A meeting was held under the aus- pices of the Boys' Work committee (if the Rotary Club of -Chicago last wèek at which Monroe Smnit lh, former Boy Scout executive of Rochester, N. Y., and the America.i repr.esepta- tive of the International Youth Hos:- tels association,,presented to a group of Rotaians and sta.te park directors' froin Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana a description.,of theýextraordipar' dle- * velopmrent of thec youth hostels ini Europe, wvhere travel, food>,and lodg- ing average a. total 'of 75 'cents -per dav. tl Organli7ed hy a German sehool teaelher, Richard Séliirrmant.tentiv- four years ago lu G crtany to pro- h v ide tràvel facilities under sound spon-h ,sorship for. thousands of vouth wo seek adventure and knioiwlèdgeof thel lîistoric spots, customis and interesting peoples, the youth hostels teda-v-.-: ber 2,6-00 in the counitries of Europe.- L.ocated and sponsored by a majority of the organizations of each towNv, village or city, these. hostels are lo- cated at& intervals of fifteen miles apart. Thev are located in scenic and Ihistoric spots for health and educa- tional valte. Primanily for High Scliool Students Hostels run in size from 60 beds to beds for 3,000 for people of ail ages 1 but primiarily for b)oys and girls of hiighi school ad college age; in eacli hostel is a carefully slected bouse father and house mother. Each hos- teler buys his or lier ovn foo.d ini the market place and cooks. it ini the. çom- munity kitchen of the hostel.. Also re- quired of every youth is to hielp clo.p the wood. Each hostler makes his or her oivni ed. Sleeping sacks and per- sonial articles are carried in 'a knap- sack. Hostelers dress in knickers and shorts- and travel on bicycles, and on foot. To further this mnoveméint Ini Eng- land Preieër Ramisay MaIcDoniald pre- I sided over last- season's International i YoiiiliHosteélconvenltioli and the Car- negie founidation endowed it ýVith $10,- 000. :Ii Berlin and Frankfort' German the imunicipalities erected millon dilar hostels. In Hamburg a wealthy Ger- mn resepnted a 15,000 ton yacht as a A happy sign that surumer and vacation days are flot f ar off appear with the announcement of the elev- e nth National Out-Door Life exposi- ion to be held in the exhibition' hall of the Hotel Sherman for six days be- ginning April 22. 'More. than 200,000 urban. dwellers who hear the callof the. wild andý wild, ife. will gather at thé .Hotel Sherman, for an annual preview of outdoor life and vacation lands. Milo E. Westbrooke,. originaàtor of the National Out-Door 'Lif e exposi- tien, is drco of this year's show. For the first time. in the expositions kistory the Na tional -gopvernment will' have exhibits. The states of Wiscon-, sin and Michigan will,.again be'rep-, ,resented with officiai state exhibits., MINIATURE FOOTBALL GAME Nothing like it ever seen before The teams actutilly play IT9S A JINOCKOUT If you don't think so we'11 return your. money Get your order in the mail today. Price five dollarsý. Tax included. THE BADGER "O" COMPANY WINNETKA%, ILLINOIS SWING into the 8fashion parade confident that your clothes are making the right.impression. Lt doesn't always take: new clothes to, do this.: Last year 's outfit will do the job as well if you ,e cleaned1 counitries of nturopeto ,lUI weK this sumuner, sailing june 27 from New 'York. The Chicago inembers of the advis-i ory board of the American Youth .Hostel' association, Inc., which in -______________________________________ had it Mira- by Shore Line.. g.