Condy, Illinois state champion in 1934 and 1935, was defeated in both matches, although al gaines were close. In the high school exhibition. whicb Was witnessed by' 1,500 students, Mc-. Clure, national champion in f934 and, a senii-finalist in the 1935 niational tournamient, *on the first froin Condy, 21 to 17'.a nd 21 to 18. Then the Wilrnette player camne back to take the ne* t gaine, 22 to .20. M- lure won the fou rtb and final gane, 2140to 18. At Marshall Field's soeCondy also gave, bis Indianapolis opponent, a tough battie. McClure -%von the first * gaineé, 21 to 18. Then'Condy took the second by the widest inargitn of an y gaineé in eitber of the exhibition mat ches, 21 to 13. Thé final gaine' %vwent Ito McClure, 24 to 22. The defeat of McClu're 1w Abe! Berenbaum of New York in one of1 the semi-final matches of the niationalI table tennis tourney in Chicago last week-enid was the biggest upset of the year in table tennis circles. McClure after winning the first two gaines, 21 to 9 and 22 to 20, dropped the next t hree and the match by,.scores of 2118, 22-20 and 21-17. Berenbaum then i-wént on . to win the national title by eliminating Mark Sclilude of St. * L'ouis in the finals. Pupils iRecital at Kathleen Air-Studios *ThLe pupils of Kath1een Âir Music studios' entertained their parents. and friends Frîday evening at the Win- netka, studio, with' an informai ûiu-'l sicale. Miss Estelle Swigart pre- sented two of ber 'ceilo pupils, Irene Smith and Glnian Paynter. Arian Delander presented three of bis pupils, Bud Perrill, Stephen Finney, andI Howard Moulding, playing the Clàrinet and the flute. George Swigý- art presented two of bis violin pupils, Richard KixMiller and John Schaef- geti. The piano departuient was represeilted by Bradford Barber, N'T MARXE *If you would guard your» most priceless possession, talce care of you r eyes - don't entrust them to 'bargain glasses ' which often exact their toli in impaired vision. Most spectacle bargains are boom- prices. Heiice, ies are usuall3 #'bargains" ini specta. that i name ordy- Ms. Isabelle Wilcox of New' teTuesday after a visit 'of weeks with ber sister-in-law, H. M. Gardner, 250 Oxford ýKenilworth. York seven Mns. road, 105 North Wabash Avenue 78 Eat Jackson Boulevard Orfciu 18 South Lasuie Street 1645 Orrinqton Avenue, Evaniton *ýy c , IL'- -E P"Jct;pl; oit