Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1935, p. 53

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league bowlers last week. The bigb series bowlers and their scores were: Phil Bleser, 658; Charles Hutchings, 615; Bert Russell, 618; Eddie Shanaban, 610.; George Braun, 605; WVilliam Teicbert-, «0, andScott, 600. Ail three, of Charles. Hutchings' ganies were over 200, Hiis scores read 206, 205 and 204. Phil Bleser bad a high game of 255 and anotber gaine of 207. Other bowlers with two games of 200 were:ý Bert Russell, 238and 220.; Ed Sbanaha n, 233 and 202; Ed Bleser, 233 and 207, and William Teichert, 217 and. 205. Followinig is a list of' the thirteen other howlers wrho broke into the 200 colun: Art Wagner, 234; George Bleser, 232; Scott,229; Frank Fiegen, 218; 'Abe, Kohier, 215; Bill Wolters,' ?14; Bill Deit z, 210; Marvin Ross, -209; Gene Matteani,, Bob Braun *and Rayr Bartell, 203; Harry Leis, 201, and Shano Solheim, 200. Bleser's, wbo wbipped Edelweiss in two out of three games, 1ad the high- sertes score for the evening, 2849. Tbe game scores were 896, 998 and 955. The Sunset Villa of Winnietka Won two out of three from Kriler's Buffet, and Harry's Budweiser, took advan- tage of this to gain on the league leaders. The Budweiser boys .whipped Hugo and Bingo. 2 to 1. The Cycle inn mnanaged to win one ganie out of tbree f romi the WVilmette Tailors. *Stand -ing of the teanis inicluding games of March 28: Won Lost George White's Grocery 50 28 Weiler-'s Nursery 49 29 Kuss jewelers 44 34 Edelweiss team 42 36 Bunggalow Taverne 41 37 L.ynain's Texaeos 23 46 Bldwell Bosterq 29 49 Whealan Booîters 26 52 UNION LEAGUE. The Congregational, eam reganed first place 'in tbe -Union league last. week by winning three,,games while St. John's Lutheranl was losing three. In 'the first ýgame the C ongrega- tionalists whipPed the Methodist No. 2teai, .866 to 692. Then the higb single team game score for the eve, ning was tmadé by the Congregational boys. when thev trounced the. Meth- odist, 948. to 72,2. The score of the third game was 912 to 766. The Con- gregationalist ', three game total of 2,726 was high for the evening.* The three victories over St. John's Lutheran were scored by the Meth- -oiqt No. 1teani. "iThe Mto-it won the third game by the narrow margin of - ight pins, 800 to 792, after taking the first two games by scores of 844 to 743 and 876 to 713. F. Guy of the Congregational team bas the highest individual average for the season, 163. He bas bowled in 27. games. Two of bis teani-mates, Tucker and M. Guy. are tied for sec- ond place in individual averages. Eacb bas 159. Tucker bas bowled in 18 total ot ,ï13 was nign lotrthe v v- t-'tu- mit* UI* --*.*..--- - -- --ty M nîng. 1Granville, Ohio. SThe highest individual average for the season is that of Moody of Team No. 3. He bas a handicap of 2 and bas bowled 168. for 36 ganies. Thieteani standings: Team Won Iost Pet. 1j Basier, Capt. 22 14 .611 is purely of orgodic engini Its 1hosPh«vdc content la 3,Flnye, capt. 2 6 553 4% i t is vÇry rich in boite phosphate of Umda, mm 4, Drewes, capt. 165 21 .416 has other elements Sood for thé growth of vegctatl. 2, Llndberg, capt. 15 21 .41 Aie_________ c.C S NYDIýR NC.a GREenleaif 7141 Evanston 1743 Sheman Avenuqle DO YOU KNO OUR BUDGET PLAN bInefine sté s lne Netlomm %%hotn furnish your home on Snyd.r's Easy P.yment Pan? New Draperies NwCra . Vtlfin liid 'et ue 1W New Custom Dult Chair or Davenp@rt Uphoster Y@ur OId Furniture Perfect Fittlng Slip Covers Our desterafors are et your service to help you make preper selections. 11e convinced how easy our monthly payment plan moas if te have y.ur hoe comforteble endi inviting. . ~ mnmmadupt n mut Coosotidate your furnishlngs o$00mimuenupt yaon. game bead as the series st s tandings, not including gamïes, follows: Krier'.s Buffe.t larry's Budweiser Bleser's Sunset Villa Edelweiss Hugo and Bingo Wilniette Tailori- Cycle, Inn tis wéees 50 49' 44 42 23 1 4 35 1-6 37 40 42 49 61 K. 0F C. LEAGUE George White's grocers, XVeiler's .rsery, Edelweiss, and the Bungalow Method t i; utheran st i LEGION LEAGUE (POST 46) Capt. George Bassler's Teani No.. 1 maintained its bold on first place hast week by taking two out of three games from Captain Drewes' Team No. 4, wbile Capt. Harry Flentye's Teani No. 3 was having similar luck with Cantain Lindbero's Team No. 2.1 It is more economical to use good seed which will produce a1 fine, permanent lawn. If you make a mistake this spring you lose a whole year and the job a big teague bowler by rutlng jg.ue of 205, 175, and 2,)5, for a grand total of 615 pins. Pbil won bigb game and 1high series for the night.. Frank Schopen of the Whealan Boosters bad second bigh game with 219 pins.1 Other ?00 Lames were: 1502 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON University 2M6 For Best Remults ... Ce-o perate With Nature -0.ne_

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