Revelation in PIaying of H'arp by JEAN FOX "It was. a revelation. to lue to see; what. can actually' bel done with a harp" said a clubmm'n- ber'commenting on the concert presented Wedniesday of iast week by Aiberto Salvi for the Womani's, Club. of Wilmette. Revelation, indeed, the after- noon -proved. for ail whoÔ came unprepared .-to :hear any such, masterful performance as ,Salvi gave.. Although a résident. of Wilmette' the ,"greatest concert, harpist before the public today," as critics cali bim, i8 still unknown to soute in bis own village, and for those' wbo had flot heard him until last-week the program, was nothing less than an eye-opener. Most of us bave listened to harp music of one kind or another upon various occasions, but to associate Salvi with these artists is the same as mnistaking paste diamonds for real Tbe flash and show may aIl be there in the imitation. To the discerning musical ear, however, Salvi alone seems to bave the crisp, exact touch, the de.pth and the ' forceful harmony of the genius. Salvi's tones are clear, individual, and round. He sweeps over the widest ranges -%ith unifom cor- rectness, and iuhether lingering over slow movements, or hastefling the rapid ones, exhibits an ýease and smoothness so casual that strain and effort appear to be handicaps whicb he bas neyer known. Composer as well as barpist, Salvi placed on the program several of bis own numbers -. "Valse de Concert,",' "The Fountain" and "Fantasie (do Mineur)" Zabel-Salvi,. The fancy of the audience was taken especially .by "The Fountain," quite a departure from the ordinary in its strange originality. The D,-r>gram aIso. ar- Refs roundý Members of Wilmette and Win- netca. Woman's clubs won ranking prizes in the recent poetry and short story contest sponsored by the 'Ienth district federation. in' the. poetry contest,' Mrs.' Free- land G. Stecke r of 'the Northridge Womnan's Club of Wilmette, won first place for her "So ng of a Geyser." Mrs. Walter DilI Scottwon second. Mrs. Sam, Dennis and Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, of 'the Woman's Club of Wilmette, won respectively, third prize and honorable mention for their Trhe Short story awards,ý too, came to the north shore. Two Winnetka Woman's. club m embers, Mrs. Sam- uel D, Harkness, first, Mrs.. David D). irwvinï, second, were awarded the two highest awards. Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell won third. PalStone-Raymor Urs. Roger Fowler Sherman of. Winnetka is social chairman of th<e North Shore auxiliary of the Chi- cago Maternity center wldch is> haing ils annual s> ring party tis year on Wedntesday, May 29, at the Lake Shore' Athletic club. Techny Clubs Announc. Benefit Party April 27 More than 3,000 friéxds and mem- bers of the Techny clubs Will attend a benefit party at the Stevens hotel, Chicago, on April 27. The Rev. Father Ralph, S.V.D., national director for. the Catbolic University of Peking, wsil be guest of bonor. There are ýsoxme 100 Techny clubs throughout Chicago and the nortb shore. Mrs. Martin Driscoll of Glencot i attend Country club. season wilI beg is for sed.. Alpha ýXi Deltas Wii ,Ho.nor Is Founders on Showboat for Alliance Benefit. Capt. Edwin A. Wollison, ranking officer at Great Lakes Naval Training station, wvill be. honorary captainof the sh4ow,-. boat Dixiana,.Friday' even 'ing, April 26, whe.n t.he* Sou.ther-n Woman,'s Educa.tional alliance takes over the craft for its an- iiual spring benefit. -Captain and Mrs. Wollison wîlII be dinner guests of Mrs., Hubert Burn- ham of' Evanston before the, per- formance,. Mrs. Burnha*m bas taken. a. box for the evening, and is enter- taining her guests aboard the'Dixiana before the curtain rise .s on an even-ý ing of typically southern a musement. Many others interested in aiding the aliac1tae are to gîve dinner parties aboard the showboat that evening, and,. to add to the gala character of the evening and to upbold the show- boat tradition, many of tbe hostesses' are asking their guests to wear On April 13, at Medinab Atbletic "Di>amond Lil' costumes. club the Chicago Alumnae associa- The hostesses will include Mrs. J tion of Alpha Xi Delta sorority will Paul Clayton of: Winnetka, president hold its annual Founders Day lunch- of the Alliance, Mrs., Harry H. eon to commemorate tbe founding of Barnum of Winnetka, Mrs. Randali the organization at Lombard College Poindexter of Wilmette, Mrs. Vin-p on April 17, 1893, and especially to cent DeMessimy of Glencoe, .and Mèrs. hoîtot the prësence of many of the J. E-H~a1lowell of Evaatston. original founders. At .ea a *the.Drake.t 2 ni.'rlnrL *The North Side division group 2, is hostess for the luncheon.. Miss Marjorie Porter and Miss Madeline Wenger are in charge of the arrange- ments. Both the active at Northwestern university and the alumniae chapter will participate in honoring the foun- ders. The active chapter will present a .dramatic sketch of the founding and the aluninae chapter wiIl hold the format initiation of new members party. it at the school h, ngements f or the VUa at * LUC " atçe ai 4 O C5O4,C Friday afternoon this week, the workers will discuss their activities and hear reports on the ticket sale, wbich, it is said, bas been unusually. successful altbough the campaign bas just started. The benefit will be. the main point of discussion at a board meelting of the 'alliance -Th ursday, April 18,ý at the Orrington'hôtell. Be quaLltgimu sno. KuneProceeds Wil 9o toward two 8cholarships which the aluntnae g1Wve te icoliege each year.