Friday Speivil received Qihi bs youth and turnea 1is attentibn to the study of the scientific structure of the eye. Dr. Rogers had been a renident of Wilmette for five years, and.prior to. that he- had lived in Chicago for 35 1years. He was a.former president .of the Illinois Optical society.and for -rnany years served as professor, of optometry at the Northern in ois College of Optomeétry,4043'S. Drexel boulevard, Chicago.. Taking Up lec- turing on optometry, lie: became na- tionally known, and, bis published books are stMIin demand. Survivinghim are his widow, Mris. Helen ,Sizer Rgr, orsons, Homer Eugene,. Walter I., Cecil D. and Frank E. Rogers, three daugh- ters, Mrs. C. E. Partridge, Mrs. H. J. *Theil and Mrs. J. H. Loveil, eleven grandÉons and sx granddanghters. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in-he chapel at 3415 N. Clark street, Chicago. Burial took place.,at Memorial Park cerne- tery, .15e .Tuesd& A..... ne~ £a&u,19 ,-Geàieral1 h6 cave Dwe ýy, April 1* -Animal l' ïn;ral. aàni Ores; ,of the Chicago Mrs. Herbert, Taylor, 631, Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth., returned Sat- urday ýf rom' a 'month's visit with relatives in the ea si. She also was -a guest of the Leslie McAtthurs ik Bridgeport, Con». The ,McArthurai were former residents of Kenilworth. EfUP L. Moàday ai Tueuday Spucial 24c: !D 9é WIFB4LWS-VANS1'I on Devis Street Wmuu*.w. n ,Golfers Ready for Amateur Titie The two 18-liole golf COUIV ponship-are. nearing top condition and will'be in perfect shape for the tournament on April 12, 13 and 14. Dwight Mitchell, with a 67 compiled in wixrning the Indiana state> amateur championship, holds the record on the championship hil course. Strange- ly enougli, the best official profession- al score is Walter Hagen's 68 which hie pulled down while winniiig the National P. G. A. With the course i-it. . ,entuhzane the record 67 jçedusha.................... -- May the Words .............. id 'Anthem-"'O. Ood,, Thou Art MIy Gt: Solo-"Iaddluh"ý.............. Mr. Benjamin liandsman VarAnachnu................. LAO....................... p ERoheilu................ tel a.I ao.. Jus,..aMURPHY-mMILES FUEL OIL CONTRACT l ,. ea' ose six-