Local Cardon Clubs at Flower Show Clubs AdcI lo Th.fr Laurels af Beau- moss creeps out from between bor- fiful and W.lI Baanc.d Show dering bricks. on Navy Mier The, North Shore Garden club has a special awardfor its. arrangement Fou seson oftheyea .of Brazilian shower 'Plant, and snap- Vourseaons-of he erJoui ,dran, striking..in color eff ct and bands, east meets southwest, composition, on a stand draped with 3 middle west,- and South, and» red-brown. velvet bai-monizing with yesterday. mingles with today, the' bues. of, the, flowers,~ yellow to at the Flower show on the Navy coppery shades., Pier.To the Evening Garden Club of Pieî.Wilmette, a red ribbon for its cabin From a.dreamy garden of the south, in the woods. Those who bave fished nightlighted, along the pier to a bit -ïiïnfed,, hiked, 'and camped in the of our native woodla-nd, transplanted, bracing air of, northern woods. feel * and back -again, we sauntered, antici- -4 tug of longing asthey see this log pating awardsto nlorth shore garden house and-itspienee covered clubs. These. we found, two silver ground, faithfully andý. realistically inedals, on special award, three blue constructed. On tbe copen porch rod ribbons, five red ribbons, one wihite and reel and gun and outing in aga- *and two yellow-t he recipients-eight zines tell their' story. Orange and local clubs. blue curtains at the window lend These eight, with more than one- cheer. An 'old lantern and a hundred others,, are echibiting in *ettle at the dotorway and fresh green M the Garden Club of Illinois' ninth an- ferns poking their way up through Mlw nual show closing April 14. For the the soul identjfy themselves with mado care and continuity. in its planning, the-setting. - <nl. the beauty of its, entrance with its A blue ribbon hangs on th-e "paved gil vistas of winding walks, the carefully garden in the shade" of theN_1tho daisy thought-out and balariced arrange- Shore Garden club. M odern, yet 're- spi ment of the show itself. and its color strained, its gravel pavement remind- scheme, we commend it. To many ing of' passing shadows, shades from 'it is the most easily-viewed display gun-nietal gray to light and leais t o n yet staged. Local prize-winning ex- a graceful statue. Calceolaria plants "f hibits wvemention in order in Which we in- ordered arrangement, give yellow Luncl saw thern with their ribbons: accent. A red ribbon goes to the Winnetka The Kenilworth junior, Garden club Each Garden's club's bulb garden with yel- wins honorable mention for its yellow the Co low the predominating, color, tulips plant stand before a yellow screen. special the flower. A doorway and steps Yellow primula and tulips froni pale meeting lead into the garden' where flowering yellow to bronze-orange are banked This yc forsythia and white lilacs give height together. at thé to the background. A circular ar- Tables on the terrace bring two Friday, rangement of white brick and grass- ribbons-honorable mention to the the luti and a. statue center the garden, white- colorful Mexican breakfast table of to the brick bordered. the Founders chapter of the Glencoe delightf A red ýrib bon goes to. the- gar den Garden club, in brown and Yellow reading! department of the Winnetka Wo- and orange, 'with its cactus and its 1 Miss man's club for its adjacent fiower mural background; a red ribbon to who i roo, aso n ellw ad hit, wththe Winnetka Garden club' for its the nori room als in ellw an whie, it uncheon table infiuenced by Sp in u touches of , browzn on white metal From the land of the troubadors ign furnitlpre and the color ôfý,tmanu . liss Catheripie Hepbitre of Kekt- orth, lias had the kior o be ie onie of the group of Vassar. 'wlo 7viIl carry the traditional ry chain at college late this ing. igregafional Guild's *heon Program Apr. 12 h year the .Woman's. guild of ,ongregational church holds a 1Spring luncheori as the closi.ng 1Z &-the guild for the season. ear the luncheon will be held Georgian hotel, Evanston, on April 12, at 10 o'clock. After ncheon the group will.adjourn 1library of the hôtel where, i fuI program of music and gs will be given. Pearl L{oose, mezzo-contralto, well knowv in Wilmette and on 1th shore, will sing the follow- KSentucky bociety Sponsors Movie. and Rummage Sale The Kentucky Society:cf Evy- anston and. the North- Shore makes three announcements thi-s Mreek. One is, of its deferred an- nual business meeting. Another is of its, one big money'-making project of the spring, ýthe twoý- (!ay showving of "Clive f India" Tuesday, April 30, andWednes-ý day, May 1. The third announce- mnent* tells of a, rummagye sa le 'Thursday, April I&8. Because . of Easter', the. regular mneeting -is, changed ftrm April 19, toApril 26. The election Of officer .S will take place -and a surprise pro- grami arranged by Mrs. George Kreer of Winnetka is planned. 'The Valencia th eater in Evanstori is showing "Clive of India," with Ron-' aId Colman and Loretta .Young as' its stars, and for ail performances April 30 and May 1, the Kentucky society will receive bene fit providing the tickets are sold in advance by its' niembers. A record attendance is anticipated by this. group of Ken- tuckians, who hope thereby to swel the fund they mainlt ain to further the work of the Hindman Settlenient school in the niounitains of Kentucky. For this event M rs. W. M. Frank- lin is chairnian in Evanston; Mrs. George Kreer, for Winnetka and the north shore; 'Mrs. Victor Lothman, Rogers Park and Chicago; Miss Mar- garet Coleman, for the west group. On their committee are Mrs. Sam. Bush, Mrs. ýT. E. Boswell, Miss Alice Cary Williams, Mrs. Norris. Emn- bry, Mrs. R. Leslie Jones, Mrs. L. C. Williams' The ummge sale is to, be heldi lFvanston, aIl day Thursday, April 18,, uinder auspices ôf the junior Kentucky society of Evanston and thé North Shore. Mrs. Benton Baker is chair- man, with lier co-chairmen Mrs. E. L. JImhoif, Mrs, C. B. Nelson' and Mrs. T.'J.. T nioat in the pool entrar lazilY swim, and Kent, nd garcien of niii., built in e A grass pati planited with w4,11 flowers. ps ïnto the nese ir.is and in FiRnul Bridge Luncheon I. The date of the final bridge lunch- * eon of the Kenilworth,'club bas been * changed frorn Friday, April 12, to April 26.