E~vansten nospïtai.. The accident , which resulted in the deaths of Myrtie HoIiôway, 14 years old, 330 Oxford road, Kenilworth, and of Johni Edson McEIdowney, 19, of 620 Abbotsford road, Ienlworth,,oc-' cçurred early Tuesday rnorning of last week at 'the Winnetka avenue crossing of the Chicago and. North Western railwaày ini Winnetka The car. in 'which, Miss Holloway .and y oung McEldowney were riding with the Goetz boy was struck by a noôrth-. services were fleld last Thfursciay afternoon at the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth. McEldowney, who was a junior at New Trier, is survived by bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEldowney, nd three sisters, one of whom, Mrs. John G. Wittbold, lives in Winnetka. The services were h 'eld last Thurs- day mporning in the Graceland cerne- tery chapel. The Goetz boy is a, senior at the high school. Il*i * *wu . *4n4* Music at the services this Sunday attended the opening reception, style will bc as iollows: show and tea held last Frid ay at the ma Tovu .......... . -Thatcher nlew location. Borchu ....... ..... ..........Thatcher Shema .... ....... ...... Thatcher BAHA'I LECTURE Michomnocho Traditioflal "iParadise Reganedf' is -the subpect. Tzur,'Yîsroel .. ....Landéman o h akt egvna h eua Kedusha......... ...Idelsohp fl tetl ob ie tte eua May the 'Words..........Rogers Sunday. afterrioon . service'- held. at Anthemt-'Go.rious. Forever"- 3-.30 o'clock, April ý14, in FoundatiQfl Solo-"'EteTal" (Fwig) ......... olf hall, Ba.hai--Universal House of Wo'r- Miss:4-ucille Long ship on Linden avenue and Sheridan VaeAnachnu...............Binder rodWilie-tt.Thespakrwill b Lar-go.,......................PEerlmanroTe pakr l1e E!ohenu....-....................Sétark AIbet Windust of Chicago. ~-r?11, ~. vif Youth fui Sartesgoes to M te Eas te Pa rade FIULD'S EVANSTON STORIE ,Boyso Will Like 7lhese Man StyleClte Our collection, of knick- *er suits is at its Spring peak - single and' double breasted models, *shirred backs ..the smart Spring colors are tans, grays and browns *and the patterns , ii- clude many, checks.8 to 16 .......... $13.UO Camel's hair, tweeds and cheviots presentý some of the newer pat- terns for Easter. Rag- lan sleeved models with belts all-around-oth- to 10. . Brother-, indSiater SuitaÉ.. . .4 4~::y2) s- B A cilM .............. )Pen, brown wt aqua. M A R SH This unusuial dress is fashioned ofswiss gfingham w'th baby. rick-rack, to trini the collar and short sleeves (in sizes 2 to 6). The boys' suits to match * The Evanston Store 0 Church and Sherman FUELD &COMPANY PY