-or: Year 1935.........$7,382 ORDINAXCE'INO. 1800 A-n Ordinance amendlng Ordiniance No. 1772% passéd and approved by the President and Board* 0f Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, Illinois, on the 30th day 0f.April,, 1935, andpuba- llshed May 9,, 1935,; entitled: "An -Ordinanee amending an ordinance knoWn*as ordinance No. 1281 passed by the President and Board' of, Trustees of the Village of Wllmette on the 23rdday 0of February A: D. 1922, entitled 'An Ordinance toý *classify, regulate. and: restrict the location of trades'anidIndustries and the location of buildings: designed, for specified uses and to regulatè and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected, to. regi-, late and limit the lntenslty of the use of lot areas,' and to regulate and determine.the area ofyards, courts and 'other open, spaces within: and surrounding such buildings, and to establlsh the boundaries 0; f districts for the said purposes and p rescrib- pe~çnalies for the violation of its niance ový the ed and appro,% Board of Tri. 'linette on the s rorLIme sau pui lng. penalties for provisions," be an by amnènded as folio strlklng from Se thereof, the foîlI ises under the h merclal, Districts":, ýy 0f February Ordinanco. t open spaces Lzch buildings;, daries of dis- eses a.nd pre- violation of the same Is n,2 of Article. ,ng described ing of«"'B' an1el's Sub- nd two (2), ýtte Village 42) North, ast of the Geenerai vTaxes General Taxes General Taýxes General Taxes General Taxes General. Taxes Proportion > f Roadî Year 1928........ Year 1929........ Year 1930........ Year 1931........ Year 1932.... ........... Year 1933 ........ ........ Year 1934......... Year '1935. . . . Bridge Taxes--1928- 1935 Ls:Commission withheld by ToWnshilp Colector................ Sale :of Tax Anticipation Warrants Agaimxt: 19-36 TaxL -oroaeFuiids... ,..:> 1936 Tax l.evy--Playgrouiid Fund .816,27 2,403.08 7,656.01 4 '942.95 4.,008.52 7,649.82 19,644.82 430.44 $163,125.62 s 83,350.00 5,950,00 $ 89,300.00 Fromn Treasurer of Special Funids: For Redemption by General Fund of 1435 Tax Anticipation Warrants and Accrued Intvres*týt thereon, lssued by.: Wllmette Free Public Llbrary: Principal....................$ ,0.3 Interest, .......... ...........132,3 Playgrounid and Recreation Fund: Principal ..................... 6,200.00 Int.. i 74.-90 5m 33. 6:: Prom Wa.er Fund: Adva.noes to (;eiieiral Fuiid .Repaynment by water Ëunld 'Jof pIi 1 yee ri Fu nd...... 1 , 838.ý27 From Other Funds: Water Revenue Bonds and A(ccrued friasr~t thereon, sold to Pension Funds . .., $ 050 Expense Chargeable to Motor Fuel Tax Fund !83. 19 qpecial Assessinent; Repayment of adviui(-s t' qpecial Assessment No. 47 ... 616 $5, 7 40.4 5 Freni Village Collector: Geijeral Fund; Vehicle LIcenses.......,$22140 Traffic Fines...........1150 Street Opening Deposits 2,2X 7.5 0 Street Qpenings...................415.75 Sidewaik Permnits ,. . . . . . 65.00 Misc. Road and Bridge ]»-pt. Tncomn- . 320 Licenses: Garage and Purnp................- Cigarette..................825 Catch Basin Cleaners ................75.00 Ice and Milk Ièaler,................470,00 nd Dyers......... ýrs............~ . . - I o W l'buffer 1* pre-fesl'ed for keeping qualifies? Se. inside bock page.. $1,652.28 TOTAL ItECEIPTS ......... ........>.. TOTAL 1'UEASUYRER'S BALANCEMAy 1,1 1936 AND RECEIPTS TO APRIL 30, 1937 ..... DISBURSEMENT51 General Taxes Remitted te Treasurer of $tecial Funds:ý Wilmnette Free Public Library ................5897 PlaYground and Recreation Fund . . . .8,964.43 Flremnen's Pension Fund.................... .... 81.28 aITor asUtil~ wlil refund t, Acoept no ut ROGERS PARK ýUNI VERIIIT Wl. CA"LiI Ys Only Storage eOffers >ut ( 521 Main Stfr Phe mette 32 $411,322.40 $4«S,90-9 1 I.UOTÎ