A homle for YoUr Landloî' AN 1) 1)11) YOU KN()W THI * Youir Reîît Wonv\il]I-Nu, Anx- of ThesefHones fo y.a ? w Ail art, brick-aIl w e1i lovatd-ýall have. 2 or 31 baths, with extra. lavatory' &toilet-a .Il hiave 2-car igarage-ýaIl c<)impletely redecorated. NVe WillI.show them to ý'Ôii today. TliE-Y will b. <open. for, yofr éon- vteniencle frein 246 on Sund y, June t. ih.»Theý Hd(dresses ae 26-20.Jincolnwood Dl-." E vanst onl 1200 Oak St.., inek '54 Dmndec Rd., GItce INC. V ,71 i khrinan Avt-nue î*:vanston ~Vil. 260.2 11 1,'7N 4- ltc 14,000.o Winnetka. 715 SPECIAL VALUES WINNETKA-4 bedrms, 2,bths. on Ige. lotin -fine east location.,We- offer at $14,5 00. Brk. Coonial.'17 xrms., IY2 bths. H . W oil ht. Glazed pch. Fine lot. .1-car gar. Nr. hlgh schl. Priced to.seil at $12,500. Owner .desires off er. 1KENILWORTH-3 bedrms., 2 tile bths. brkfst. rm. and laàv, On lst fI. Finei brk. -horfe and 2-car gar. Conv. to ail schls. and transp. Asking $21,000. XV1hMETrE-Brk. home 0f, 3 bedrnis.,. 2 bths. and 1-car attaçhed gar. H. W. coal >ht. Very conv. to 'transp. and lake.Owner wants offer around $ 12,5'00. EI4MER E.,STLJLTS, INC. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 HERE 1LS HOME LXeEIINLYWELL BUILT ixL rooni brick on quiet street in East. ,Wilmette., Canvaged mails and ceilings on flrst fioor;, woodburning firepflace, sunny kitchen with large, doubleý drain , 4n2tk,. etpisoards, and buiti refrigturation. New ohl burner. *Large heated garage. Suni and *sleeping porches. Not a new building, but moder'n. SHORE,ý'-TOW,ýNS REAI1,'1)Y CORPORATION 11 1603 ,,Chicago Avenue, Evanston (ire. 2700 Wil. 608 Rôg. Pk. 6636. 111LTN4-ltc 1BUY, FOR LESS, >ivi1xIS. I& u$i4i4, 11f. EXCLUSIVE. AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave., Evans. Wi. 2486 1iLTN4-ltc PERFECTION IN THE LOVFLY WHITE COLONIAL, exterior ofthis new house, the beau- tif ul planting, large. old trees. A lovely, windlng staircase, library with fireplaee and bay window, open pcb. off living roomn and dining room, scenie beauty ln ail directions. You miust see to appre- ,cate ail the details ln this 5, bedrm ,' 4%, bath,..air condltio.ned-oh b.eat house. For sale or'for rent furnished (charM- ingiy> for the sum mer. BAUMANN-COOK EXýCLUSIVE AGENTS' 553 Lincoin Avenue. Winnetka 3 150 111LTN4-mltc FOR -A *REAL COMFO RT- able six room home wlth heàted, sun p arlor.. Three bedrooms, two -car garage. LocateBd, on nice wooded lot, close to schools, transportation and shopping. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORRpfATrIONT 1603 Cbicago Avenue, Evanston (ire. 2700. WIl. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 llLTN4-ltc RIPARIAN RIGHTS RES. ON OVER 13OX600 FEET 0F. WON- derfully wooded, landscaped grounds surrounded by beautiful homes. The bouse ls of solld brick, 5 master bed- rooms, 2 master baths, 3 servants' rms., and bath, 3 extra lavatories; 2 spaclous porches; I-. W. o011 heat;, 3-cal' gar.; perfect white sandy beach. Under $60,000-the lowest .priced riparlan resi- frame home on1 lt 1,5xl87 I. L. igL trees, extensive gardens. H.'W. heat and is otherwise modern. Garage. Ill health prom pts.owner to sel at value of land. MeGUJIRE & *ORR, INC. Over 43 Years oft Depend able Service 530 Davis, St.,. fEvanston. Greenleaf 1080 * . 