we mau suppi1y our favorite braul on. short noNee at standard priees. Cos$1 .65 mmtod up MALI MARRiow Tit. TIc .u ad 11.4D Drink phone ..BIN ERUCKSON Wimette .4092. M the audience want to give cheers for the courage and intelligenice shown .. It'stoo grand to be told Anyway, :it won't spoil it. to mention that Roscoe Karns, gives* a g reat .per- formance 'as Myrna's manager and tbat H6bart Cavanaugb as. a Scotch me- chanic, is a joy.ý George .ArilasStar$ Sunday, Monday and T.uesday, -the Varsity presents George Arliss: in "The Iron Duke." The wvitty, hea rt-warming. r.Arliss portrays Weljlington as. an amiable, kindly m'tan, a charmfing char- acterization.ý. The 'audience will like Swortn pc- this an ture. É FMUiy Win Enjoy Thds Another film whicb audiencesI -and çritics are calling one of the season's best,,ý is. "The Good Fairy," sbowing, at the Varsity next. Wednesdey and Tbursday.. This daddy-lon1g-leggs type of story, by Ferenc, Moinar, is beau- tifully presented, and beartily. recomn- miended to young and old. It portrays a comiedy drama wberein a girl goes'f ron an orpbanage into, tbe 'world-plays, havoc with tbe lives of three men, by'selecting ber husband from a telephone:book and failing to tell, her victim zshe bas donc so. F.ranw4'y Quant'um Libet DINING R1OOMl 'LIQUOR STORIE ~G &W ITIMIS S * I cveree and is, a favrie wena blend of rich, mellow whis- I .key is in order. f Margarer Lindsay ansd Frantche~ Tone, proininent members of the briltiant voting cast which a/pears in. "Gentlemenm Are &frt,» virid story of "youf k jmut out of col- lege." What the giowcing grod- uates fipid in the brisi,'i's wqorld icill kecp -patrons caqer ~ihin- lerest uthe .tite film ,shtows ai 1-he Valencia.theuter Sundiay. Api-il 7. Tbursday. an«. Friday o)f this week are dedicated to Binig Crosby' fans- * and who isn't? Bing just sings and sings in "Here Is My Heart." Wben be isnt singing, .be's indulging in coni- * edy capers-a rote that's riglit - up Birig's alley. Saturday, April 6, the Valencia lire- sents lovely Steffi Duna ini "Red Morn- ing," a thrilling drama in which savages-, sneak tbrough the. forest with, poison. spears, launcb canoës for tribal. wars. give strange dances and 'kipRdle sacri- ficial fires. G. & W. 7 Star: $1 .58 plet $3.07 quart 6 YR. OLD BON DED G.& W. Bourbon per G. &W w.Rv pe 2-515 One' of the season's most', exhilaratig films-that's. "Forsaking AUl Others", whicb packs plenty of the wallop that, audiences want Monday anid Ttuesday. April 8 and 9.., Clark Gable, winner Iof the Academy award, is a brisk rea- son for seeing the film, while Joan Free D.Iiwery 2522 Extra Bry Ginger Aie. Casle of 24 bottl.. $2.0 For Qulek Delivery Phone Eiterprise 1212 Fox Head Sales Comnpany COCKTAIL L@UNGE TETOWERi Week.- IO3rd A«n-ivers-arg j pic- 1