.k. Her Wisconsein Another ethusiRsm of Mrs. 'Lyman is Wisconsin. Her mother came from Mt. Horeb, that citadel of Norwegians, and her fatber f rom Lotie Rock. Sbe was born in West Superior and, ai- tbougb taken away at tbe age of six montbs, she stili feels a native of Wis- cousin, because of summers at Lake Geneva, visits to the Mt. Horeb relatives, and automobile trips. One of ber social activities is membership in tbe Evanston Zonta club. o,... get M ailgged Iookint for furnaitur. when' youl c«ept. it in Hmgh., 1iend Park. Iredmile's n*w 1 miure Store offert YOD in exeepionmlly fine asee. tiono ý.futtitar. froan the fineot furniture makers. IF WE D)0t'iT HAVE ET, WE'LL (CET ET FOR YO!No need té, go trudging tbrough tse ai r miiilng through or owdrs wben you ceau$hop coin- fortably ét Iredale's. Central Av*. et Sh.edan Rd. HIGHLAND PARK Glenco. 1100 <ViMi Our Medel Reoins» painting is almost mathematical in feel- ing. Speculation. sucb as this led the interview far off tbe course, and it foundered completely whien Mrs. Ly- man suddenly decided to interview tbe. reporter, wbicb policy is as unet1hical as asking a pbarmacist to .peddlc bair-ý pins. "Who watcbes the watcbnian's wifte wben the watchman watches ?" ýVell, Inaybe the watcbman is smart and lias mnader a us îiin nesfirtn ItoswNfper on ISUWuby JuiveritIy, Mii anatauIL piaownnus -ic, IC1115 ., KsoUIII Norirnwesern auinr. ThisuIyLe-ir, hel# esua8da& -aa-ri.d. Th-she-found she was alone -Coaches -attendiftg -the dinic Ibave day ont, -Mrs. Lyman turns housekeeperj at bomne a great deal, and slie dccîded been invited to bring their squads for berself and two <aughters, Una to learn ,pbarmacy, studying at the with thetu for the gaMe iii the after- andi Lois, or just Lois wben Una is Hynes Pbarmiacy scbool in Chicago noon.