miage sale is in session April 10, 11, 12, at '1151 Wilnmette avenue. Mrs. Joyce.may be phoned at ber home- 423 Tetith street, or any meni- ber of the commnittee may be called and articles will be collected. Mrs. Charles Norman talked on "Color inGardens," Tues.day morningý at the meeting of ber gardeni stdy class at the home of Mrs. -George Hl. Beaudin, 726.,Elmwood. avenue.. WorthridgeNotes Ifrs.. John Petaja, 1922 Greenwood avenue, was hostess last night to the Nortbridge Woman' s Club of Wil-. mette at its regular monthly Meet- ing. Miss, Clara Maïs opened the meeting with a. piano. solo, "Scherzo C Sharp Minior,'" by 'Chopin, fol- lowed by two mazurkas by Chopin. Mfrs. Robert Marley, chairnian for the evening, then read "Song of a Geser." by Mrs. 1Freelauid Sekr. Mrs. Stecker's poem bas jus't been awarded first prize in 'the Tenth Dis- trict Federation of Woman's Clubs %-owVa ra, aaiAjA ummeA1u up n£AVL anc :y> sayng, "There is nothing new and nothing old, and morais, as. the Restoration dramatists show us,.and as the modern plays portray, are relative to the, times in which we. Miss Maas clojsed the prtogramn by playing "Barcarolle;" by Liadow, and- "Ritual FPire, Dance," by deFalla. Mrs. William Edmonds, chairman of tbe nominating committee, pre- serited the following naines for nekt year's, officers : Mrs. H' B. Inger- soli, president; Mrs. S. Johnson, vice-, presiclent;> Mrs. F. Crawford, treas- urer; and Mrs. ýS. J. H4igginbotham, secretary. Tbe. meetinig adjourned, refresh- nients wereserved by the hoste 1ssi- as- sisted by Mrs. joseph, Hen shaw and Mrs. William Merkle. Bdckwards Luntheôni Barbara Burch, 163 Abingdon ave- nue, Kenilworth,,entertained fourteen girls at a Backwards bridge luncheon Friday. Ouests entered, through the back door, wearing clothes back- wards. Luncheon was served baek- wards, prizes were given backwards, the highest scoring receiving the booby prize. * 8aster i8xcdtement, Harriet Woolworth's is aflame as neyer before, with vivid fashions . brimful, of* vivaclous, youthful styles . . . and nt prices within the, reach of ail. Fr'Spriýng 706 CHU]R - Evi PHIONE e 1781 50NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO 1I Suit$