Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1937, p. 66

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.71L3-ltp NKILP WANTED-MALE WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR 1 OR '2 young men, with good background' andi sales ability. An excellent oppor.. tUnitY to earn ,a- good. living on the North. Shore. Only those under. 26 easseeking a permanent connection need apply., Write B-189, Box 60, *Wilmette, Illinois. 7 2L3-1tpi FILLING STATION -ATTE;NDANT * Thorpugh'ly familiar with the business and wlth- Winnetka. Write B1,90, Box 60, Wilmette, 1Iii 721,TN3-1tp ROUTE BOYS WANTED AppWýl Winnetka ý News Agency,. 566 Centerý St., Winnetlta. 72L3-ltlp HELP WTrD.-MALz AND FEMALE FPAMILY 0F 9 WANTS EXPERT- enced couffle. white.or colored, must have A-i references and good employ- ment record. Do flot appiy unless will- ing, capable, and reltable. Phone Kenil- worth 4521 Sunday after 10 A.M. pre- pared to give references covering9 at, ieast last 5 yms. empioyment. 73ILTN3-Itc For Best North Shore Homnes 10 experienced couples * '50 experiènced~ girls Top wages Cal Winnetka 361,3 Central Employmient Agency 73LTN3-Ite 4 wirs 10 o~5 * 2 fountain n$17'fi- to $18.. Also club poseiÙons, Cali Winnetka 3613 *Central Employmnie. Agency * . 73LTN3-ltc outboard imotor-will sel for $55.. Tack-L-Tyers. Uni. 3692. Mr. Johnson, 7i8B-LTN3-1 tc FOR RENT-IROOMU 2. ROOMS 984 Cherry Winnetka, 1114 821I,'N3-ltp SLTNNY, ROOM- IN' LINDE N CREST F011 LADY NR.. TRANS. WILMETTE 3329. LARGE, NICÉLY FURNISHED 110OM NEAR TRANSPORTATION. (,EýNTLEMAN ,PREFERRED., WINNETKA 2337. BRIGHT, PLEASANT FURNISHED room and private bath for business man or..woman 'la private residence 3 Ilocks to stations.. Phone Winnetka.415.. 82LTN3-ltp ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHIED FRONT roomn. East, side, nice quiet -location. Near transportation. Reasonabie. Phone MWilmet.te 446. 2LTN34tp IGH T, AIRY FRONT BEDROOM. .Twin beds. % block from Winn. sta- tion. 554 Central 'St., S outhi apt. Wlnn. 2589, cail after 6 -P.M. 82LTN3,-ltp. Room for Onie Gentleman Cîpse to transportation., Winnetka 3M9. 82L3-ltp PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITH 3 windows. and private bath, ln private' 4iome, 3 blocks to stations. Phone Win- netka 41-5., . 82L3-Itp' 4 NICE ROOMIS A iD BATH, HE ATEFD: screened porch andi garage. $38. '515. Oakdale Avenue, Gi.encoe 1776f'. 921,TN3-1tp, .32 MINUTES TO THE LOOP. NEW m ioder 6 rms., sun paî'lor, garage, cçhurches, schoolsi, garden spacc. J1115 M. Dunton St., Arlington Hlts., 111. ATTRACTIVE, ROOM iOR RESI- dencein apartmient building. Central location. Phone Wilmette 23. or Wii. 2427. 9 '21TN2-4tip 2 RM. KITrCHENETTE,7 APARTME.'NT $25 1008 Oakwood Avenue,, WjImette 92LTN3-'2ti FOR RiNT-FURNISHED ApTSi. FOR RENT AT WILDFLOWER J)ELL Two 3î roomn kitch, apts.,, beaut. furn. Gas, light, heat, elec. refrig. anid wash. macehine, furn. 2 hlks. froin C. & N. MI-,. ta. and ail sh Rl.lent, $50 and $00. Phone. Wilmetté 2791. '1021 Centrýal Ave., Wil. 911LTN:i-ltp) SPANISIU COTTRT ON LAKE 1 ANI) 2/ ROOM vrFUTRN. APART- zients, reasonable rental. Phone Har- 93LTNI-itp 1100OM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 1601 lot], St. First apartment. Phone Wilmette 101. 93LTN3-ltp WANTED TO RENT-FURN. APTS. YOUNG PROF. MAN WITH OFFICE in ioop desires to ent furn. apt. 2-3 rooms during Jtine, JuIy and Aug- Winnetka pref. Or might consider rm. in. private home. State price, family, particulars, B-176, Box 60, Wilmette, Ili. 9,5 13 - 1 1 ES. WISDOM & Co. 97LT'IN3-Itp VlT 1$T U- prt.4ty mon ii Oring- ton Seltool district. 