j s.. "LOOkMOTHER-SE -U CHAMP! Whether Your ams proet ambition le to be a Pise fighter, a train brakeman, a football bero, a famous pitcher, or a tenn" sta-encourge hlm. TéE hm that he needs lots of sound:sleep and plenty of good food with pwre. whdlmume mllk if h. wants to be a top notcher. Depmnd on WIELANDPS for quality Mik, Cr.am, Choc. * olk ~- gpGf" WIELAND'S IRRADIATED VITAMJN D MILI( G.êd for the. whole family end for prot.cling chil- <r.o .g.inst rickfs. Order from esS,. *IELAND MilA Mane, or phone IVilmette 3029. PROTICTI bEv.,>Step of teh.' w.y Tes te Wili Tell .1/74 failed to get my Girl Scout flews in, so I. will do so now by writing up both meetings ini one item. .Tu esday, March 26, we bad an ex- citing treasure hunt. We had to find. some of the most absurd things. But al the, same it was just -loads of fun and -weal got a prize for- it. That meeting was closed with a breathless "Taps." Tuesýday of last week Our meeting really was a top-notcher. The first th 1ing we did was. go on a 16-mile bicycle hike. And mercy, w ere somne of us ever "saddle-sore"!, Then after the hike we camne back to thetroop and had a perfectly' delicious pot-. luck supper., Next we made ready our. beds, told- ghost- stories and . had pillow fights because we 'had, an oveenight. In 'the morning we had a fine -breakfast wbich Miss, Humph- ries and Miss Jones so nicely cooked' for us. Then came dlean-up and al the patrols fixed our troop in spick- -and-span oÈ4er. W. had more funa there at*that meeting than could be crowded into a circus.-Mary Jane McCue, scribe, TROOP 8 Our recent meeting was held af night at 7 o'clock. We went outside in a large field. We weren't told %Vhat we w'ere goiuig to do, but when told to get aIl the stones and «wood we could find, we guessed. We were to make a ire. We made a. small fi replace, took some dry grass and had our ire going with two matches. We weren't allowed to use paper. Theni we sat around the ire and got warm. As. soon as everybody was warm we played redlight, red rover,' and fox and geese. As soon as we, finished that we. sang "Taps" 'and went ý homne. We . were ýoutside al evening.-Yvonne Nistle. 1 TROOP 10 When we meeting, weý Miss Barkerà I.- - ýt - 1'1 ' arrived at1 our recent IL found the lieutenant,j alone. Mrs. Evers, our a ot there. We practiced Is( Miss H-umphries, led a discussion on the qualifications of a patrol lead- er.- The following qualifications were agreed upon. A patrol leader should be: 1, understanding; 2, cooperative; 3, present; 4, prepared; 5, on time; 6, in good humnor;, 7, trustworthy; 8, a good leader;, 9, a géood follower;' 10, of good personality; Il, interested in group; 12, a good sport. The. patrol leaders' promise is: "Remembering my Girl Scout promnise, 1 will put. m y patrol before myself, and *my troop. before my 'patrol." >It was decided that thé» group .wouId. meet the f ourth, Friday of every month. TOADSTOOL CLUB FRIDAY The Toadstool club will meet Fni- day morning at 9:30 o'clock at. Christ Chi rch Parish ho use, Win- netka. This club, is an organization made up* of ail Brown Owls and Tawny Owls in this district. They meet once, a month to exchange ideas. TAKE ORDERS FOR COOKIES Orders are now being taken for the annual Girl Scout cookie sale- delivenies to be made May 1 and 15. Badges and Awards Schedule Photography-*April -17 (Wednes- day), 3:30 p. mi., Girl Scout r oom, *Methodist church. Test to be aivi- .- r f, 0 A ik.;n .5a . m~. 1., ~.a .4 JVV 11111.S.L..a ve- nue, by Mrs. S. B. Groves,. Handiwoman-April 24 (Wednes- day), 4:.30'p. m., by H. Ringliolm, 1539 Lake avenue. When Girl, Scouts are ready for junior CitienJuraist and Elec- trician Badges. examinations, please caîl Mrs. ..E. Stark, Wilmette 870,> for an appointftient. relay. We came in and played orne more games. We sang "Wh.ite 'oral Relis" and ended out meeting ith "Taps."-Winifred J. Turner, COUNTRY CLUB I MILES WEST 0F DEERFIELO * -o-- Mrs. George Williams andi ber daughter, Eleanor, of 1137 Lake lave- nue, returnied Sunday fnom a visit to New Orleans and Natchez, Miss., which was having its annual garden. tour., Mrs. Ernest Bederman (Ruth Liv- ingston) of Springfield, Ill., is visit- ing ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Livingston, 215 Woodbine avenue. 0o- Mr.ý and Mrs. Frank Karsiake of Evanston are, movin.g to 520 Lake ave-. nue,,