ON SALÉ' PINTIL SATURD AY NIRNT FRESH YOUNG CORN-FED 6 RIO CUT Finest quality. Delicious ai der. Try if for your Sunday ten e Trerminal Ecka.rt Sluggers 'Hardware Blues Ab R HAbR il Coale,3b .4 2 1 Molter,c 3 2 1 Potter,ss 5 1 2 1(ulp,ss 4 2 3 FrIssell,lb 4' 1 O Hiùsch,If 2 2 0 Bayard,lf S 1.4 Gregory,cf . 5 0 1 Keefer,cf .3 2 1 Halliwell,p 5 1 .1 SIamin,2b 4 0 1 Llggett,3b 4 1 Ful,rf 3 1 1 Moore,2b . 2-1i2 Gruhnc 4 1 3 Carp'nt'r,ib 3 1 O Bowers,p 3. 0-ilLulius,rf -4 2Z 1 35 914 3212 10 1 2 e 4 5. 6 7-T Terminal Blues O 0 8 0O-3 1 0-12 Èekart Sbjuggers 1 -2 2 0 O 2 2- 9 Strikeouts: Bowers, il; HalliwelI, 8. Bases on balis: Bowers, 8, Halliwell, 6. SDouble Plays: Carpienter unassisted; Silamin, to Frisseil.Winning pitcher:' Ha:lliweII; loôsing pitche r: -Bowers. HOLD COMMENCEMENT* John J. Hattstaedt'of Winnetka is head of the Amnerican Conservatory of Music which will hold its fifty- first annuial commencement exercise.s and, concert at Orchestra Hall on Tuesday evenciing,. June. 15, at 8 0o'clock. A program will bc presented ,by .artists of, the. oiservary-asîist-. ed by the f ull Amnerican Conservatory Symphony orchestra under the direc- tion of Herbert Butler. The honorary degree of Doctor of Music will. be conferred upon Osbourne McConathy of Glen Ridge,. N. Y., and Leon Same- tini of Chicago. ATTEND GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Haas, lark avenuleare livîna Uridavr ,621 lwth~I Pupils playi.ng are: Jimmie Brewer, Gail HIuffaker, Bobby Fisher, Ruth Fisher, jack Blackburn, Martha Mecklenburger, Rosemary *O'Grady,. Marilyn Menden, Helen Emrich, Ann Mendeisson, Carol, Dempsey Enim Lou Stekali, Harry' Coon, ýEleanor, Coon, Charles Wells,, joseph Klee, Patricia Pauschert, . Mary Ellen Woods, Bud .McManus, ' , Mrjorie -Wiley,, Peggy, Rector, janet .Buist, jean Hypes, Ann Bolding, Maýry Ellen M.urray, Orville Warwick,. Carol War- wîck,,Edward- Warwicke, Brian Todes, Marjorie Christiansen, *Dorothy Erics- son,, Christopher Beebe, Nanct Wroc, Shirley Wroe,- Joan Tutour, Alice Carlson, MaryHurlbut, Joan Castie, Dorothy Wilso.n, Howard Martin1, Shirley McCarthy, Joau , Emrich, Jane Felsenth al,.,-Nancy Windes, judson Martin, Ba rbar King, Jeanette Frankenst'ein, Clifton Stowers, Billy Reimer, Béech Beebe, Hope Moeller, Barbara Below, Patsy Taylor;, Rose- mnary flrumn, Gay Tuttie, TFréddy Kirschnick, Nancy Mae Ward, 'Carol Ericsson, Arlene Levy, Nancy Har-- .ness, Joyce Rothermel, Gertrude Windes, Leila Fotust. Elizabeth Youngen, Helen Kuh, Mariorie Wil- liams, Julianne Norris.' and Phvllis. Babb. Parents and friends are -cor- dial.ly invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Kauffuian, 515 Washinkton, avenune, arrived borne NAMILOAF E3 3' BZ2CF - VF.AL - PORIC FOR FRESHLY PER c MEAT LOAF * CROUND LB. OSCAR. MAYgR~S MINCZD Cent ral Avenue DIOScoveredoi The "impossible" ý'fishi OCEAN PERCH ((rom the Atlanstic~ ) m ..0 . box 23,0 kernels-farm-fresà, serves 4 j