eryScismalf orme n y tith I-Tarr Minturn, si a member of the Midland Players, wého. %9411pre- sent a pro gram1 of tmwo oe-act plays in the ballroom of the North Shore hotel Sunday evenieig at 7:30. The entertainment is prem- senled for the guests and the public by tihe hotel's prograin director, Gertriude Priedrick PisioIP. In the cast with Miss Schmal are Herman Nagel, director, who bas played leading roles in Walter Hampton's and Charles Coburn's companies, and also two Evanstonians, Mary. Hayden. and Tom McDermott. The Midland Players have a re- pertoire of one-act plays by modern and Oassical authors. Sunday evening's of- ferings wiII be George KelIy's "Finders Keepers" and Gilbert Parker's "The Minuet." Canadian Pacifie Offers. *Interesting Vacation Tour The great popularity cf- Canadian Pacific's 9-day cruises between New York and Montreal via the Saint- Lawrence route bas caused the com- pany to repeat these Iow cost' sum.- mer voyages during- the comitig summer. The duchess of Athoil wil sait f rom New York at midnight. on july 24, August 3, 13 and 23 for Quebec and Montreal, the last sailing A daughter, Joan Rebecca was.born March 27, in Los A to M4r. an~d Mrs. J. W. Bueil,' their fourth child and first da Mrs. Bueli is the former E Wheelock cf Kenilworth. IN UNITARIAN PULPIT Dr. Curtis Reese, dean cf the Abraham Lincoln Centre, Chicago, will speak on the subject, '"The Re- ival of the Liberal Temper," at the services in the Unitarian Church. of Evanston Sunday- morning, April I4i, at Il oclock. The chur-ch is.located' on Chicago -, avenue near Greenwood avenue. THE SHOE THÎAT «?~' PROECTS YOUR RIDECHILDRENS 1608 Chicago .Ave.. Evansion The name Kashian Bras. 15 dan entree intc' beautilul North Shore homes where Pine rugs are th e ru le and their expert care iS anecessity « Expert craltsmansh'p From aur'modem plant. devoteéd exclusively ta rug and carpet cl.eanuing. and repairing is your guarantee o.(fine qualty. 1107 Greeneaf*Ave. CALL NOW IWilne WUMIEI3200 cant bewrong fe~ i. jffg,~ I Murphy.'Miles service and fuel oi1 helpeci keep them that way. The even temperatures main- tained in their homes helped protect their healtb. Most of their daddies and mothers are so welI pleased with Murphy-Miles service and fuel oil that they are going to sign a MurphY- Miles contract and forget about their heating problem ail next winter! SIX PLANTS CON VEKIENTLY LOCATio Wlj Diirrsy 2M THE CHICAGO ARIA