4 bedrm. i bathi adextra'lav. on ist floor. Rleducd, to per,'O0 ne Mrs. liright, UiI. 9500 971,TN:,-1tc ýN 1C ' C,6- itO(>M H OUSE. 2 Il 0R11HE. s, e:xtra large living roonm Nvit l ,le' Oul heat. $75 cr miontih. Naticy L'viii- son, \\Wintietkat 269. 971 rN3-111t MODIIN ENGLISFI IC OL 0 N 1IA .\i home. 7, rooms, 2 tiUe' Wat s, at tehe'f.i gar.N rlake, $90.00. NroillK- Sii tt phonle MVIL. 500. . 7I/31 t. FOR RENTr-FURtNISHED HOUSES NVW 'SUMMFIR IIEN'1'ALS TALL EUIULTtE SA I tlîis lovely rast: Keniiworth 1<1' availàble for July ind, Aug. at $2 75 nionth. 4 miaster bedrz'... 2 b, maid's quarters. 2 pclles. Keniiworth 5288. WANTED TO RENT-HOUE OCT., lst FOR 2 0Î-3 YEARS EN Wînneittka or' Kenilworth., Vemy de- siîrabl-.' Gentile family wants 4 mastcr- be drooms, 2 mald's, 3 baths. 011 heýat. \Will pay $200.00 per mTnh. MýýcGUIRE" & ORR, Ine. Over 43 Years of Dependabie Service :128 Park Ave., Giencoe Giencoe 13 99LTN3-ltco FOR RENT-STORES AND' OFFICES SMALL OFFICE OR SUI SUITABLE FOR TEACHING NMUSIC. Central business~ location. Phone WiI- tra nsp, -Memlorial Day Specials '3-3. Chevrolet roadster, very clean, n ew tires and top .'.......$265 '33 Dodge sedan, very nice........ 345 '3.1 Ford R. 'S. coupe, new tires, original paint ..........160, '31 Auburn sedan ............155 '36 Chrysler 4 door touring sedan, radio, hieater. Like new throughi- out...........................695 '34 Dodge 4 door deluxe sedan. '6Radio, heater................. 44,5 '6Plymoutht deuxe, trunk... 54~5 1933 DFLI'XE P.B. PLYMOUTH COACH, New ABrakes, Good 'lres& Motor, Radlio, n-eater. Fl4IRT $275 CASH TAKES IT PliONE -G1LENCOE 1325 77Â-LTN3-Ite NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, ONE block fromi tranisp. Gentleman' pre- ferred. Winnetka 3328.. 82LTN3-ltc FOR RENT-LT. HSKPG. ROOMS_ FURISHD.SLEEPING ROMOM AND kitchien. le.cttric refrigeration.. Suit- able for 2. Phione Wilmiette .3804. 1 FUR'INISHED ROOM\1WITT{. KIT-' chunette. inee 2543. After 6 P.M. only. ..84LTN3-1tp 3 RM. HEATED A'T. 1937 WILMNETTE 1Ave.. Also -for sale-G6 rm. house at. lorthbmook,. hot water heat,' $6,500. Phone Wilmette 4978.. 92LTN3-ltp FOR RENT-IIOUSis PERFECTION' 1the' lovely white Colonial ýexterior of this new hou.se, the ,be-autiful plajntin, larZe ,ohl treeq, ecarefully thought ouit floor. plan. lovely wlinding tarwy lit)rary with frplcand bay .%In- dow, open porch off both li iving room and dininpý roota. beautiful views in aIl direotlos-you mutiet ~the place SOUTH F'EAST WINNETKCA. RENT; OR sd.July Tht, (3 rms.. stuicco on hiollo'w ti1e. 3 bedr., 2 htd. pcs.zar., conv. to schs. and trans.. $100. Winn. 16,19. 97T,3-1 tp lhiEr-h shol. rms. .New decra-. tions, bpautiful' Qliruhbc.riv. Car.P- !~son Okt. 1. F., Paivlik, Jr.. Keni lorth 2016. 7LTN3-1tp Open for.'InsI)eCtion SufndIa., Mday 30th, 2:30 Ito, 6 Must be sold within a week. He "Iure to see this 8-roomi, 2 bath home( in Northeast loctin.Weil built, but needs decorating; bias newv oi1 burner; garage; 50 ft.. wooded lot; nr. school; Offered Byelow Valuie OWNETI' RAS PURCHÀSED LARGER 6home and wislies to selI his attractive 6rmn. Col., ail large rooms, ex. la v. Ist fi., 'H. W. oiI ht., ec. rm. Term's. Price MILTON E..REID & CO, 156 Center St., .Winn. 1492, -WiI. 771 11LbTN3-ltp1ý *1 4 A

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