Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1937, p. 9

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* Forty-six students, from .suburbs of Northern- Illinois will graduate from .Northwý,estern university at the seven- ty-ninth commencement. exercises to beheld in Dyche stadium, Saturday a ft er iiooni, un e 12; WXilliami Allen White, editor of the Emporia Gazette of. Emporia, .Kan sas, will deliver the coinnàenceme nt ad- drcss. The baccalaureate address.will be given bv, the. Rev. Hugli Elmer Brown, pastorofthe First Congre- gational. chur-ch of. Evanston. The services will be lield Friday evening, Julie 11, in -dte, First MethodisIt chrhof Evanston. A total of 11,560 degrees xvwiii beý ayarded, by the University at this year 's. commencement- which will clinmax ai)tsy ro und of pro.gradua- tionrfestivities. Evanston -w4li *be filled to ovcerflowinig during the week prece(ling the commencement. Thous- ands of \v,,itors will be on hiand, in- cl'ùdiîig arenits an~d friends of senior~s as well as alunini returning for Alumini Day vhc wili. be held Sat- tirdav. T'le tudents froin Nx' vTrier are: ~I:ry ùule Ie inan, ý20 'eda P:ctIrof Science. ilil . SIpurgeonýi, 103ý Bluff ro.ad, court, Bachelor of Science. Dudle Ra1 lph Vaneklaseîi, 721 Ninth stréet, B3achelor of Science. Paul Sêhueike Venekiasèni, 721 Ninth street, Bachelor of Science., Local Studen ts Will Gradua te' at. Illinois U. Wihnthe, next four days Corn- mencement exercises for the colleges and schools of the University of Ilii- nois, both at Urbania-Champaign' and in Chicago, will sig nalize academnic attainmient -for approximately 2,100 yQu!ng men, and young womnen who have s'petit the early years of their. lives seeking. higher educatiorn.. 'Monday mnorning, Junle 14, sorte 1,800 degrees iwill be avvarded on the downstate campus. Approximnately 370 ý'vill receive degrees at the Comi- mencement exýercise 's for the Qolleges of Mlecicitie,,Deitistry, and Pharmnacy Fridav norning, june 11, iii the Civic Opera building in Chicago. Willard Ib Speaker Dr. Arthur Cutts Willard, who be- camie president of the University w~hile today's seniors were stil! fresh- mien, il deliver the Commencement xall. In' an effort to retain his hold 1 el~ ol you bow this continue% upon the stretcher and prevetijryCt nz uac C'.bOt4% to the patietiihhhe wa 1sc. at A-plus by Best'.. Coast-te., nteinved fre a u Aiuhorizd representatiorn sud srvice. cessful. he rcve.thiefrcue 246-Hig4land Park 147--Dieerfield HAIýS f4Z mli' Treat yourself to our new gorgeously. complete selection. Straws, Linens, Feits., Pa n'ama S, etc. 19 to$7 0 =Miss McMalion af Worthen ,S Wilmefte .588' Il148 Wilmeotfe, nue,. neof S cîen-ee in Engineering.. Wiliam FIH Hulsw~it, -235 Mary streut, I>e.rof I"hîlo'ophy. K E N 1L'W oRT11 John F1" Btec ki nn:'60 Sterling road, Ic lo l Sin. u e iniCmmre Mari A.X Beebe, 74' Cummiiings, Bavlhtlor of S ieefin Journalisiu., ,Villiam B Binie 716 al-nve nue, Bachelor ofAr. .Iane \lcntosh, 521 R myn rad, Bachulor of Arts. WI N N E T K A Ethel V. Anderson, 17N AMyrtie street, Bachelor of Science. J. Paul Clayton, Jr., 113Piet street, at. the exercises for the Chicago 'dlvi- sion s of the University. * Baccalatireate s e r v i c e s for the downistate colleges xiii be held at 4 o'clock Sunidav il, the George Huff gymnasium, at whichi Prof. Williami Lyonis Pheips of Yale will deliV.er the address. Commnencemea.t On. Air Both the Urbaiia-Chiamipaign om menicemelit anid baccalaureate exer- Sufe-Flex EIlec'ric Fants Saf, Rubber Blades. Gives3% More Breeze $3.97$7-95 Squibb's tilocolLte VITA- VOSE 12 oz. v Fil U1loVl*iieryiieJ tu C ý9L avenue, Jurjs Doctor. Virginla Rotge HaYS, 519 Laurel ave- nue, Bacheloi% of Science.. .Howard Archibald Hindley, 1035 Lake avenue, Bachelor of Sciene in Comn- Hele,,r'G. janows, 401 Sheridan road, WiIrnetfe end Il.ICentral- 5 iiaaiauiaaimumiaauuuaiamaua r uuur.mmis~v Wilm.t1. 2S I N pi. t~ienco r oste. . .. -'.

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