I FIR ST Cordi Ily in o tèpu.blié t0 attend FREE LECTURE ON -CHRISTIAN.SCIENCE By, PROF. HERMANN S.ý HERING, C. S. ýB. 0oF:BOSTON, mASSACHluSETTS, Member of the-ba4rd of Lctuireship ofIThe. Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, inBoston, Massachustt IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE BEACH ROAD AND GREENLEAF AVENUE. GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Tuesday Evening, June [1 1937 -AT -EGHT OLC Those hearing a Christian Science lecture for thie first time'or those having spedial requirements may obtain seat reservations frorn the attendanit in the Reading Room at 339 Park Avenue, Glencoe. Shou'n above are thse eiqht representatives of thse Norh ýShore Women 's Lacrosse associ ation who >Iayd in the Pif th annual National tourzamnft at Boston. La crosse Stars- Win Acckim iný E astern Eventsý Two of the eight representatives of the North Shore Womneus Lacrosse association who traveled to Boston#, Mass., recently1 to participate in the fifth. annual national tournament car- ried off the coveted, honor of winning positions on the AII-American First and AiI-American Reserve teams. Front, row, (Icf t to right) Miss"Eliza- beth- Healy , Evanston;. Mrs. Robert .Winckler, Winnetka; Miss Jean Van Ardsdale, Evanston; Miss. Eieen, Rus- MIU Glencoe. Back row, (left to rigfit) Miss Paula Kellogg, _Winnetka, selected as a mem- ber of 4Ise Ail American Reserve team, at Boston;* Miss Eleanor Huif, Evanston;1 Mrs. Errett Graham, Evanston; Miss Jane- Adair, Kenilworth, president and captain of the North Shore Women's Lacrosse association, selected for the fourth consecutive year on the Ail-Amer- ican First team, at the National tourna.: ment in Boston. 1AA.t~AM4 .Although having played the game nly two years, Miss Paula Kellogz, f Winnetka, has steadily forged Lhead to stellar ranki'ig. and at Bos- on was acclaimed by the sélection ,omxittee of the national association, s a miember of the AlI-American Zesérve team. The match played hetween these wo teams on Monday afternoon of ast wek. was tue.high-light of the Wimiette., was one of the exhiDitors in the thirty-sixth annual show of students' work in the. studios of the Chicago Acadeniy of Fine Arts, 18 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, June 3, 4, 5 and 6. As a student this year in the art essent als course, Miss Bower. bas been acquiKg a groundwork on which to build later a career insome TIEFI 1616 Orrington L SHOP 1607. Sherman ,NSTON ati is Is aiu tto Derapill urp sing ýviss W'viuureu Dggs. hockey in popularity. This is truc, An exhibition game featuring rnany also,. to a great extent in the eastern of the outstanding' players of th-e part of. the country. country, will be played at New Trier Locally, is it now being taught -atý High., school during the National New ýTrier Highi school *under Miss, Hockey tournament, at Thankigiving JenAdi; othSore Country time, it is announced.;