111LTN4-ltc IM-MEDIATE POàSSSSION BANNOCKBÙRN. 3bedrooms, 3 baths (2 tlle), another bedroom _possible. Studlp living room, library, difnlng room, breakfast rom, oil hot water heat (cost, $150), .2-car garage. Construction common brick. % acre, wooded. 'Taxes.,.$120. New FHA, $100 per month $100.rce1800 *WYATT &COONS 106Waukegan Rd., Glenview-, Ph. 81 l1LTN4,-ltc ATrTRACTIVE 9. ROIOM HOUSE, large roomns; Glazed sun ro baths.. Hot W. 011 heat. 2 icar, atts garage. About % acres of grouný regular. Beautifully landaoaped. City National A enc OF E~VANSTON, IC 800 Davis St. Rm. 400 Gre. iliLTI' East. Winnetka, $9 ,50( ON BEAUTIIIJLLY WOODED 64x149 ft. Close to sohools & sL b3 e ichn 1bedrms.. 2 baths. heated su Stc 55,' ove and General Elec BAUMANNý EXCLUSIVE A 3 incoln Avenue ALL tached, id, Ir- .1412 N4-ltc, )o LOT tation. anrin., rgar. pines tilde ' stie charming sinall house .froin the streeýt. Suit- able for a' snall family. 6 large roomis, 3 baths, terrace. The tire- floored dining room looks over ,a formnat gar.dén with pergola, o rnamiental well and rôws of tulip's. Hou e au easlly be onarged. Fence around pirop- erty. M'rs. Enilier & Wîi Pickarcî 716 Elii Street .Wlnnetka *WVlfintka 3603 University 7444 (*ai us for an appointment and ask for Mr. Bradstreet. sniýal flousce in traade. open for inspection Sunday afterrrooni. Caîl us for address. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Wlnnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 111LTN4-ltc -We Invite You to Sec THIS BEAUTIFUT- HOME At Any T'irne THIS ENGLISU HOUSE. Wooded Lot 99x200 FT. WITH COZY 5-ROOM bungalow ln perfect order. Complete. modemn bath, enclosed porch. At- tached garage. Gas heat. Easy financing. McGUIRE & ORR, INC. Over 43 Years of Dependable ServIce 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Glen. 13 111LTN4-lte TTrTDTý TIT TO 3 bdrms., slp. porch, foot lot. House ln e Sale Price- Frances J. 90.2 Spruce Street WM*inneka 1267- 111lLTN4-ltc 175 LAKE ST, GLENCOE 7'ROOMS-2 BATHS ATT. GARAGE,, glazed porch, hot wAter oil heat. Lot 55x89-$18,000. City National Agency 0OP FVANSTON, INC. 9 - 00 ais StQê nm. 400 ar. 1412 $28,500, cost $45,000 MCGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Ove' 4 'Yarsof ependa'ble Service 530 Davis St. Evanston 22 Gre. i8~Wh 2 I11LTN4-t RM 3 RICX DUTCH. COLONIAL. Siae rof.().l tý,'2-àTgar. 3 blks. S. 1 le R-of.01 it $27carKenll. 5540. Keni R R.OnI $1~d.i11LTN4-Itc off The' fer.I BILLS REALTY, Lie. 7 rom houe, garage on lot, 100y.17,>5. IK»2NILWý 529 Davis S3t., Evanston Near churches, stores, * stations, Book V Gre. 1166--WIL, 3740 achools. 1761 Dewes. Avenue. I 50 ft.. $2,1 l1!L'rN4-ltC 111LTN3-4tp1 IVE: BLUE are bargain. 40. 114LTN4-Ite 1 -